PSU Magazine Fall 1990
Violence as a Clinical Issue 8 am-5 pm, Smith Center. $65. Call 725-4800 to pre-register. Nov. 9 "Are We 'At Home' With Violence?" Special Events Alumni Week Smith Center, Free. Call 725-4948 for details. Oct. 25-28 College Bowl, lecture by Richard Reeves, school and department parties, pre-game party Inauguration Ceremony 2 pm, Masonic Temple; 725-4910 for reser– vations. Oct. 28 PSU President Judith A. Ramaley PSU MAGAZINE Portland State Uniwrsity P.O. 801751 Portland, OR 97207 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Ethical Debate 5:30 pm, 75 Lincoln Hall, Free. Nov. 8 "Are We 'At Home' With Violence?" Holiday Tree Lighting 3 pm, Montgomery Hall Courtyard. Call 725-4910 Nov. 29 Music and refreshments Sports Volleyball 7:30 pm (except as noted), PSU gym. Call 725-4000 for tickets. Sept. 28, 29 Cypress lnn/fCI Cable Show– Oct.11 Oct.14 Oct. ts Oct.23 case (all day) Western Washington Central Washington (noon) University of Portland Western Oregon Oct. 24 Oct.30 Oct. 31 Nov.4 Nov.6 Willamette Oregon State Lewis & Clark Gonzaga (noon) Seattle Pacific Football Civic Stadium. Call 725-4000 for tickets (*indicates Western Football Conference game). Oct.13 Oct.27 Nov.10 Santa Clara*, 7 pm E. Washington, 7 pm Southern Utah*, I pm Campus Notes Nov.12 Veteran's Day Observed. University closed. Nov. 22, 23 Thanksgiving Holiday. University closed. Dec. 25 Christmas Holiday. University closed. Non-Profit Organimtion us. Amge PAID PortJmd, OR Permit No.~
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