PSU Magazine Fall 1988
Compiled by Cliff Johnson Vanport Hon. Sam K. Cox has again disproved the old adage that there's no such thing as a free lunch . The mayor of Troutdale, Ore., and his wife Nancy took some 50 city em– ployees and guests to their home for lunch June 7. Serving chicken and salads to the municipal cro\\\'.I carried on a tradition begun some 12 years ago when Mayor Cox was a local city councilor. J. Richard Pizzo, assistant vice chancellor for student services in the Oregon State System of Higher Edu– cation since 1982, is retiring after 27 years in service to state education. In his recent post, Pizzo had respon– sibilities for student affairs, financial aid, registration, foreign students, retention , study-abroad programs and residence classification. He will now pursue retirement interests with his family while working part- time as assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. '62 Wayne Atteberry (BS), vice presi– dent of real estate and finance at Standard Insurance Co., Portland, has been reappointed to the Portland Metropolitan Area Local Govern– ment Boundary Commission. '63 Douglas Forncrook (BS) is the new Trust Group vice president and trust Douglas Forncrook PSU 24 I ALUM NOTES I administration team leader at U.S. National Bank of Oregon. Wilbur J. Schick (BS) is retiring as Clackamas County's long-time pro– perty agent after 25 years of govern– ment service. During his years of mapping rights-of-way for a grow– ing web of public utilities, acquiring land easements and handling proper– ty tax foreclosures, Schick has seen Clackamas County grow from a place of small towns and rural liv– ing to one of Oregon's leading urban counties. Dennis West (BA) , assistant to the president for economic development at the Oregon Health Sciences Uni– versity in Portland, has been named vice president on the board of direc– tors of Young Audiences of Oregon. '64 Robert L. Costi (BS) has been nam– ed the new president of the Oregon Coast Community College Service District in Newport, Ore. He was formerly chairman of Portland Com– munity College's Department of Management and Commerce. Gavin F. Fate (BS), president of Larsen Electronics Inc. in Vancouver, Wash., reports that his firm's donated two-way radio antennas successfully enabled officials to talk with one an– other Aug. 8- 21 as they controlled the complex "Coors Classic Bicycle Race,'' a series of race events which took place in California, Nevada and Colorado. '65 Robert Millsap (BS), vice president of the commercial banking division of United States National Bank of Oregon, Portland, has been re– elected to the board of directors of the Portland Opera Association as this year's treasurer. Bill Schlitt (BS), president and owner of Sanitary Service Co. Inc., Salem, Ore., has received the Distin– guished Service Award from the Na– tional Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA) for his dedication on behalf of the Oregon Sanitary Services Institute and his participation on the National Waste Haulers Council , as well as the NSWMA board of directors. '66 Robert H. Colfelt (BS) , president and chief executive officer of Valley National Bank of Oregon, has been elected secretary and treasurer of the Oregon Bankers Association. Jerry Joslin (BS), well-known area sculptor and Lake Oswego firefighter, has been commissioned to create a three-foot bronze sculpture honoring the work of Walt Morey, the Wilson– ville, Ore., children's author who wrote Gentle Ben. The sculpture is scheduled to be placed in the children's section of the new Wilson– ville Public Library later this fall . Marilyn Matteson (BS), public af– fairs specialist with the Metropolitan Service District, Portland, has been elected 1988-89 board president of the Portland chapter of Women In Communications. '67 Richard J. Mimnaugh (BS) has been named chairman of the Portland Apparel Association for 1988- 89. Dale Suran (BS) , CPA and partner in charge of the Tax Department at Peat Marwick Main & Co. , Portland, has been re-elected treasurer of the board of directors for the Oregon Trail chapter of the American Red Cross. '68 James Boscole (BS) has been nam– ed a new sales associate in the Com– mercial/Investment Division of Stan Wiley Inc., Realtors in Beaverton, Ore. He is the former acting presi– dent of Healthway Vitamin Centers in Portland. Robert Bridgeford (BS), director of the Children's Museum in Portland, was elected secretary of the executive board for the American Association of Youth Museums during the organi– zation's annual convention. Robert Lipscomb (BS) , general manager of marine marketing and sales for the Port of Portland, has been named as a new director of the Columbia-Snake River Marketing Group. The group is composed of area port professionals who promote international trade, regional coopera– tion, industrial development and tourism. '69 Harold Bahls (BA) , a Portland ar– chitect, has joined with Donald B. Genasci Architecture and Urban Design of Eugene, Ore., to compete against 14 other American architec– tural firms hoping to land a $24- million contract to design an addition to the American Library of Berlin. The winning firm is scheduled to receive the contract award by late October. Sho Dmono (MST) has been elected president and chief executive officer of Azumano Travel Service Inc. , Portland. He is the former executive vice president of the firm. Gary Leiser (BA), headquarters historian for the U.S. Logistics Group of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, is the author of A History of the Seljuks: Ibrahim Kafesoglu's Interpretation and the Resulting Controversy (Southern Illinois University Press). D. Stephen Posey (BS) , who started his grocery career in Portland as a Safeway bag boy in 1962 and who went on to establish Dick & Steve's Grocery Stores in the greater Van– couver, Wash ., area, has recently re- entered Portland's grocery wars as co- owner/manager of the new 130- employee, 54,000- square- foot Food 4 Less warehouse supermarket in Southeast Portland. '70 Don K. Lloyd (BA) has been elected chief executive officer and president of First Farwest Insurance Co. , Portland. Lloyd previously was presi– dent and chief operating officer of the company. Stan Swan (BS) , senior buyer for Freightliner Corp. in Portland, has been elected director of national af-
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