PSU Magazine Fall 1987
the state's outstanding secondary school vocational education pro– gram. Karen Lobb (BA) has been named promotion manager ofthe Hazel– nut Marketing Board in Tigard, Ore. Paul Meyer-Strom, M.D. (BA) has completed hi s psychiatric residency in the Karl Menninger School of Psychiatry & Mental Health Sciences at the Mennin– ger Foundation, Topeka, Kan ., and has been accepted as a post– graduate fellow in the founda– tion 's career train ing program in chi ld psychiatry. '80 Bonnie T. Leiser (BS) has joined Security Pacific Business Credit, Inc. of Portland as vice president a nd manager. Leiser will be responsible for business devel– opment and structuring of com– mercial loans on the West Coast. '81 Connie D. Easter (BPA) has been appointed manager of the public affairs unit of the Adult and Fam– ily Services Division of Oregon's Department of Human Resour– ces. She is the former public affairs coordin ator for the Hous– ing Authority of Portland. '82 Judith F. Hartman (BS) wi ll work as a researcher for PSU facu lty member Craig Wollner, who is writing a history of Portland Ge neral Electric Company in honor of the firm's 1989 centen– nial year. Hartman works in PGE's corporate library. Charles Lytle (Ph.D.) has joined the professional staff of MEI– Charlton, Inc., Portland, as a research environme ntal chemist. He will specialize in hazardous waste assessment and the auditing of groundwater quality and con– tamination. ErnestJ. Moten (BS), a first lieu– tenant in the Un ited States Air Force, has been awarded the Air Medal in West Germany for meri– torious ach ievement in aerial flight He is an intelligence offi cer with the 497th Reconnaissance Technical Group. '83 Carolyn H ixson (BS), who is employed by the Oregon Histori– cal Society, Portland, has been named third vice president of the Oregon Trail chapter of Profes– sional Secretaries International. '84 Raymond G. Good (BS) has received simultaneous doctor of jurisprudence a nd master of bus– iness degrees from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. He is now an attorney with the U.S. Navy. Tom Kowitz (BS) has been named assistant sports information direc– tor at the University of Portland. '85 Joni Huntley (MS), one of the country's top women high jum– pers, has announced her retire– ment from active sports competi– tion, despite the fact that she had been training fo r the 1988 Olym– pics. Financial constraints were said to have contributed to her decision. Huntley's best leap of 6'5'/," in the high jump during the 1984 Olympics earned her a bronze medal. Luisa Sermol (BA) is one of 20 students to enter the theater pro– gram at The Juilliard School in . New York this fall. She was selected from among 2,000 who auditioned for the coveted spots. Mark D. Turner (BS) has joined the certified public accounting firm of Dilore nzo, Hess & Co., Beaverton, Ore. as staff accoun– tant. Buy your ABC card today for special services, discounts For a small annual membership fee, your PSU Alumni Benefits Card gives you a number of educational, travel and entertainment oppor– tunities with discounts on: • Social, cultural • Car rental and athletic events • Alumni continuing • Insurance education programs • Travel programs • PSU flying club An additional fee entitles ABC cardholders to: • Library services • University parking • Special use of • Bookstore membership athletic facilities Order your ABC card today. As simple as calling 229-4948. ABC cards - offered only to PSU alumni. PSU Alumni P.O. Box 751 Portland, Oregon 503/229-4948 '86 Gloria Chenoweth (BS) hasjoined Design Counci l Inc., Portland as a design associate. She will spe– cialize in corporate graphic de– sign, marketi ng, product graphics and printing papers promotion for the ten-year-old firm. Judy Norinsky (BA) has joined the Hillsboro Argus, Hillsboro, Ore. as news reporter. She will cover city affairs at Forest Grove and Cornelius, in addition to social se1vices news in Washing– ton County. Teri Prochaska (MS) has bee n appointed upper grade building principal for the Welches, Ore. School District, located near Mt. Hood. '87 David Buettner (BS) has joined the Po1tland certified public ac– counting firm of Maginnis & Carey as an accountant. He is an active member of the Beta Alpha Psi accounting fraternity. Brad D. Hall (BA) has won a fu ll tuition scholarship to the Gradu– ate School of Management at Syracuse University in New York. He plans to concentrate on inter– national business and marketing studies leading to the MBA de– gree. Jerry Otis (BS) and PSU student and partner Debbie Riedlinger have opened "Dj.'s Sweats," a store devoted exclusively to sweats and casual wear, in the South Lake Center near Lake Oswego, Ore. In Memoriam John L. Parsons ('76 MBA) , a self– employed public accounta nt, died July 23 in a Portland hospital of arteriosclerotic heart disease after collapsing while jogging. He was 42. He was chai1man of the Federal Taxation Committee of the Oregon Society ofCPAs, and was a memberofthe PonlandWheel– men Touring Club, the Metro YMCA, the Nordic Ski Club, and was on the board of directors of the Northwest Service Center. PSU MAGAZINE PAGE 19
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