PSU Magazine Fall 1999

<he Simon Benson Awards are given to those who have helped shape the spirit of the region, who have contributed to the culture and vitality of the region, and who exemplify the spirit of philanthropy. SIMON BENSON AWARD PORTlAND STATE U NIVERSITY Simon Benson was chosen to exemplify Portland State University's awards because of his early philanthropy in the Portland area. T HE INAUGURAL Simon 'Benson Wwards~nner KEYNOTE SPEAKER General Colin Powell, USA (Ret.) A WARD RECIPIENTS Paul Bragdon Former President of Reed College and the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology. JeanVollum A noted philanthropist who has made major,donations to several Oregon institutions of higher education. HONORARY CHAIRS Gwyneth Gamble Booth James DePreist Gerry Frank Mark 0. Hatfield Arlene Schnitzer Tuesday, November 16 $150 per pe rson. Advance reservations required. For more information, call 725-4478 FALL 1999 PSU MAGAZINE 23