PSU Magazine Fall 1987

PSU •MAGAZINE· Cover: PSU music professor and com– poser Tomas Svoboda does notation for the first violin part of his Dance Suite for Orchestra, commissioned for the 25th anniversary of the Britt Music Festival in Jacksonville, Oregon. See story on pages 4-6. ---·CONTENTS·--- FEATURES FALL 1987 Oregon Opus For composer Tomas Svoboda, life has been lead– ing slowly, but joyfully, toward international stature. Pages 4-6 The Regional Research Institute Under the direction ofArthur Emlen, PSV's human services research has had national impact. Pages 7-9 Staying Close to PSU Mary Lou Webb, Class of '69, comes back to the University to guide alumni programs. Pages 10-11 Seriously Now, Folks All Scott Parker has to do is walk on stage and people laugh, but making a living isn't as easy. Pages 14-15 DEPARTMENTS Around the Park Blocks Alum Notes 2-3 17-19 20 21 Sports Calendar PSU Magazine is published quanerly for alumni and friends of Ponland State Un iversity by the PSU Office of Public Affairs. Editor/ Photographer: Cynthia D. Stowell; Contributors: Clarence Hein ('65), CliffJ oh nson; Calendar Editor: Pat ScotL Letters to the editor, news items and inquiries about adverusing should be directed to the Editor, PSU Magazine, Ponland State University, P.O. Box 751, Ponland, Oregon 97207; (503) 464-3711. Please send address changes to the Office of Development, Ponland State Univer– sity, P.O. Box 751, Ponland, Oregon 97207. PSU suppons equal educational opponunity without regard to sex, race, handicap, age, national origin, marital status or religion. PSU MAGAZINE PAGEl