PSU Magazine Fall 1990

A Head Start on Children's education The needs of young children will be explored at a two-day conference Oct. 12 and I3 at PSU. Parents, daycare providers, teachers and admini strators are invited to seminars and workshops on such topics as "Creat ing Quality of Life for Chi ldren in Childcare," " Fostering Self-Esteem in Infants and Toddlers," and "Taming the Time-Out Monster. " The Head Start Early Childhood Training Office in PSU 's Division of Continuing Education is hosting thi s 25 th anniversary conference of the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children (OAEYC). Speakers include nationally-recogni zed educators John Tay lor, creati ve movement spec iali st for the Wolf Trap Institute, and Magda Gerber, director of Resources fo r Infant Educarers. The keynote speaker is Nicholas Anastasiow, chair of the development area in Programs in Educa– tional Psychology at the Graduate Center of C ity University of New York . Cost for individual workshops and seminars ranges from $35 to $60, and $20 to $35 for students. Registration fonm and information are avai lable from Cari Olmsted at PSU, 725-4815, or Merril y Haas, OAEYC executive secretary, 692-1493. Profs to edit Oregon literature Three PSU professors have been named editors of the Oregon Literature Series, a six-volume anthology des igned to spotli ght the best of Oregon's literature. The brainchild of the Oregon Council of Teachers of English (OCTE), the series will be the first hi storical collection of such literature made avail able to the reading public, teachers and students, says general editor George Venn . There are a total of nine volume editors and co-editors responsible for selecting The Park Blocks provide pleasant surroundings fo r summer commencement ceremonies on Aug. 9. President Ramaley (pictured at the podium ) ga\'e the keynote speech. from the vast fund of writing by Oregoni ans. Among them is PSU Hi story Professor Gordon Dodds, editor for the volume on Oregon Prose, and Associate Professor of English Primus St. John will co-edit the volume on Oregon Poetry. The School of Education 's Ulrich Hardt is managing ed itor of the series, which also includes Oregon Letters and Diaries, Oregon Folk Literature, Oregon Short Fiction, and Oregon Autobiography. The first book of the series is ex pected to be on bookstore shelves in time for Christmas next year. Move adds class space Portland State is relocating certain administrat ive and academic offices to the newly acquired, fo rmer Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife property between Montgomery and Mill Streets. The building. renamed the " Mill Street Building." is being used to free needed classroom space e lsewhere on campus and also to consolidate related activities in one location, according to Gary Powell , acting vice pres ident fo r finance and administration. Athl eti cs, the Chancellor's Portland Office, and PSU's Mail Service have a lready relocated to the building. During the 1990-9 1 academic year, Library Technical Services and portions of the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments also are ex pected to move to the building. The uni versity's purchase of the 38,000-square-foot building for $ 1.35-m illion was approved by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education last December and by the Legislati ve Emergency Board on Jan. 26. The property meets the state ' s policy to buy affordable property within approved campus boundaries. PSU 7