PSU Magazine Fall 1994

Garden help at hand For just a Saturday or two, put your rake down and your garden gloves away. The Pacific Northwe t Home Gardening Program offers practical courses for the Portland area gardener. "Raising Poultry and Rabbits in the Garden" meets Saturday, Oct. 1, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on campus and in instructor Vern Nelson's '70 garden. Cost is $40. On Oct. 15, Metro's Glen Andresen will offer a free morning workshop on "Alternatives to Pesticides." Preregistration is required for the 9:30 to 11 a.m. class. Need help managing small acreage? The "Small Farm Workshop" is for gardeners with a lot of garden. Led by OSU Extension agents the class meets Oct. 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on campus. Cost is $35 or $45 for two registrants. The Home Gardening Program is offered through the School of Extended Studies. For a complete school catalog that includes "Bookcollecting for Fun and Profit," "Opera Appreciation" and many other cla ses and workshops, or for registration information, ca ll 725-8500. New programs and degrees A Master of Architecture degree program is filling a long-held educa– tional void in the Portland area. Portland State, in conjunction with the University of O regon, is offering the two-year degree program this fa ll. The fully accredited program will emphasize urban architecture, drawing on local profess ionals and PSU's programs in civil engineering and urban studies. Two new facu lty members have been hired to teach in Portland. The School of Business Administration is launching a new food industry management program with the help of prominent members in Oregon's food industry. From food growing and processing to wholesale and retail distribution-workshops, seminars and evening courses have been designed by and for managers. The program has received a three-year, $225,000 challenge grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust, and the food industry has pledged marching funds. The PSU Business Outreach Center is giving new businesses in north Portland help in their own neighbor– hood. The School of Business Admini– stration opened the outreach center at Cascade Plaza, 4134 N Vancouver Ave., to prov ide technical ass istance and networking opportunities for emerging bu ine es. The Center is directed by Alan Zeiber with help from rudent reams, and has received firs t-year funding from local corporations and foundations. A master's degree in manufacturing engineering is being offered this fa ll by PSU and Oregon State University. The program is geared for working professionals in Portland who have long expressed a need for an advanced degree program in the industrial and manufacturing engineering field. Students may enroll in the program at either institution. Over half of the first year's budget is coming from the Oregon Joint Graduate Schools of Engineering. Playing leapfrog with your interest rate? ~ ow there's a smart alternative to jumping from teaser rate ...,_ to teaser rate. It's called Private Reserve, and it's the only credit line endorsed by the Portland State University Alumni Association. Why? First, Private Reserve features a low interest rate - only 6.4 % above the bank prime rate* - all the time. No inflated rate for cash advances. No annual fees. No unpleasant surprises down the road. And you can access your account simply by writing a check. With line amounts available up to $35,000, that's a lot of financial freedom. Call (800) 274-6711 for an application. Because if you're looking for a low interest rate, now' s the time to hop to it. Security Pacific Executive/Professional Services, Inc. 14707 East 2nd Avenue • Suite 100 • Aurora, CO 80011 m A BankAmerica Company "The APR is based on the bank prime rate (Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15) plus 6.4%. As of July 1, 1994, the APR was 13.65%. This rate may vary. Call (800) 274- 6711 for complete details. All loans are subject to credit approval. FALL 1994 5