PSU Magazine Fall 1988
Richard H. Carson Richard H. Carson (BS) has been named director of planning and development for the Metropolitan Service District in Portland. He is a former senior policy analyst with the Oregon Department of Economic Development. Sara Cogan (MPA) , associate direc– tor of the new Oregon Trade and Marketing Center Inc. , Portland, has been elected vice president for com– munications in the Democratic Busi– ness Forum for 1988- 89. Matthias Kemeny ('73 BS), president of Col– or & Design Inc. of Portland, has been elected as the group's vice presi– dent for membership. Jane Heisler (BS, '85 MUP) has begun work in the City of Lake Oswego's advanced planning divi– sion. She came to the city from near– by Milwaukie, Ore., where she had held the same position for the past two years. Barbara "B.J!' Seymour (MA) of the English and Sociology Depart– ments at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore. , was appointed as an ad– junct fuculty member this summer at Southern Oregon State College in Ashland. She led the Shakespeare discussions during the 31st annual summer program of the Great Books Sheakespearean Festival there. '83 Anita J. McClain (Ed.D.) has been promoted to associate professor of education at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore. Christine Meadows (BA) has en– joyed a busy summer while perform– ing singing roles with the New York Opera. Next, she has her professional sights set on performing with the San Francisco Opera and The Met. Rainer Moehring (BS) reports that he has purchased a home and is working at Boeing Aerospace in Kent, Wash ., .where he is designing sophisticated electronics applications like embedded real-time software development and performing board– ! eve I hardware checkout and debugging. '84 Jeff Bettinelli (BS) , Julie Bussing ('85 BS), Peter Coons ('86 BS), Vicki Roberts ('86 BS) and Bob Robertson ('86 BS) have each been promoted to general practice seniors at the Portland office of the Coopers & Lybrand Inc. international accoun– ting and consulting firm. Jayne Bruno (BA), director of the Beaverton Arts Commission, has been elected vice president for pro– fessional development. Robert Edmiston (BS) has been named a rating officer in the Municipal Finance Department of Standard & Poor's Corp. in New York City. He also reports that he has been accepted as a student in New York University's Graduate School of Business Administration. Christine L. Hess-Maple (BS) has begun serving as a clerk for Justice Burk of the Alaska Supreme Court in Anchorage. She graduated with honors from the University of Puget Sound School of Law last December. More recently, she served as co– director of the law school's Academic Resource Center. Robin Kiyokawa (MBA) has joined the Griggs-Anderson Research's team of analysts at the firm's Portland of– fice. He is a former senior marketing research analyst at Tektronix Inc. in Wilsonville, Ore. Kimberly Mick (BS) has joined the staff of Nygaard , Mims & Hoffman PC, certified public accountants in Portland. She was formerly with Touche Ross & Co. , CPAs in Portland. Roger M. Molatore (BS) recently joined the Portland office of Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co. as ac– count executive. He was previously an account executive with Dean Wit– ter Reynolds in Portland. Bob Staab (BS) has been named business manager for KEX (1190 AM) and KKRZ ("Z- 100" FM) radio stations in Portland. '85 Larry Audet (MS) , formerly assis– tant principal at Myrtle Point High School in Coos County, Ore., is the new principal at Warrenton High School near Astoria, Ore. '86 Teresa Brandon (MS), community relations coordinator at Beaverton High School, will serve as acting vice principal this coming school year at nearby Aloha High School. Terry Dion (MSW) has joined the staff of Pacific Gateway Hospital in Portland's Sellwood area as a unit social worker for the adult treatment program. She was formerly with Multnomah County Senior Services. Jean Drevdahl (MST), a safety supervisor for Northwest Natural Gas Co. , has been elected first vice presi– dent of the American Society of Safe– ty Engineers. Joanne Fuller (MSW), director of the Women's Resource Center at the Portland YWCA, has been selected as the first director of the Multnomah County Office of Women's Transition Services. James C. Gaither (BS) was one of 14 new members of the Portland Police Bureau to be sworn in July 14. The ceremony was the Bureau's first since April 23, 1987, when seven per– sons were brought onto the force. Jan Jaqua (MS), current president– elect of the Portland Council of the International Reading Association with some 800 members from schools throughout the metropolitan area, will begin serving as the organization's president this November, leading her group's con– tinuing efforts to foster good reading instruction in area schools. Dan Murray (BS) has been work– ing for Kentrox Industries in Beaver– ton, Ore., as a design engineer since his graduation from PSU. He reports he is currently designing software and hardware for the firm's line of telecommunications products. Dixon Spear (BS) has joined the pro– fessional staff at Babicky Venne Bunce and Parker, CPAs and business consultants in Portland. Karen Thylor-Goodrich (BS) is the new supervisory park ranger at Cumberland Island National Seashore in St. Marys, Ga. Neil Woller (MS), senior geologist with Pinnacle Geotechnical Services Ltd. , saw his firm honored in May as one of the Portland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce's ten fustest– growing companies for 1987. The firm , which serves the geothermal and hazardous waste industries with consulting and design services, doubled its staff and had a sales in– crease of 313 percent last year. '87 Lawrence Bauer (BS) was elected Metropolitan Service District Coun– cilor, Position 2, following the May 17, 1988 Oregon primary election. Teddi Duling (BS) has been ap– pointed administrative assistant for the new Oregon Trade and Marketing Center Inc. in Portland. The center is designed to develop and promote a statewide marketing strategy for Oregon corporations seeking to ex– port goods and services, and to work with international corporations in– terested in Oregon products and business opportunities. In Memoriam Kurt D. Wilmarth ('82 BS, '86 MST) , an assistant football coach at Portland's Jefferson High School for the past five years, died of cancer Ju– ly 7 in a Milwaukie, Ore., hospital. He was 28. Once voted Most Inspira– tional Player on the PSU football team, Wilmarth was diagnosed with cancer in late December after a tumor was found on his left hand. The coach was well- known for his involvement with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in which he took hundreds of youngsters to the coast for annual retreats. The 1987- 88 Jef– ferson High graduating class voted Wilmarth the Teacher of the Year. Survivors include his wife, parents, grandparents, two sisters and a brother. The fumily suggests remem– brances be contributions to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes or to the Jefferson High School weight training room. PSU 27
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