PSU Magazine Fall 1988
Mark Hilditch (BS) is the new associate pastor at Community Presbyterian Church in The Wood– lands, Texas. He received a Master of Divinity degree in June from San Francisco Theological Seminary in San Anselmo, Calif. Wendy lane (BS), vice president of Whitman Advertising and Public Relations in Portland, has been elected to the Washington County Historical Society board of directors. Several of her firm's clients are businesses in the Sunset Corridor and Washington County. Gene Leo, Jr. (BS) has been elected vice president of the Portland/Oregon Visitors Association. He is executive manager of the Portland Rose Festival Association. '76 James S. Andrews (BA , '81 MBA) has joined the Portland office of the Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Inc. in– vestment firm as an investment executive. Peter Behr (MBA) has joined Na– tional Mortgage Co. , Portland, as loan officer. Behr, formerly with Standard Insurance Co. , will be responsible for expanding the com– pany's small loans program in amounts ranging from $150,000 to $500,000. Ken Bostwick (BS) , vice president and area manager of the Canby Union branch of First Interstate Bank of Oregon, has been elected vice president of the board of directors of the Clackamas Community College Foundation. Carol Van Natta (BA), who has been working as a development of– ficer at the University of Missouri - Carol Van Natta PSU 26 Kansas City, has received an Arthur Mag Fellowship at the university. She will use the $10,000 stipend and tui– tion benefits to study the management of non- profit organiz.ations. '77 George Brant, DMD (BS), and John Colasurdo, DMD ('78 BS), Portland- area dentists, have been elected vice president and editor, respectively, of the Multnomah Den– tal Society for 1988-89. Carolyn Leonard (BS, '79 MS) has been reappointed to the Oregon State Commission on Black Affuirs. She is the multi- cultural/multi- ethnic education coordinator for Portland Public Schools. Jacquelyn Harrell , director of affirmative action pro– grams at PSU, is a recent commis– sion appointee. The eleven- member commission monitors existing pro– grams and legislation concerning black Americans. '78 Hugh W. Anderson (BS) has been named manager of the U.S. National Bank branch in Banks, Ore. He was formerly a loan officer at the bank's West Slope branch near Portland. Brad Fritts (MS), principal at Chehalem Elementary School in Beaverton, Ore., has accepted a teaching position in Vienna, Austria, at the American International School. Dr. John E. Garwood (MS) has joined the core faculty of Pacific University's Oregon Graduate School of Professional Psychology in Forest Grove, Ore. He has been working as a psychologist with the Clackamas County Mental Health Center. Det. Garry Sandell (BS) is a member of a special Portland Police Bureau team of six detectives which keeps tracking known or likely of– fenders with the goal of photographing and catching them as they actually commit their next crimes. In its past two years of work, the team has recovered some $I-million in stolen goods alone. Lengthy stake- outs, unmarked cars, plain clothes and concealed weapons are used by team members against those suspected of being the city's most serious criminals: burglars, rapists, robbers and killers. '79 Ann Clarke (MA), an architectural historian and author, has been ap– pointed to the State Advisory Com– mittee on Historic Preservation. The nine-member committee reviews sites in Oregon nominated for the National Register of Historic Places. From 1980- 84, Clarke was a part– time instructor in history at PSU. Janice Cram (BA) , director of counseling and information for the American SIDS Institute (Sudden In– fant Death Syndrome) in Portland, has received the Order of the Pearl Award from Kappa Delta Sorority. The award is given to alumnae for their contributions to society. Timothy A. Hart (BS) has been elected president of the Portland Life Underwriters Association Inc. Paul Meyer-Strom, M.D. (BA) has completed his residency in child psychiatry at the Karl Menninger School of Psychiatry & Mental Health Sciences. He will direct the Children's Unit at CPC Cedar Hills Hospital in Portland. '80 Karen Blomquist (MBA) has been hired by the Portland firm of Capital Consultants Inc. as vice president of real estate for Oregon, Washington , Idaho and Alaska markets. She is a real estate broker, certified property manager, and is president-elect of the Columbia River chapter of the In– stitute of Real Estate Management. Rev. Fredrick C. Kane (BS) is the new pastor of the United Methodist Church in Madras, Ore. He is the former associate pastor at First United Methodist Church in Eugene. Mike Kinne (BS) and three other partners have formed System Design Consultants, a consulting engineer– ing firm located in downtown Portland. Constance Taylor (BS) has been elected corporate secretary of Riedel Environmental Technologies Inc. in Portland. For the past two years, she has held management positions at both the regional and corporate levels of the company. '81 Sandijean Fuson (BS) has opened a law practice in doWntown Portland, specializing in the entertainment industry. David Hagen, M.D. (BS) has join– ed the practice of two other physi– cians in his native Camas, Wash. A graduate of the University of Washington Medical School in 1985, Dr. Hagen completed his three-year family practice residem..y this June at Tacoma General Hospital, Tacoma, Wash. Mark A. Hokkanen (BS), a swim– ming coach and clinician, has been promoted to coordinator/supervisor of the Mount Hood Community Col– lege Aquatic Center in Gresham, Ore. Robert Niehaus (BS) has been named sales manager of the Portland office of Coldwell Banker Commer– cial Group, Inc. Niehaus joined the company in 1980. For the past five years, he has specializ,ed in industrial sales and leasing projects in the metro area's west side. Susan Swartzel (BS) has been awarded her certificate to practice as a certified public accountant by the Oregon State Board of Accountancy. Leonard Vuylsteke, CPA (BS) has been appointed controller for the Portland Public Schools. He joined the district in 1984 as finance and audit supervisor after serving as senior accountant for the Coopers & Lybrand CPA firm. Stephen R. Vuylsteke (BS) has suc– ceeded his father, Ronald G. Vuylsteke, as chief executive officer of Oak Knoll Wmery, Hillsboro, Ore. '82 Frederick S. Bartlow (MS) has received the Doctor of Osteopathy degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He will next serve a family practice intern– ship at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Gordon Canzler, M.D. (BS) has begun practicing medicine at the of– fice of Dr. G. Alan Fisher in Gre– sham, Ore. Dr. Canzler is a family practice physician who recently com– pleted his residency at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center in Portland.
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