Oregon Advance Times_1968-09-12
Speech (Continued from Page 2) Salvation Army Fall Schedule a sense of morai authority. ·.r:ne fall schedule goes into Why do I feel moral au- effect this coming week, · thority is the key that con- starting Sept.ember 9, at The trols our destiny? We can Salvation Army Red Shield see that if you are black, or Youth Center, 711 N. E. belong to a minority group, Dekum, it was announced by an education doesn't always John Newmaster, Director of guarantee you employment at the activity club for boys and the side of the equally edu- girls between seven and sev– cated white brother - aruC enteen years ot age. this is aft.er the Civil Rights The hours will be from laws h ave bee n passed. 3 to 9 p.m., Monday through We can see that one-fifth Fridays, and 10 a.m. to of the nation's population is 3 p.m. Saturdays. democratically s tar vi n g, Activities include volley– while others are paid not to ball, basketball, slot car grow food. The largest bene- racing, swimming, table ficiary of the food stamp pro- games crafts gym sports gram is not necessarily the and to~rs of p~ints of inter– food stamp purchaser. We est in the city. Roller ,skat– can see that there is no com- ing and archery will be of– prehensive health or dental fered on alternate Saturdays, plan. Even for the alluent, it takes weeks in some A new activity will be pub- cases, to get an 'appointment lishing of a club newspaper with your dentist. each week, produced by club We can see the State Wel- members. fare Commission passed a Expansion and remodeling budget that was below what of the club facilities, which its own staff estimated would are housed in an old fire be adequate. They say wel- station, are under way, with fare people are lazy and club members doing most of shiftless and use child care the labor, The renovation as an excuse not to work. will triple the area for crafts But some working mothers must either miss or stop working altogether because there is no comprehensive child care plan - money doesn't always buy good and safe child care. Se_wing Interested persons who wish to elU'oll in sewing classes sponsored by the Albina Serv– ice Center, and held at the Mallory Ave. Church on N.E. Mallory and Alberta and at the Piedmont Parsonage located at 5744 N. E. Cleveland may ·call Mrs. Lizzie Sheppard at 287-2603. ' and better utilize all of the space. Further information may be obtained by calling Red Shield, 289-2903. Club dues are a dollar a year and spe– cial arrangements can be made by youngsters for whom the fee is a hardship. Jolls, Mea, Women HOSPITAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITTES at KAISER X RNs Eve.-OR-3:30-12 M Night Emero. 12 M-8 am 08-GYN floor Staff-11 P-7: 30 am LPN-nlght-11 P-7:~ am X AIDES-Eves or nlghls Hosp trnd and exoer. Good refs Dasi 10 vrs. X Also acceotlno aoollc11tlons for NURSE AIDE TRAINING CLASS, about Nov 1. $1.78 hr. during training. Raise on comoletion. Must have good refs past 10 vears. ~RT for Medical :ecords ICDA, Slandard, and SNOP JANITOR~:30 p.f am Honest, reliable, mature man ~~aJ.'urd:nl~rl~.. 1~ng~~ Start $2.0J hr. More tor hospital housekeeping exoerl– ence. Must have checkable r1fs, for past 10 xrs. LINEN AIDE-7:30 am--4 om. Clean, honest, reliable strong woman. Pleasant. Able to lift linen, work closely with other oeople. Read, write, figure accurately. ALL oosltlons ar-: full-time, 40 hr week, permanent, and carry the famous Kaiser benefits: 1 week vacation per 6 months, paid lite Insurance, . supe,rior retiremtnt plan, completely Paid Kaiser ~ealth Piaf). New, modern tacilit- 1;15v T8"~~-1~m~r:.~enic location. Ap- PE RSONNEL ·DEPT. Bess Kaiser Hospital 5055 N Greeley Ave. Eoual OoPOrtunltv Emplover We can see, with the ex– ception of a few cases, the majority of the training for the poor trains them for non– existent jobs or jobs that would pay them just about the same salary as they made before they took the training. For these reasons and others, I see the key to des– tiny and self respect lies in the hands of those who share seats of power. We can have as many poor people marches, sit-ins, demonstra– tions, and all the other non– violent or, for that matter, violent strategies - for years, individuals who are sensitive to the poor have been trying to tell it like it is. Grant's Gull Service 1' 4311 N. Vancouver Ave. . We don't need to tell what the eyes can see. Television does a beautiful job of this. No taxpayer could fail to see on TV, or read in the news– paper, about at least one of the poverty programs - Black America, police bru– tality and so on, that has been covered by the news media. The poor, the blacks, the whites, the Indians and the rest of the so-called mi– nority groups and races are not the minority but, rather, the majority. We are the majority. Since this is true, then our strength and every every effort should be geared towards seeking and vigor– ously supporting the candi– dates and taxpayers that have acquired this gift of moral obligations and commitments, for this is the key that un– locks the door to the action of dignity and self-respect. COAST Portland, Oregon , I Winter Special Stove Oil Free Delivery ~--·"-- With 15 Gals. And Up • Free Lub. Job With Oil Change -:-_ 284-9560 :-. 3626 N. E. Union PHONE 284-9984 'The Friendly Inn" THE PLACE WHERE FRIENDS MEET AGAIN AND AGAIN Arthur Potts Owner Newest, Most Experienced Locksmith in Portland KEYS MADE FOR ALL LOCKS Outboard Ignition Keys and Marine Locks - Locksmith Supplies KEYS LUGGf.GE & TRUNKS REPAIRED Complete Line of Luggage Keys Made or Fitted ·• Walnut Park Lock & Key Co. AND SUPPLIES Bonded Locksmith Member A .L.O .A. 533 N .E . Killingsworth Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. to _Noon EASTSIDE JANITORIAL BOOKKEEPING SERVICE SERVICE * STATE-FEDERAL * Complete INCOME Building TAX Maintenance Data Processed All Other Bus: 288-S138 Phone 281-72S2 COAST JANITORIAL SERVICE INC. AUTOMOTNE CARLOS Body & Fender • Bring us your dents • Guaranteed Work 2609 N. Vancouver Ave. 287-8529, tf HARVEY'S AUTOMOTIVE 1 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Motor rebuilding - crankshaft grinding - ' automatic transmission repair - tune up & brake service · 45 years at 2016 N. E. Alberta PH. 281-4820 EKMAN & CO. INC. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MACHINE; SHOP SERVICE 1803 N. E. UNION AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 284-2155 10./10 MOR-MILE TIRES 3368 N. E. Union 284-9758 SHAW'S MOTOR TUNE-UP . COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP tf Tl RES- BATTERIES– ACCESSORIES COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE PHONE 281-4242 4939 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon 9119 B00K_KEEPING Allan 2. Bowens Res. 284-1354 Doris V. Duncan Res. 281-5776 EASTSIDE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE DATA PROCESSING COMPUTERIZED INCOME TAX 714 N. E. Alberta St. P. 0 . Box 11225 Tel. 281 -7252 ELECTICAL Industrial - Commercial - Residential. Portland, Oregon Larry Tapanen Home Phone CH 4-1887 12/12 GROCERY MALIES GROCERY 4601 N. Williams Phone 284-9523 Septembe_r 12, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page 1 GROCERY BRANDALLS GROCERY '. MARKET 2909 N. E. Prescott Phone 281-987_3 Open Sundays 7:00 a.m.. to 7:00p.m. PARKWAY GROCER't 3016 N. Williams Phone 284-9576 INSURANCE The man to see for your living protection· Th<' EQUITABLE Liff' A!t\Ufdfl(~ Socieh' of lhe United Swe, BENJAMIN M. LEONARD 2040 S.W . FIRST AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 BUS. PHONE: 222-9471 HEATING UNIVERSAL HEATING & AIR COND. INC. 1714 N. E. Alberta 287-7211 Residential and Commercial Gas, oil, electric installation and repair on all makes. 24-hour service LUMBER PARfl LUMBER COMPANY 6250 N. E. Union Telephone 287-1136 Phone 288-6409 to 11lace your classified ac! in the Advance/Tl MES PHAIOtACY, tf PAIGE'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Phone 284-4656 2701 N. E. 7th tf PLUMBING MARTIN T.MORLAN Plumbing Co., Inc. ATiantic 4 - 1109 4829 N. E. Union Avenue·' Portland, Oregon 97211 Denny Morlan, Mgr. tf D. & F. PLUMBING REPAIRS and· INSTALLATIONS 4636 N. Albina Ave., Portland, Ore. 97217 Morrie Minor ~- Res. 282-3890 It RESTAl)R;\NTS FRANCES CORNER COFFEE SHOP FEATURING: • BBQ RIBS & BEEF • CHITTLIN'S ----,, SAT. ONLY SPECIAL ALWAYS: Good Home Cooked Meals& Courteous Service 3622 No. Vancouver 282-3060 SPORTSMAN CAFE 3213 N. E. Union A variety of foods Breakfast anytime Slim & Ruth SHEET METAL ATLAS SHEET METAL STAINLESS STEEL *** ATLAS HOTEL SUPPLY RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 4215 N. Williams Ave. Phone 288-6081 TELEVISION COLOR _TV REPAIR . t( ' ALSO RECONDITIONED SETS~OLD CROWN MART TV & APPLIANCES ·sales - Service - Rental Presented by 30 29 S.E. DIVISION E. Side 235-1602 W. Side 223-6942 TELEVISION METRO TV SERVICE Color, BW and Stereo A II makes. Guaranteed Service and all new parts. 2932 S. E . Division Phone 234-6675 tf SCHOOLS There are openings now for 3-year olds at St. Phillips Corporative Pre-School 120 N.E. Knott St. For other information call 282-5195 after 1 p.m. Call 287-0305 Scholarships are available. Hours: 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays CLASSIFIED Up to 15 words for $1.00, Cut out, flll out and mall In with your $1.00. OREGON ADVANCE/TIMES Telephone_______ WANTED: Paper boys to fill route. Good pay for your work. Cal I 28B-6409 and leave your name and address. Friendly assistance is available to famllies who are interested in buying. homes in the Milwaukle– Oak Grove area, For information, contact the housing committee of the North Clackamas Human Relations Councll, 771-8833. SAL.ESMAN WANTED To sell ads for the Oregon Advance/TIMES. Telephone 288-6409 between 9 and 5 p.m.
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