PSU Magazine Fall 1999
SIMON BENSON HOUSE Send tax deductfble donations to Friends of Simon Benson House, P.O. Box 1326, Portland, OR 97207. •for brick or other information, call S03- 72S·8209 or 1·800-547-8887, ext. 8209, or check our Web site: -.alumnL Portland State University PSU Magazine P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 ake this vision a reality! We 're excited about renovating the historic Simon Benson House to become our new campus alumni and visitors ' center. And we can do it-with your help. PSU President Dan Bernstine 'R~U~umni LAssociation POIULAND STATE l)NIVERSITY CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED , . .... Help us bring a piece of Portland's history to campus and restore its classic beauty. Donate $100 and get a personalized brick* that will go in the garden adjoining the Benson House. Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Portland, OR Permit No. 770
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