PSU Magazine Fall 1990
Performing Arts Brown Bag Concerts Noon , 75 Lincoln Hall , Free. Sept. 25 Alma Duo Sept. 27 Amethyst Brass Oct. 2 Pianist Maria Choban Oct. 4 Virtuosi della Rosa Trio Oct. 9 Sopranos Ruth Dobson, Alyce Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Oct. 30 Nov. I Nov. 6 Nov. 8 Nov.13 Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Nov. 29 Rogers, Marie Peake PSU Music Scholarship Stu– dents Portland Amerata Mu Phi Epsilon Pi ani st Dolores Borgir Sopranos Coral Walterman , Sandra Kennard Tenor Bruce Browne Soprano Kari Paris-Lough, tenor Kurt Raimer Aequalis Violinist Karen Walthinsen BoZoArtZ Duo PSU Music Student s Flutist Maril yn Shotola Florestan Trio PSU Piano Students Contemporary Dance 8 pm, Lincoln Hall Aud. $ I0/$8/$6; 725- 4440. Series: $45/$40/$30; 725-3131. Sept. 28, 29 American Indian Dance Theatre Oct. 12, 13 Rachel Rosenthal (free lecture by artist Oct. 14, 4 p.m., 2 12 Shattuck Hall) Chamber Music 8 pm , Lincoln Performance Hall. $ 17/$8.50; 725-4440. Series : $80/$40; 725- 4452. Oct. l , 2 An Die Musik Nov. 5, 6 Panocha String Quartet Piano Recital Series 4 pm , Lincoln Performance Hall . $ 12/$ 10/$7; 725-4440. Series: $65/$57/$40; 725-4452. Oct. 14 Nelson Friere Dec. 2 Emanuel Ax Theater Arts 8 p.m . Call 725-4440 for tickets Oct. 31, Sheridan 's "The Rival s," Nov. 1-3, Lincoln Performance Hall 7-10 Nov. 14- Dec. l Kess ler's "Orphans," 115 Lin– coln Hall (Studio Theater) IrALENDAR I Feb. 13-23 Shakespeare ' s " King Lear," Lincoln Performance Hall May 1-11 Shepard 's "Curse of the Starv– ing Class," Lincoln Perfor– mance Hall Concerts Lincoln Performance Hall. Call 725-3011. Nov. 4 Ensemble Viento, 4 pm Nov. 16 PSU Orchestra, 8 pm Nov. 18 Florestan Trio, 4 pm Nov. 18 PSU Band, 8 pm Nov. 28 Jazz Group, 8 pm Fallen Angel Choir 8 p.m., Lincoln Performance Hall . Call 725- 4440 for tickets. Dec. 6-8 Christmas performance Visual Arts Littman Gallery 12-4 pm weekdays, open Thurs. 'til 7 pm, 250 Smith Center, Free. Thru Oct. 5"Needle Express ions '90," tapestry Oct. 8-12 Disabled Student Union ex– Oct. 15- Nov. 2 hibit (reception Oct. 8, 7 pm) Alumni Show/Emerald Goldman paintings (reception Oct.1 8,5-7 pm) Nov. 5-23 Christine Clark, Jean Tow– good (reception Nov. 8, 5-7 pm) Dec. 3-19 Ron Hinsom (reception Dec. 6, 5-7 pm) White Gallery Mon-Thurs., 7 am-9 pm; Friday, 7 am-5:30 pm, 2nd floor Smith Center, Free. Thru Oct. 5Photos by Grace Weston Nov. 5-23 Steve Jensen (reception ov. 8, 5-7 pm) Dec. 3-19 Jean Choy (reception Dec. 6, 5-7 pm) Lectures "Eastern Paths ofWisdom" Noon, 53 Cramer Hall , Free. Sept. 26 "Shintoism" Oct. 3 "Hinduism" Oct. 10 "Buddhism" Oct.17 "Vedantism" Oct. 24 "Taoism" Oct. 31 "Confucianism" Nov. 7 Nov.14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 " Islam" "Sufism" "A Comparative Perspective" "Christianity in Asia" Science, Technology & Society 7:30 pm, Civic Aud. Call 248-4496 for tickets. Oct.18 Nov.15 "Conservation: Save the Elephants," Richard Leakey "Toward a Green Lifestyle," Jeremy Rifkin "The Humanities: History & Theory" 338 Smith Center, Free. Call 725-4928 for times. Oct. 18 Nov.15 Nov.15 Nov. 16 Nov.16 "John Henry Newman & the Classical-Christian Tradition" " Between Ancient & Modem: Renaissance Italy & the Birth of the Humanities" " Does Reading Have a Hi s– tory?" Robert Proctor on the Humanities Panel Discussion Friends ofHistory 7:30 pm , SMC Ballroom, Free. Nov. 1 "Women & Crime," Olwen Hufton Conferences Childhood Education Oregon Assoc. for the Education of Young Children/PSU Head Start. Call 692-1593 for detail s. Oct. 12,13 Seminars, workshops & keynote speaker icholas Anastasiow Fitness in Business 8:30 am-2:30 pm, Multnomah Athletic Club. $70 pre-registration; call 725-440 I. Oct. 19 Experts discuss fitness & health promotion Disabled Student Union Call 725-4452. Nov. 17 "Employment: Investing in America's Future" (Continued on the back cover) PSU 29
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