Wednesday, March 21, 1962 Albina Citizens Group Form Assoc. on Housing ksue A group of citizens in favor of the Daisy Williams Hous– ing project and any other improvement that is designated for the Albina Area, met at the home of Mrs. Loy Sing Yee, 202 N. E. Graham, Sunday, March 18, 1962. The group selected the name of "Albina Taxpayers & Civic Association", who's purpose will be" striving towards communiJ..Y betterment and equal opportunity for all''. Chosen as temporary officers were: Mrs. NevadaD. Bar– nett, Chairman, Mr. Booker Gibson, Asst. Chairmzn, Mrs. A. Cox, Sr., Secretary, Mrs. Loy Sing Yee, Treasurer and Mr. Don Alford, Director of Publicity. The association decided that an immediate pole should be taken of the residents and inter~sted people in and out of the Albina Area as to their opinions in regard to the con– traversal Daisy Williams project. Mr. U. H. Leverette in behalf of the Billy Webb Lodge IBPOE offered the use of the Club-room for all future meet– ings of the group. The association membership is open to all people and welcome members who are willing to work for all im– provements and erradication of the stigma from the name Albina. To date, A large number of people have expressed their approval of the project by placing their signatures on the petition favoring the site location for the project. The little people of Albina are speaking. SUPPORT THE OREGON MIRROR ADVERTISERS "I WILL WORK FOR YOU 11 • Elect DR. BOOKER T. LEWIS STATE REPRESENTATIVE NORTH CITY DISTRICT statistically committing himself to the lower income bracket for life. Train today for tomor– row's future in Oregon's largest business college. Diploma Courses and individual subjects offered. • SECRETARIAL • BOOKKEEPING • MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING • SPEEDWRITING SHORTHAND e AUTHORIZED COMPTOMETER SCHOOL e ACCOUNTING • BUSINESS MACHINES NIGHT and DAY Courses for information call or come in NORTHWESTERN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 709 S.W. Salmon CApital3-2119 THE OREGON MIRROR Albina Business Man Blasts Demo-Committee Howard R. Lee, owner of Lee U Rent Inc., 2716 N. Van– couver Ave., stated: The resolution of the Democrat Central Committee should be disregarded. It was first turned down by all commit– tees in the local convention after careful examination of the facts which showed that the Knott street project should be supported. These commit– tees were overruled by Chair– man F rank Roberts , who brought it to the floor in an undemocratic manner. Op– position was squelched by Roberts, who allowed Wally Priestly, seeking support from the Urban League and the N.A.C.P. in his race for State Representative, the almost complete ownership of the floor. With only one side pre– sented with distorted and in– complete facts the Resolution was incorporated in the plat– form. Personal political am– bition of these two men was the most important factor, as was the promotion of the reso– lution passed last Thursday, an indication that facts are not important in some politicalac– tivity. I am personally ashamed that t h e Democratic party should put itself on record as opposed to public housing where it is needed, that it would seek to legislate where a site will be located, that it would discriminate against colored home owners desirous of improvement and upgrading of their neighborhood, and for setting forth a policy for argu– ments against housing in Jew– ish, Skandinavian, German, Italian, or any other ethnic Help build the OREGON MIRROR. Support those that support us. A newspaper cannot exist without the people support– ing the advertisers it rep– resents. Help support the paper by supporting its ad– vertisers. Page 3 Booker T. Washington MembetS KickoHPolitical Education Club Officers and members of The Booker T. Washington Club in a meeting at The Desert Motel, officialy laun– ched their new Political Ed– ucation Club and elected of– ficers. The new organization is a Non Partisan Group open to Republicans, Democrats and Independents. The necessary need and purpose for this Club is to seek out non-registered peo– ple and acquaint them with the importance of registering and voting. The Political Education Clubs initial goal is to pre– sent to its members infor– mation data on Aspirants for Public Office and educate their · members of the importance of members to the importance of studying records and issues on candidates seeking office. Elected as Pres. was Arthur A. Palmer, owner of The Des– ert Motel. Don Alford, Man– aging Editor of the OREGON MIRROR newspaper was elec– ted Vice President. An open invitation will be extended to all Candidates, regardless of party, to come to their club house to discuss platforms and programs with their groups and to bring lit– erature to be studied and cir– culated by the Political Ed– ucation Club. A resolution was passed unanimously favoring housing in the Albina area. To the Editor: The public hassle that is going on re– garding the placing of the low cost housing, I feel the deci– sion should be left up to the people in this area instead of the Urban League or any other organization of so - called leaders. The people of the Albina area have given no one, no organizations, permission to represent us. We shall repre– sent ourselves. The project will help beautify a rundown area. It is close to all public transportation and shopping centers. It will give incentive to others to beautify their homes. So let these self-imposed leaders talk their heads off. We, the people of the Albina area, think the proposed site is a good one. ALEX EVERS, 124 N. Knott St. Return an Experienced Legislator HAROLD B. CBBIBTOPBEB DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for SENATE * I favor low cost housing for low income families * I will demand an investigatioQ into the high cost of automobile insurance. Put the finest label on your table
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