Oregon Advance Times_1968-09-19
Pictured from left to right are: Mrs. Phenle Coleman, Mrs. Mattie Bennett, Mrs. Phyliss Seaberry, Mrs. Lee Baker, Mrs. Mabel Neal, Mrs. A. L. Randolph, president of the group, Mrs. Lenora Meyers, Mrs. Henrietta Mar– shall and Susan Eastman. Circle Meets The Esther Circle of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Lee Baker on Tuesday, September 10. Lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Baker. The circle meets twice a month. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sep– tember 24, the place to be announced later. Reverend John H. Jackson is pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Chu_:ch. Rural Youth In Poverty Rural youth in poverty number about 5.5 million or 38.7 of the U. s. total, ac– cording to the Office of Eco– nomic Opportunity. The Cen– ter for the Study of Unem– ployed Youth at New York University estimates that 45 per cent of all poor youth, age 15-24, reside in rural America, DRESSES!' SUITS! KNITS! COATS! 100%CAMELHAIR Rummage Needed When was the last time you wore that nice green dress hanging in the back of your closet , •• or that pair of shoes you bought three years ago? Oh, you're won– dering why I'm being so per– sonal 7 Okay, here's the reason: The Highland Un i t e d Church of Christ was donated to the Albina neighborhood for services, recreational and educational purposes, We are teaching typing, business machines and office pro– cedure. Due to the fact that we are very badly in need of typewriters, calculators and comptometers, we h ave planned a rummage sale to raise funds to purchase this equipment. The sale will be held on October 7, 1968, from 9:00 a,m. to 9:00 p.m. at the church, which is located at 4635 N. E. 9th Avenue, Port– land. (Continued on Page 4) PRICE AND LESS! COATS EXTRA SPECIAL JACQUEL $. W. 9th & MOBISOlaml LLOYD. CEITII Free Clean Up Day A feature of KGW-TV's morning ''Telescope" pro– gram will be James J . Mc– Allister, Director of the, Di– vision of Sanitation of the Multnomah County Health Department, McAllister will appear on the program at 9:00 a.m. Monday, Septem– ber 23, when he will explain the need and the operation– al methods for the Model Cities Clean Up Day sched– uled for Saturday, Septem– ber 28. The one day free pickup of trash, garbage and rubbish is being sponsored and aided by Multnomah County, the City of Portland, Explorer Scouts, Cub Scouts, the Sani– tary Truck Drivers Union, Model Cities, high school students and other public groups. Model Cities citi– zens are urged to view the Telescope Hroadcast on Sep– tember 23 in order to fully understand the operation of the big clean-up drive in their community. For further information: Wayne Leland, 228-6141, Ext. 249. September 19, 1968 ·. The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page'3 Activities Summer Jobs (Continued from Page l) Total appointments of poor youth to summer jobs with typing, bookkeeping, business federal agencies across the machines, comptometry and nation have exceeded 75,000, calculators and sewing are according to the u. s. Civil now in progress. The regu- Service Commission. Ped– lar 7:00 to 9:00 p,m. Tues- eral hiring of poor youth in day and Thursday typing . summer 1967 was 43,000. class will continue, as well as bookkeeping on Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., sewing Monday through Thursday 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Daytime and other classes will be set up for those desiring them, Although the hours have been re-scheduled, recreation is still a feature at the Cen– ter. For those who want to join a team, there is volley– ball, basketball and football. Ping-pong tables are in use during after-school hours. A In compliance with man– power ceiling restrictions, no more than 70,000 poor youth have been employed in any one month during the sum– mer. Federal hiring of all youth, age 16-21; this summer was reported at 111,386 on July 19. - FOOD - - MIXERS Lincoln Park 3536 N. E. UNION learn-to-make-your-Christ– mas-gift:s class is a new project featuring arts and crafts and sewing, It's your program Gaining interest and en– thusiasm are the "sing-in" evenings. led by several com– petent musicians. A girls' quartet has already been formed and is appearing at churches and clubs through'– out the area, Everyone in– terested in "tuning up," either voice or instrument, is invited to join the fun. '' Albina Mosaic'' Featuring: George Hendrix Dan Hayes KOAP-TV Channel 10 Every Thursday 8 p.m. Make the most of their "WonderYears" ~ Pi:,• .I , / The "Wonder Years;' one through twelve, are the formative years when you can do the most for your child's growth. During these yea rs your children deve lop in many ways-actua lly grow to 90% of thei r adult height . To help make the most of their "Wonder Yea rs," serve them nu tri ti ous Wonder Bread. Every de licious slice is carefully en riched wi th foods fo r body and mind. So ma ke the most of their "Wonder Years ." Se rve Wonder Bread- fo r en joymen t, for enrichment.
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