PSU Magazine Fall 1998

'Q/ Victor Alikin is the vice presi– dent and chief finan cial officer at SARIF, Inc. , an electronic display manufacturer in Vancouver, Washington. Leonard Cogan is a sales associ– ate with Prudential Northwest Properties, a residential real estate sales firm in Portland. Michael Green MBA '90 is vice president of technical services at Pacific Info Systems, a tech– nology firm in Beaverton. Daniel E. Ross is a system analyst with Emery Worldwide, an air freight company. Ross lives in Portland. Joan E. Sanford MS is a learn– ing spec ialist at Centennial Middle School in Portland. Karen E. Thomspon is a certi– fied consultant at Midwest Systems Consultants, a Timberline software authorized dealership in Western Spring, Illinois. Thompson writes, "I relocated to Chicagoland and started position May '97." Robert C. Thompson and Cathleen "Cathy" (Peloquin) Thompson '92 own Thompson Bookkeeping Service in Lake Oswego. Dan Houf is the vice president and principal of Harper Houf Righellis, Inc., an engineering and planning consulting firm in Portland. Daniel Mueller MT is share– holder at Jones & Roth, P.C., a CPA firm in Forest Grove. Barbara Cogan Neidig MBA is the director of sales and market– ing at Cogan Books and Eclectic Press, a book distribu– tor and publisher in Portland. Neidig has two children, Harper, 5, and Cecile, 3 . Patricia "Patty" Rueter is a planning specialist with the city of Portland Bureau of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services. Rueter is an IMS Community Fellow. Samuel du Plessis is the finan– cial administrator with the U.S. District Court, District of O regon. du Plessis is also presi– dent of rhe O regon Stare Mortuary and Cemetery Board. Timothy "Tim" Knight is a corporate engineer with Babier Brothers, Inc., a Portland manu– fac turer of precast concrete products. Mark Simnitt is an account executive at Jack Nadel, Inc., a promotion agency in Portland. Mindy Vo is a quality assuran ce engineer at Mobile Information Systems, Inc., a software devel– opment company in Sunnyvale, California. LI Virgie Lorenz is a language an s and social studies reacher at Hillcrest School of O regon in Salem. Paul Sherman is a clinical engi– neer with the Veterans Administration Medical Center in St. Louis. 0 Noriko Iwasaki MA is a doctoral candidate ar rhe University of Arizona in Tucson. Catherine La Fave-Wright is a mental health counselor in the U. S. Army and is currently serving overseas. J Dan Adams is an account exec– utive at The Business Journal in Portland. Karen Bassett is managing editor and a writer at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas. Maxine Gail Hudgins is a social worker and recipient rights advisor at Franklin Wright Settlements, Inc., a human service agency in Detroit, Michigan. Hudgins also is enrolled in the master of social work program at Wayne Stare University in Detroit. CONNECT WITH YOUR FUTURE You take it seriously, and so do we. ProfessionalDevelopment Programs in Human Services & Education Child and Adolescent Treatment Domestic Relations Mediation Educational Administration/Leadership 2000 Telecourses for educators Special Education (on- & off-campus) Business Multimedia Professional Human Resources Management Training & Development Executive Assistant Place acall to your future: 72-LEARN School of Extended Studies PORTIAND STATE lJNIVERSITY FALL 1998 PSU MAGAZINE 25