PSU Magazine Fall 1988
Carry the cardyou can be proud of...llie PortlandState University VIS~Card. · When you carry the Portland State University VISAyou'll be carrying a card that identifies you as a proud member of the PSUAlumni Association ... proud of Portland State and the quality education it provides. And, for everymember of the alumni that carries the dis– tinctive PSUClassicVISA card, U.S. Bankwill pay a royalty to the Portland State UniversityAlumni Association. These vital contributions will be used to provide scholarship support and funding for important projects of the PSUAlumni Association. Plus, here are additional benefits you'll enjoywhen you carry the PSU Alumni*ClassicVISA card: • Lowl4.9% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE! • $10Annual Membership FeeWaived For The First Year! • Acceptance At 5 Million Locations Worldwide! • Emergency Cash-Worldwide! • 25-Day Interest Grace Period For Purchase Transactions When Balance Paid In Full Monthly! Portland State University ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • Fixed, Non-Variable Interest Rate! • Distinctive Alumni Identification! • Check Cashing Convenience! • Automated Teller Machine Access! *To qualify for this special offer you must be a member of the PSUAlumni Association (spouses are included). To request an application simply call: 1-800-422-8762 (in Portland, call 275-7519). ru;:rBANK u ~EMBER FDIC 9/88 PSU 23
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