PSU Magazine Fall 1990

I AROUND THE PARK BLOCKS Public invited to inauguration Alumni and friends of Portl and State are invited to attend the Inauguration for Dr. Judith A. Ramaley on Sunday, Oct. 28 at 2 p.m. in the Masonic Temple, 111 9 S.W. Park. Following a processional through the Park Blocks (if weather permits), Dr. Ramaley will be invested as PSU 's sixth permanent president. Dr. Robert Atwell, president of the American Council on Education, is scheduled to speak . Immediately following the ceremony , a public reception will be held in the same building. The October ceremony begins a year of Inauguration special events, with lectures and performances to be held on campus in honor of Dr. Ramaley. A seal made from the new " Pres ident 's Medallion of Office" will appear on written materi al for these events. The medallion, which will be worn by Dr. Ramaley during Inauguration for the first time, was des igned by PSU Art Department Chair Robert Kasal, and includes the Latin phrase "Doctrina Uri Serviat," Let Knowledge Serve the City. The names of all PSU pres idents are engraved on the back. Reservations for Dr. Ramaley's Inaugu– ration can be made with University Special Events at 725-49 10. The Inauguration Ceremony will cap events pl anned for PSU Alumni Week, Oct. 25-28 (see story on page 24). Dr. Ramaley will participate in severa l Alumni Week activities including introductions for featured speaker, author Richard Reeves, on Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m., and a pre-football game reception fo r alumni at the Multnomah Athl etic Club, 1849 S.W. Salmon, on Oct. 27 at 5 p.m. PSU 4 The American Indian Dance Th eatre will petform Sept . 28 and 29 at 8 p.m. in Lin– coln Pe1fo rmance Hall. Season begins with Indian dancers This year's PSU Contemporary Dance series promises a striking blend of dance, theater and performance art as the season opens Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28 and 29, at 8 p.m. in PSU ' s Lincoln Perfor– mance Hall with the American Indian Dance Theatre. This skilled company of Native American dancers, singers and musicians celebrates the unique heritage of 15 different tribes through an elaborate and colorful performance set to the li ve mu sic of drums, bells, rattles and flute. Security Pacific Bank Oregon is helping to support this performance. The series continues Oct. 12 and 13 with Paris-born performance artist Rachel Rosenthal ; Montreal' s 0 Verti go Danse on Jan. 25 and 26; Bebe Miller and Co. on March I and 2; and Lar Lubovitch Dance Company on April 12 and 13. Season tickets are available from the PSU Dance Department, 725-3 13 1. Cost is $45 general and $40 seniors and students. Individual tickets may be purchased through the PSU Box Office, 725-4440, $ I0 general, $8 seniors and students. All seats are reserved. Leakey discusses endangered elephant In one decade, the elephant population in Kenya has declined from 65,000 to 18,000. If the earth ' s largest land mammal cannot be saved from extinction, what hope have the smaller, lesser creatures, says famed paleoanthropolog ist Richard E. Leakey. He will speak in Portland 's Civic Auditorium Thursday, Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m. "Conservation: Save the Elephants," is the topic of Leakey's presentati on, the second talk in the Science, Technology and Society 1990-9 1 Lecture Series presented by The Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy at Portland State. Leakey, who was recently appointed Kenya Mini ster of Wildlife, is the son of renowned anthropologists Mary and Louis Leakey. Richard Leakey himself di scovered the 3 milli on-year-old remains of Homo Habilis, the first tool makers. In his approach to conservati on, Leakey sees rescue of the declining African elephant popul ation as integral to the preservation of all endangered spec ies. He has gained renown as a world leader in global wildli fe policy. This year's Science, Technology and Society Lecture Series, which began Sept. 22 with James Burke, continues on: Nov. 15 with Jeremy Rifkin , "Toward the Green Li festyle"; March 12, Robert Ornstein, "New World, New Mind"; April 4, Sylvia Earle, "What Price Oceans?"; and May 16, Ian Stewart, "Does God Pl ay Dice? (Chaos Theory). " All programs take place at 7:30 p.m. at Portland Civic Auditorium . For ticket in formation, call 248-4496.