PSU Magazine Fall 1987

-----·ALUMNOTES•----- Compiled by CliffJ ohnson Vanport Charles B. Foley has been pro– mo ted to se nio r vice president of the Ro llins Burdick Hunter of Oregon Inc. insurance broker– age. Jim McCuaig, service manager at I mmer a n d Oswald Volvo/ Subaru, Gladstone, Ore., has re– ceived Volvo's 1986 service man– ager's award for achieveme nt in the Northwest district dealer net– work. '62 Gerry Cameron (BS) has been named to become chairman of the newly-formed U.S. Bank of Wash ington thi s fall. T he new bank will have $4 billion in assets, ma ki ng it Was hin gton's th ird largest. Cameron is currently an executive vice president at U.S. National Bank of Oregon. '63 Janet Hasson (BS), president of Business Men's Service Co., Port– land, has received the Interna– tional Fellowship ofCertified Col– lectors award from the American Collectors Association. Gary V. Hayward (BS) has been appointed sen ior vice president a nd chief credit officer at Pacifi– Corp Financial Services, Inc., Portla nd. He wi ll be responsible for the five operating units that make up the fina ncial se1-vices group. '65 Robert Millsap (BS), recently named vice president in the com– mercial banking division at U.S. Ba nk, Portland, has been elected to the board of directors of the Portland Opera Association. '66 Thomas Maynard (BS), a Beaver– ton, Ore. accountant, has been elected to the board of directors of the Oregon Society of CPAs. He is a past president of Beaver– ton Kiwanis and current presi– dent of the Oregon Baptist Re– tirement Board. Janice Yaden (BA) has stepped in as acting director of the Ore. De– panment of Human Resources whi le a nationwide search for a permanent director contin ues. She will retain her position as Gov. Neil Goldschmidt's assistant for human resources. Yaden temporari ly replaces Dan Sim– mons ('65 BS), the former deputy d irector of human resources who became director of the state's Department of General Services J uly 16. '67 Dale Suran (BS) has been elected treasurer of the board of d irec– tors for the Oregon Trail chapter of the American Red Cross. He is a certified public accountant with Peat Marwick Main & Co., Port– land. '68 Al De nsmore (BS) and state Re p. Margaret Carter ('73 BS), D– Portland, are among 21 Oregon i– ans recentlychosen to participate in a year-long program of leader– ship training sponsored by the American Leadership Forum. Densmore is a Medford, Ore. insurance agent, former mayor of the city and former state repre– sentative. William Lenon (BS, '69 MA) has been appointed to serve on the Sandy, Ore. Elementary School Board until May 1978, filling a former member's unexpired term. Lenon has been active in school affairs since 1980 and has served on many school committees, in– cluding the budget committee. Jon Tuttle (BA) has been named to take over the news commen– tary position at KGW-TV (Ch. 8), Portland. Tuttle has been with KGW for more than 20 years. Michael A. Vidan (BS) has been named vice president of bui lding products in Georgia-Paci fi c's new Transportation Division, Atlanta, Ga. Previously he wa vice presi– dent of the firm 's Wood Products Sales Division. Vidan serves o n the board of directors of the Southern Forest Products Associ– ation , the Hardwood Manufac– turers Association and the Inter– national Hardwood Products As– sociation. '69 Clar k Anderson (BS) has been named vice president ofcustomer relations for Portland General Electric Co., Portland. Otis Falls, Ph.D. (MS) is the new superintendent of Prairie City School in Prairie City, Ore. near John Day. He is a former princi– pal for schools in Park City, Utah and Evanston, Wyo. Earl Ingle (BS, '70 MST) is the new principal at Lake Oswego High School, Lake Oswego, Ore. He replaces John Turchi ('77 MA), who was named principal of Lakeridge High School across town in May. Nathan L. Jones (MS), principal at Jefferson High School, Port– land, has been recognized as the Outstanding Secondary Principal by the Oregon Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA). '70 Robert Barnhart (BS) and his wife , Debbie, are the new owners of The Deli Barn in the Rock– wood district of East Multnomah County. Barnhart has been a Multnomah County deputy sheriff for 18 years. PSU MAGAZINE PAGE 17 Robert R. Stutte (BS) has been named president ofNonis & Ste– vens. Portland, a commercial real estate firm. He became a stock– holder and vice president of the firm in 1975 and has served on its executive committee since 1985. '71 Thomas S. Fischer (BS, '72 MS) has been appointed manager of plann ing and strategic services for Kaiser Permanente at the medical program's Portland re– gional office. Fischer is also an adjunct assistant professor of mathematics at PSU. Steve Forrester (BS) will replace his father,J.W. "Bud" Forrester, as editor-publisher of The Daily Astorian newspaper in Astoria, Ore. before the end of the year. He h as bee n in Washington, D.C. for the last nine years writing a column canied in ten Northwest newspapers and producing a pro– gram, "Northwest Week in Re– view," for public radio. The elder Forrester, former president ofthe Oregon State Board of Higher Education, is retiring. Marilyn Seger (BA, '84 MA) has been named vice principal at Bol– ton Middle School in West Linn, Ore. She has been with the West Linn School District for 16 years. '72 Ike Lacefield (MSW) has been promoted to corporate manager of Stan Wi ley Inc., Realtors in Beavenon, Ore. He has been associated with the firm for the past three years. Gary K. Weeks (MS), a budget analyst for the Oregon Legisla– ture for the past three years, has been appointed deputy director of the new state Department of Insurance and Finance. He will repon to director Ted Kulongoski.