PSU Magazine Fall 1988
fuirs for the Purchasing Management Association of Oregon. He is a for– mer president of the group. Nancy O. Tang, CPA (BS, '73 MBA), assistant professor of business administration at PSU, has been named president- elect of the Ameri– can Women's Society of Certified Public Accountants. Tom Trebelhorn (BS) has signed a contract to return for his third year as manager of the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team for the 1989 season. Trebelhorn guided the Brewers to 91 wins in 1987. '71 Bessie Marie Williams Fields (BS, '81 MS), associate professor at the University of Alaska- Anchorage's Advising and Counseling Center, is currently participating in a special national- level leadership training program. She will soon join with other new educators to attend a special workshop at Tempe, Ariz. , where they will work to enhance the skills needed to assume major deci– sion- making roles in four- year col– leges and universities. Thomas G. Greene (BS, '84 &i.D.), a curriculum specialist in the North Clackamas School District, has been selected to be the new principal of East Orient School in Gresham, Ore. Marv Holstein (MS), principal of West Tualatin View Elementary School in the Beaverton School District, will take over as principal at neighboring McKay Elementary School this fall. Dennis Monaghan (BS, '73 MS) has been appointed head of the retirement practice area for the William M. Mercer- Meidlinger- Hansen consul– tant firm in Portland . Alayne Woolsey (BS) is chairwoman of the Oregon City Historic Trails Committee-Independence, Mo. The committee was established in February of this year to promote a relationship with Independence, Mo. , in connection with their common heritage, the old Oregon Trail. '72 Ralph R. Bieker (BS) has been pro– moted to assistant vice president of the Fred S. James & Co. of Oregon office in Portland. He is a former ac– count executive in the insurance brokerage firm . Robert Schlegel (MS), principal of Banks High School for the past three years, has been chosen the new prin– cipal of nearby Forest Grove High School. Prior to working at Banks, Schlegel spent eight years as an ad– ministrator at Lakeridge High School in Lake Oswego, Ore. Mark A. Schnoor (BS) has been ap– pointed district sales manager for Oregon at the Portland office of Hawaiian Marine Lines. Gerrit Schouten (BS) has been ap– pointed vice president and controller of PacifiCorp Credit in Portland. Schouten joined PacifiCorp from Pacific Power and Light Co., Portland . '73 Daniel E. Ellis (BS) has been nam– ed business manager of Creative Media Development Inc. in Portland. Morton I. Michelson (MS) has been named president of Cascade Steel Rolling Mills Inc. , McMinnville, Ore. The former executive vice presi– dent and general manager of the steel products firm announced plans to double its production capacity by constructing a $20--million steel melt shop on the company's 78- acre site. Floyd Shelton Floyd Shelton (BS), executive direc– tor of the Port of Redwood City in California's San Francisco Bay area, has been named chairman of the World Trade Council of the San Mateo County Economic Develop– ment Association. The group seeks to serve as the county's central clear– inghouse for information related to world trade. Pam Treece (BS), employee health management coordinator for Pacific Power & Light Co., Portland , has been appointed to the Institute of Managerial and Professional Wo– men's volunteer leadership team. William S. Walker (BS, '80 MPA) has been appointed Director of Ad– ministrative Services for the Hous– ing Authority of Portland (HAP). The agency seeks to provide qual ity low- income housing in the city. Walker has worked for HAP in a variety of positions during the last 14 years. '74 Adam Davis (BS) is busy dividing his time running two Portland businesses, Decision Sciences, Inc. and Jury Behavior Research, Inc. The latter firm previews tapes of lawyers' and clients' cases before random sam– ples of the general public to see how legal arguments might be received by eventual jurors. By Davis' own count, his other firm has taken on some 400 public opinion or market research projects in the past ten years. Bev Gladder (MST), principal at Aloha High School, will take a year of developmental leave in the fal l to work on her doctorate in educational administration. John C. Hunger (BS) has been nam– ed "Man of the Year for 1988- 89" by the Oregon Institute of CPA's, honoring his extensive leadership, contributions and volunteer work locally and nationally on behalf of his profession, as well as for his involve– ment in community affairs. Hunger has operated a CPA practice in Tigard, Ore., for the past nine years. Nicholas Knapp (BS), director of the Milwaukie, Ore. , non- profit housing agency called Northwest Housing Alternatives, reports that his organization is building a 144- unit apartment project in Wilsonville, Ore. and then leasing the complex to Clackamas County. When completed next spring, Knapp says it will be the largest non- profit housing project yet in the county. Vicki Lee (MS) is busy serving as legal administrator in her husband's Vancouver, Wash. , law firm , as well as minding the clothing store and im– port business she owns in the same city. In her "spare time," she con– tinues working toward her doctoral degree in urban studies at PSU. James A. Mallett (BS) has been pro– moted to vice president of the United States National Bank of Oregon's Trust Department in Portland. Steven T. Ro~ (BS) has been ap– pointed as vice president of Systems N .W., a distributor of office copiers headquartered in Lake Oswego, Ore. John Wardin (BS), who has operated the Gateway Ford dealership with his brother in Newberg, Ore. , for the past 15 years, has broken ground on a new, $l.2-million dealership site scheduled to open in November. The new dealership, to be called Newberg Ford , replaces the old agency which was destroyed by fire last December. Rev. Thomas Wolbrecht (MS) has been named associate executive director for recruitment and develop– ment at Lutheran High School and Portland Lutheran El ementary School. Both schools are housed in the same building in Gresham, Ore. Rev. Wolbrecht has been teaching religion and psychology at Concor– dia College in Portland while work– ing on his doctorate in educational administration at PSU. Gretchen Yost (MS), past president of the Association for Retarded Citizens of Multnomah County, has been named to the association's 1988- 89 board of directors. '75 Martha J. Bianco (BS), a Ph.D. candidate in urban studies at PSU, has won a $2,500 scholarship from The Oregonian newspaper, named in memory of Michael J. Frey, former president and publisher. Ms. Bian– co is the daughter of Joseph R. Bian– co, the paper's director of special projects. Her career plans include university teaching as well as educa– tion research and publishing. Mark Gardiner (BS) has been nam– ed vice president/finance on the Oregon Symphony board of directors for the 1988- 89 season. He is senior vice pres ident of Government Finance Associates in Portland . PSU 25
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