PSU Magazine Fall 1988

HOMECOMING 1 From behind the wheel T here are two framed certificates flanking the clock on the east wall of the boss's office at Monte Shelton Motor Co. on SW. Sixteenth and Burnside: An honorable discharge from the US Coast Guard, and a Bachelor of Science degree granted by Portland State University (then Portland State College) in 1959. "Those are a couple of important documents to me," says Shelton , who used his Coast Guard GI Bill to help finance his college education . " I was the first person I know of in my family to make it through college. It was special to me." Shelton will be back on campus to act as Grand Marshall of PSU 's Homecoming 1988, Saturday, Oct. 22 . You can't miss him; he'll be driving a 1920 Moon tour– ing car, one of his collection of classic automobiles. Monte Shelton is unassuming when discussing what he has accomplished. In business, he parlayed a job washing cars at a used car lot into a very successful auto dealership, now selling Rolls Royce, Jaguar and Saab. In auto racing, a long– time passion with Shelton, he has won on the national circuit and is a six time Rose Cup winner, including the 1988 race. But behind Monte Shelton's genuine modesty is a quiet confidence that has served him well in both business and rac– ing. "When I think I know what I'm doing,'' he says, "I make a decision, put all the doubts behind me, and I go full speed ahead with what I know is right and will work." Does he see himself as a risk-taker? 'To other people - who may be a little more timid - it may seem like I take • the game It 's all zn I n modern athletic record keeping, no statistic seems too arcane for the list makers. But we maj have a new one at PSU. Among the various listings of "most" "least" " longest" and "shortest" in the Portland State football records we can add a new column: Most consecutive home games attended by an emeritus faculty member. First on the list will be Ralph W. Macy, Emeritus Professor of Biology, who en– tered the 1988 season with an unbroken string of 96 home games (1972- 87) . Macy will be " Honored Guest" at PSU Home– coming, which should mark his !Olst straight contest in Civic Stadium. PSU 14 However, rather than his usual seats on the 50-yard line, Macy and his wife will watch from a special VIP section . Macy came to Portland State in 1955 to teach biology following 13 years on the faculty at Reed College. Even though his new college was housed entirely in one old high school building (Lincoln Hall) , Macy saw a real future for the Park Blocks school. "You know,'' he says, "I was sure that Portland State would become a great school because it would fill a vacuum in public education . So, I didn't hesitate to put up with some primitive conditions." (Continued on page 16) risks. Maybe I do, but there is never a reward without a risk. If you're going to accomplish something, or be something ... you have to think you can do it. That's half the battle." Going to college was a risk for Shelton when he reported to Old Main (Lincoln Hall) in 1955. Already in his early 20s and with a wife and two children, he thought he might be a teacher but mainly he saw a college education as a way to help provide for his growing family. "It was very difficult for me at first ," Shelton says, smiling as he leans back in his chair remembering that fall more than 30 years ago when he reported for classes. " I really didn't know how to study and I was sort of a flaky student in high school." (Continued on page 16) The crowning touch T o greet and meet - that is an of– ficial function of Anna Jones, the new Miss Oregon . And greet and meet she will during PSU's Homecoming on Oct. 22. Jones, 24, is a Portland State business major and will be an " Honored Guest" during the University 's fall celebration . Representing the Tri Valley, Jones was crowned Miss Oregon in early July. She is a Vancouver, Wash. , resident , but was eligible for Oregon's contest because she attends school in the state. She has at– tended PSU part time since fall term of (Continued on page 16)