Oregon Advance Times_1968-09-19

Page 4 The Oregon Advance/TIMES September 19, 1968 THE WOMEN'S CORNER Beginning in this issue, we will have a "Women's Cor– ner.'' run into this same situation now and then and have a favorite throw-together that makes a filling as well as a tasty dish. It's an omelette and usually the ingredients are already in the house, l have never thought of a name for it, so let's just call, it: Dear M.O.M.P. standing and our loved ones living. Some whites worry about black power and if it means they expect the same treat– ment they've given, they SHOULD worry! Most black people who talk about it only mean an equal or fair share of power, but there are those who do think it means "get– ting even." There are whites who hate the blacks • • . and blacks who hate the whites. destroy something at the same time you are saying you want a part of it. Seems like that is REALLY being a mugwump. This is a corner of the paper we are setting aside for the women of the Al– bina area where they can share their ideas for cook– ing, homemaking, sewing, gardening, child care, or any other interesting and helpful ideas that occur to a home– maker during the course of her daily duties. The size of this column will, of course, depend en– tirely upon how many con– tributions we receive from you, the readers, in the mail. So, ladies, be kind to your neighbors and send in your hints or recipes for home– making, Strange as it may seem, our very first contr,i– bution came from a man! (P, S, We tried it and it's very good!) Address all mail to: WOMEN'S CORNER, TI-IE ADVANCE TIMES, Box 11274, Portland, Oregon Q7211. by EMILE SUMMERS Sunday morning is an especially difficult time to get the •'better half" to fill that empty spot in your stomach • • • • , and so it's out to the kitchen to see what will be easy to fix and at the same time, fill you up. Bond Sales Up WASHINCITON, D, C., Sep– tember 11 - Series E Sav– ings Bonds sales totaled $390 million last month - a 23-year peak for any Au– gust. Cash sales of E and H Bonds and Freedom Shares for August totaled $435 mil– lion - a 13-year peak for any August. Redemptions, at cost price, were $413 million. Holdings of U, S. Series E (Continued on Page 5) EGGS SUNDAY MORNING 2 slices of bacon, diced 2 or 3 eggs (depending on size and how hungry you are) 3 or 4 Tbsp. grated cheese (or it can be chopped instead of grated) Approx. 3 slices of onion, diced 1/3 cupmilk(orevenbetter, half-and-half) Mushrooms (optional) Put the bacon bits into a hot frying pan and fry until crisp. Set aside. Put eggs, onion and cheese in a bowl, add 1/3 cup of milk or half– and-half and beat well, Add the bacon pieces (and canned mushrooms, if desired). Season with salt and pepper, pour into a hot skillet and cook until about half done. Take from the top of the stove and stick under the broiler until cooked through and brown on top, If this doesn't make a break– fast fit for a hungry man , , . well, I give up! Rummage (Continued from Page 3) We are contacting churches, organizations and friends for their help in do– nating used clothing, appli– ances, or any articles that are re-usable, If you have anything that you would be willing to give, we will be glad to make a pick-up. Please contact the following: Rev, Samuel Johnson, phone 284-2108 or 287-5341; Betty Lou Overton, phone 284-2107 or 284-5689. Yout help will be very much appreciated! Glad you phoned • • • even tf it was just to "put me down" for calling you a mug– wump! That's o.k. It's when we stop talking that we're in trouble. We may disagree and fuss at each other, but if we both do some thinking after we hang up, that's what counts, l don't claim to have all the answers, but l do have lots of questions and some thoughts. Maybe l need to change some of them. You told me again about how "good" you are .•• and about going to church • • , and THEN you spent about half an hour giving me rea– sons why you hate some peo– ple! I think that must sound strange to you, too. Maybe it occurred to you that being "good" and "hat– ing" don't really go together, Hate can get YOU instead of the one you hate. There's the man who hated his neigh– bor, so when he saw that his neighbor's house was on fire, he just sat in his com– fortable arm chair in his nice house and said he wouldn't help that old "so-and-so." He didn't notice that his own house was also burning until too late. Hate is like fire •.• it can spread faster than you think • • • and to lose what we have certainly isn't get– ting us ahead. We did agree that our country has a lot of prob– lems, but so do other coun– tries . • • the whole world, in fact. As mixed up as it is, we decided that even if we could stop the world so we could get off, there isn't any place to go. If we wanted to leave this country to get away from trouble, we'd just run into more some place else, Besides, who can af– ford to? We are in the "boat" together and if it MELON SALE at Sheridan Fruit CASABA PERSIAN HONEYDEW CARR.OTS Local Grown Careless Crisp· Snappy· OREGON GROWN APPLES JONATHON - RUBY-GOLD, DELICIOUS ''A New Taste Treat" GREEN PEPPERS Thick meated • plump PEAS, BEANS, CORN, 5 $1 FRUIT COCKTAIL, APPLE SAUCE CANS 5 LB. BAG 49e "Stids" CHICKEN BROTH GENUINE SPRING LEG-0-LAMB RIB LAMB (HOPS G;;~~:e LB. 6 .~ TONGUES "Steer Beef" JUMBO By the Piece BOLOGNA lb.6~ lb.10~ lb.10.~ LB. ae I EA. s~ I LB.69 sinks, we sink along with those we love , , • and those we hate, Getting down to what's next door to us (some may think it's across town ••• or in the next county , • • or in another state . , . but racial hatred is really next door to all of us), some of us see it every day; some only read about it ••• or see it on TV, Some people who are full of hate show it by talking • . . some by violence. Either way, hate can sink our boat, or burn our own house down. We do need to fight for equality for everyone, but fighting doesn't HAVE to mean guns and knives and fire. When a bullet leaves a gun, it doesn't know who is ''good" or who is "bad," A fire doesn't pass by the houses of the "good" nor do bullets care if it's babies and small children they kill. Even if we hate our neigh– bors, is this what we want? There are many other ways to "fig~t." Fighting the "good way" takes patience and effort and some time, but it leaves our houses What worries me is not just that, for l know that there are good whites and bad whites, and that the same is true of the blacks, but I do worry about what might happen if the "bad" white people and the "bad" black people would get together! In a way, that's what is happening now; so while the "good" of both races are just sitting quietly and doing nothing, the people who are bitter and revengeful may get the fire of hate really going and no one will be able to put it out. We are "stuck" with the country we have ••• with its faults as well as its advan– tages. If it's a country worth fighting for a share of, it's worth saving. As for me, it doe~n't make sense to help fora BIG-SCREEN Color Consolette Space-saving design that fits almost anywhere. Smartly styled two tone metal cabinet. 227 sq. in. rectangu· far picture. on app. credit take up to You answered one of your own questions when you said you didn't want to talk "hate" any more and asked what you could do to help. That cer– tainly is the first step and I'm not going to call you a mugwump any more, My line is always open ••• we'll talk about things to do. Dial me anytime Your ever-lovin' J. B, Meeting Notice Mr, Ken Berg, North City Sub-District Chairman for the Van Hoomissen for Sec– retary of State, announced that there would be a meet– ing of all those interested in the election of Van Hoomis– sen, at the Polish Hall Wednesday, September 25, starting at 7:30 p.m., the purpose being to plan out the strategy to be used to get the North District voters to get out and back the candidate, Refreshments will be served; meeting is open to all interested people. for a COLOR PORTABLE Brand new, famous name; 90-day parts and service warranty plus 1 year on picture tube. NO TRADE NEEDED, 36 MONTHS to Pay •Price with trade SHOP 9 TO 9 MON. THRU FRI. SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M. 30th and S. E. DIVISION •