PSU Magazine Fall 1988

For this reason, Portland State Univer– sity needed rational planning and a clear sense of direction concerning doctoral– level science and engineering programs through the year 2000. Now, thanks to the committee's diligent work, as well as careful planning steps in the " PSU Plan for the 90s," Portland State will submit innovative proposals to the Oregon State Board of Higher Education. Included among them are doctoral degrees in such fields as molecular biology, biophysics, chemistry, tox icology, geology, mathematics and math education , physics, civil and mechanical engineering. If approved, these and other expanded graduate and undergraduate studies and scholarship opportunities will help Portland State toward becoming a full– fledged Category I Research University, with all the scholarly stature such a distinction entails. The committee advocates : • Encouraging new, synergistic rela– tionships between PSU sc ience and engineering programs and Washington County industries, together with the faculty and students of the Oregon Graduate Center; • Fostering improved relationships with the Port of Portl and and the Portland Development Commission to help develop the most advanced industrial and research park possible on the east side of the Willamette River, preferably at a proposed site in the 1-84/Columbia River corridor on land annexed by the City of Portland ; • Exploring the need and potential for an improved shuttle service connec– ting Portland State with the Oregon Graduate Center near Beaverton, to faci litate faculty and student educa– tional interchanges. Against the backdrop of tomorrow's larger population forecast will emerge the small but economically vital cadre of scientists and engi neers of the next generation. Although they represent onl y fo ur percent of America's workers now, these professionals dominate the research and development processes which improve our lives and keep the nation competiti ve. The demand fo r these professionals has risen in recent years and is expected to accelerate, but the Portland/Vancouver area - with its current lack of many graduate- level science, engi neering and mathematics programs coupled with high fo reign enrollments - could see a noticeable shortage of locally-trained in– dividuals to staff high- tech industries. Unless something changes, and soon. D PSU 13