PSU Magazine Fall 1990

Who are these people • • • and what are they doing now? The PSU Alumni Associat ion presents "Welcome back ... to the future, " PSU Alumni Week, October 25 ..28. Join us for the following events: Thursday, October 25 11 :30 to 1 :00 p.m. - College Bowl, Alumni vs. Students, Smith Center Ballroom 7:30 p.m. - Lecture, Richard Reeves, author and columnist, The World in the '90s, Smith Center Ballroom Friday, October 26 Watch for announcements of special activities by school and department. For more details, call 725-4948. Saturday, October 27 9 :00 - 11 :00 a.m. - Career Decision Making for Alumni, Smith Memorial Center 9:30 - 11 :30 a.m. - A lumni Advocates Meeting, Smith Memorial Center Noon - 2:00 p.m. - Reunion Luncheon for Class of '56, Smith Memorial Center 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Viking Alumni Night, a pre-game party for alums. Reservat ions required . . . Call 725-4000. 7:00 p.m. - Footba ll : Vikings vs. Eastern Washington, C ivic Stad ium. Ca ll 725-4000 for ticket information. Sunday, October 28 2:00 p.m. - Inauguration of PSU President Judith Ramaley. Reservations required . . . Call 725-4910. Come to PSU Alumni Week and get ALL the answers. ·1t1ll•N 1uwn1v llu1~1J\ 'LZ J;iqono llu!pnpu1 'uose;is ne wrnpe1s :JIAIJ rn Pl" IJ ;np uo Wllj <l<lS 11,no;,. "J<lpe;i1llu14srn uose;is pue J;);)Je:J s,11eq100J n s d SI 16, opleDJ<lO S!lJn:J 'hllSJ<lhJUn <llElS pUEflJOd JO)u;ip -1s;ud M<lU <lljl SI 'so9, <lljl U! <lJOWljlJEMS )E1u ;ipn1s doi e 'A>fBWE"8_ 1p1pnf "JO "hdUJOllV ):JIJ)SIQ Aiuno:::i yewOUlfll J!'l Apu<lJJn:J SI '(96 l UI ~:ieqJ<llrnnb mis S,:::JSd 't9, '!UllJIPS petpJW ·uolJ<lJQ UI <l:Jl)Sn f lJllO:) <lUl<lJdllS UEUIOM lSJlj <lljl ;iwe:i;iq 'WE<ll :JISU<lJOj nSd <lljl UO J<lUUlh\ <l:JEfd-lSJ!j e 'SS°, SJJ<lq0"8_ hll<l!I 'JOSS<lJOJd <l:JU<ll:JS l""!llfOd nsd P<lJl);)J pue JOlblU<lUIUIO:J '""ll!JOd UMOU~-11""' e SI pJe:l:leH O'!J"W ·ue1:J1SnU1 zzef p;iziulJO:J<lJ A11euo1rnu e A\OU SI 'SOL. <lljl WOJJ J<lUIWllJP nsd p;iiu;i1e1 e 'u""1S uo"H. ·nsd ie J;i;irn:i ""lleJ1s1t11u1pe pue :im1;ipe:ie p;i4smllu11s1p e WOJJ P""1;u Ar1u;i:i;iJ 'J;im e:i JO ll"H 11eq1JOS e 'JJOdue/\ •uosqoo 1;iJelbew "JO ·nsd lB ~z J<lqo1:io uo fA\0\j <lll<llJO:) ltl~U <llfl i e Ulllf ""S -puepJOd Ul J <l.IA \e1e MOUSI 'WE<ll fA\O\j ;ill<llJO:) :::JSd llu1u;is-pJO:J;)J <lljl JO uie1de:J 'S-9, pooA\lS<lM_ W!f Welcome back ... to the future Watch for details in your mail. Sponsored by the PSU Alumni Association.