PSU Magazine Fall 1990
MAGAZINE PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chuck Clemans ('56 BS) presidenl Jory Abrams ('79 BS) Louise Cox ('73 BS) Don Dickinson ('68 BS, '72 MBA ) Gary Dominick ('73 BS. ' 77 MSW) Jim Griffith ('67 BS ) Peter Grundfossen (' 58 BS. '66 MST) John Hakanson (Vanport ) Ada Laguardia ('72 MAT) Dolores Leon ('70 BS ) Pat Lockhart (' 7 1 BS) David Lomnicki (' 8 1 BS) Sandra Page ('67 BS) Betty Roberts ('58 BS) Stan Sanders ('8 1 BS) George Scherzer ('80 MBA) Miri am Selby ('68 BS, '70 MA) Larry Thompson ('68 BS) Trish Trout ('88 MFA) Ed Washington ('74 BS Mary Lou Webb ('69 BS, ' 73 MS) Dennis West ('63 BA) Jim Westwood ('67 BA) Pat Squire Direc1or, Alumni Affairs Cover: Russ ian dancers from Leningrad perform at the national dance festival in Estonia this sum– mer. The PSU Chamber Choir participated in the companion song festival (see the story on pages 13- 14). Photo by chamber member C. Glenn Burnett. I CONTENTS FALL 1990 FEATURES Glasnost Connection With the parting of the Iron Curtain, PSU is creating new ties to the Soviet Union and East Europe. Three views tell the story. PAGES 8-14 A Career in Focus Professor Gertrude Rempfer 's ground breaking work in electron microscopy is bringing her national recognition. PAGES 15-16 Bringing Engineering Together A proposed joint graduate-level eng ineering school for Oregon could have a major impact on higher education in Portland. PAGES 18-19 Looking Beyond Barriers Physical limitations have not kept Laurie Schwartz– Knee ('84 BS) from achieving personal and career success. PAGES 20-22 DEPARTMENTS From the President Around the Park Blocks Foundation Alumni News Alum Notes 2-3 4-7 23 24 25-28 PSU Magazine is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Portland State Uni versity by the Office of Communications. Editor: Kathryn Kirkland; contributors: Clarence Hein ('65), Cliff Johnson. and Pat Squire; Alum Notes Editor: Teresa O'Hearn: Calendar Editor: Pat Scott. Letters to the editor, news items and inquiries about advertising should be directed to the Editor, PSU Magazine, Portland State Univer– sity, P.O. Box 751 , Portland, Oregon 97207: (503) 725-37 11 . Please send address changes to the Office of Alumni Affairs, Portland State University. P.O. Box 75 1, Portland, Oregon 97207. PSU supports equal educational opportunity without regard to sex, race, handicap, age, national origin, marital status or religion. PSU 1
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