Oregon Advance Times_1968-09-12
I Page 8 The Oregon Advance/TIMES September 12, 1968 Employment Service (NITTE: This colunin is queries to the Department of go to your local Department written weekly and published Employment, attn. · Informa- of Employment office imme– by this newspaper as a pub- tional Representative, 402 diately. Do not wait until lie and educational service. Labor and Industries Bldg., I your regular report day. If If you have questions with Salem, Oregon 97310) you have worked since the regard to the Oregon State QUESTION: If I return to last payment was made on Employment Service, Unem- work and then am laid off your claim, you must know ployment Insurance, and/or after several weeks, how do . the name and address of your referral to the Job Corps, 1 reopen my unemployment last employer. If you have Neighborhood Youth Corps or insurance claim? already served your waiting training under the Manpower week, you will not have to Development and Training ANSWER: If you wish to serve another within the same .Act, please. address your reopen your claim, ypu should benefit year. In order that you may be served regularly, please fill out and mail in the subscription order blank below. Send it, along with your $4.50 check or money order, to The Oregon Advance/TIMES, P. o. Box 1127, Portland, Oregon 97211. SUBSCRIPTION ORDER BLANK Nrune--------------- Address _________________________ City__________ State------ Zip Code ____ Check or money order enclosed. $ ----------- ft UNION AVENUE AL!?vS~!!~~J B. Our rugged gym shoes for all the family ... a schooltime 'must'! 2.99 to 4.99 A. HI-CUT BASKETBALL SHOES with grip-the ground suction cup design rubber out– soles, cushion insoles, arch supports, air cooled cotton army duck uppers. Men'ssizes6%to12 .. 4.99 Boys'sizes8%to6 ... _ . .. 3.99 B. LOW CUT BASKETBAL:-L SHOES with buff molded rubber suction cup design out– soles, cushion insoles, arch supports. Air cooled cotton army duck uppers, toe guard front. Men's sizes 6% to 13 . . . 3. 9 9 Boys' sizes 8% to 6 . . • . . . 3 . 9 9 C. SNUB TOE CASUALS with correct balance arch supports, cushion insoles, air cooled cotton army duck uppers, and buff crepe design rubber outsoles. Sanitized for last– ing freshness. Colors white, black, navy, fad. blue, and red. Women's sizes 4 to 10 .. 2, 9 9 Girls' sizes 8% to 3 ...... 2.9 9 UNION AVENUE PENNEYS Open 'til 9 Mon. ths through Fri.-Sat, 'til 6 MARGARINE DARIGOLD CANNED. Blue Seal MILK B ,-,b- sl tall pkgS. tins GI 1.oAVIS "A8a1AD TV DINNERS 5 ·tor SI • Haley's Assorted Canned : BEANS : 7 for $1 •••••••• :LARGE eCHEX !EGGS : 3 dozen s1 ••••••••••• • SCOTT • • • TISSUE 12 rolls 89~ • •••••••••• • WHIFF •DOG FOOD • e 12 cans$1 • • - - Fresh Ground - BEEF $ Prices good thru September 12 - 18 Mortons, 29~ your choice, BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES ~:: 1 o~ lb. :::E1::~.1oc OciiRE lb.2•~ FreshCABBAGE lb.s~ HAMS lb.39~ ROUND STEAK USDA Choice or Good
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