PSU Magazine Fall 1987
A look at the State Board Portland State University is one of eight state-controll ed colleges and universities operating as the Oregon State System of Higher Education (OSSHEL Established over fifty years ago, the OSSHE model has since been adopted by a number of other states. Governing OSSHE is the Oregon State Board of Higher Education (OSBHE), a group of 11 laypersons appointed from around the state by the Governor. The State Board establishes system-wide policy, sets institu– tional guide lines, approves curri c– ular programs, reviews and approves budgets, and manages property and investme nts. The Board also appoints as its execu– tive officer the Ch ancellor of Higher Education who, since 1982, has been William E. "Bud" Davis. Recent State Board action that has positively affected PSU includes pushing for the $ 12 mil– li on Millar Library addition, approval of several new degree programs and acceptance of PSU's 1986 mission statement, which outlines a broader a nd more clearly defined role for Portland State with respect to its sister institutions. Joining the Board this fall are two new members: Arlene Schnitzer of Portland, appointed for the usual four-year term, and University of Oregon student Kasey Brooks, one of two student members serving two-year terms. "We're fortunate to have indi– viduals of such caliber serving on the board and representing us before the Legislation," said PSU President Natale Sicuro. "I believe we can look forward to more great years for higher education in Oregon. Tap row: Chancellor William E. Davis; Robert R. Adams; John W. Alltucker 2nd row: Kasey Brooks; Gene Chao; Mark S. Dodson 3rd row: Richard F. Hensley; Michael W Hermens; Janet S. Nelson 4th row: James C. Peterson; George E. Richardson, Jr.; Arlene Schnitzer OSBHE Members James C. Petersen (President), La Grande, appointed in 1980 and 1984, retired Assistant Administrator at th e Grande Ro nde Hospital, former member of the La Grande City Council, former mayor of La Grande (1977 to 1979). Richard F. Hensley (Vice President), Medford, appointed in 1983, President ofTru-Mix Construction Co., Secretary o fTru– Mix Leasing Co. and Rogue Aggregate, Inc., board member of U.S. Bancorp a nd U.S. National Bank, member of executive committee of Associated Oregon Industries. John W. Alltucker (Executive Committee member), Veneta, appointed in 1982, President and Owner of Eugene Sand and Gravel, Inc., President of Green and White Rock Products, Inc., Corvallis, partner of Alltucker Ranch in Veneta, adjunct profes– sor of civi l engineering at Stanford. Gene Chao (Executive Committee member), Portland, appointed in 1984, Ch airman and CEO of Metheus Corporation in Hillsboro, board member of DataSphere a nd Applied Optic Technology. Robert R. Adams, Corvallis, appointed in 1985, Vice President and Director of Civi l Engineeri ng at CH2M Hill, Corvallis, board member of the Oregon Council for Economic Education. Kasey Brooks, Eugene, appointed in 1987, second-year law stu– dent and student body president at the University of Oregon. Mark S. Dodson, Portland, appointed in 1987, attorney a nd partner in the Portland firm Lindsay, Hart, Neil, Weigler, co– ch air of Gov. Goldschmidt's transition team. Michael W. Hermens, La Grande, appointed in 1986, sen ior at Eastern Oregon State College, major in international business. Janet S. Nelson, Coos Bay, appointed in 1984, real estate licen– see assisting her husband in the real estate bu iness a nd oth er fami ly e nterprises, volunteer for various civic and educatio n al groups including Head tart, PTA, Coos Bay School District and Oregon Heart Association. George E. Richardson, Jr. , Portland, appointed in 1986, Director of Corporate Budgets and Strategic Planning for orthwest Nat– ural Gas Co., member of board of directors o f The Planning Forum and of Black Oregonians for Business Political Action Committee, Psu:graduate. Arlene Schnitzer, Portland, appointed in 1987, arts patron, Vice President of Harsh Investment Corp., member of board of direc– tors of the Oregon Symphony Association, Reed College and the Natio n al Sympho ny Orch estra, recipient of the 1987 Governor's Award for the Arts. PSU MAGAZINE PAGE 16
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