PSU Magazine Fall 1995

EDITOR Kathryn Kirk land CONTRIBUTORS Dorothy Connet '68, Myrna Ouray, C larence Hein '65, Janis Nichols, Pat Scott, Pat Squire, Douglas wanson, Brian White CALENDAR EDITOR June Speaks DESIGN Terry Daline EDITORIAL OFFICE 325 Cramer Hall P.O. Box 75 1 Portland, OR 97207-0751 (503) 725-4451, FAX: (503) 725-4465, E-MA IL: ADVERTIS ING SALES (503) 725-4451 ALUMNI RELATIONS OFFIC E Pat Squire, Director Ben Schonberger, Assistant Director 239 Mill Street Building P.O. Box 751 Portland , O R 97207-075 1 (503) 725-4948 ALUMN I BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jo Ann Smith '90, President J im Aalberg '72 Steve Amen '86 G len Beckley '68 Brian Black '69 Vicki ha e '78 Gary Dominick '73, MSW '77 Nancy Fargo '82 Dan Gemma '64 Michael G lanville '65 Joe Gonzales '91 Wally Harding '59 Terry Hunt '65 Mary Mertens James '78 Lee Jenkins '79 Joan Johnson '78 Bill Lemman, Vanport Leo Macleod '90 Linda Macpherson MPA '80 Stan Payne '73 Susan Purpura '77 Don Rickel '65 Charles Stoudamire '72 Bill Walker '73, MPA '80 Ellen Wax '82, MURP '92 Merrie Ziady '80, MST '82 Cover: PSU President Judith Ramaley joined President Bill Clinton and Vice President A l Gore on stage at a Park Blocks event during the Pacific Rim Economic Conference. See story on page 4. Photography by Marc Olson. FEATURES Cramming for Clinton The University cleaned up, set up, and put out the welcome mat fo r Bi ll Clinton and Al Gore th is summer. Cultivating the City Through EnviroCorps, Portland State students and others are learn ing about the environment, teamwork, and community pride. Where There's Music A week-long summer music camp for inner-city children i the brainch ild of music Profes or Mary Kogen. From 78s to CDs In celebration of Portland State's SOth anniversary, we've profiled five students who ·e educational experiences span the years. They Bowled us Over Th irty years ago, fo ur PSC students and their facu lty coach brought home the G.E. Co llege Bowl trophy. Big Skies Ahead New Athletic Director Jim Sterk is leading Portland State into the Big Sky Conference. DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks From the Pres iden t Ph ilanthropy in Action A lumni Assoc iat ion News A lum Notes Sport Scoreboard Calendar 4 8 11 14 17 19 2 3 18 20 23 28 29 PSU Magazine is published for alumni and friends of Portland 'rate University. ontents may be reprinted only by permission of the editor. Please send address changes to the Office of Alumni Relations, Portland State University, P.O. Box 751, Portland, O R 97207-075 1. The magazine is printed on recycled paper. PSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. FALL 1995 PSU MAGAZINE I