Oregon Advance Times_1968-10-29
Page 8 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Community Center News (Continued from Page 1) mostly poor from this area. The data will be presented to Model Cities early in Sep– tember. As a result of this data, a more realistic ap– proach can be taken in writ– ing up programs for the poor and disadvantaged. August29, 1968 1 To me this is community action. When you can get hundreds of poor people involved and continue to keep participation in your on-going program, the results speak for them– selves. Help For Whole Family The Neighborhood Service Center staff is too busy to do public relations work. Our job is to loose ourselves in the community and show up in some kind of positive accomplishments. In almost any activity tak– ing place in the Albina area, you will find a staff person from the center involved. And this is a lot to say when there are only a dozen work– ers to do the job. Under Parent-Child Service More than one hundred parents and children partici– pated in the Monday night parent-child potluck. The potluck was held at the Al– bina Child Care Center. At the meeting a review of the program's progress was outlined by the director, Martha Ann Adelsheim. The purpose of the pro– gram is to work with low income families with chil– dren under the age of three years. To help create an overall family environment which will encourage the full– est development of the child. The program will have a child development program, give medical and dental diag– nosis, aid parent education classes, explore employ– ment opportunity for the 1 family, aid the family in learning to use community agencies, give guidance in community participation rec– reation and neighborliness. The Center is located at 1918 S, E. Washington Street. Beware Of "Bogus" Census Taker School Warns (Continued from Page 1) recommended that house– holders ask to see these badges before talking with the enumerators. This year the official badge is brightorange with black lettering. Each badge is n•tmbered. School census enumeration is required by state law. Under the statute, school dis– tricts in the state are re– quired to "count noses" every two years. The information forms the basis for receipt of state school funds and for ........... ~ 200 Children Guests Of Zoo Two-hundred disadvantaged and low income children ( 4- 13 years) in the Albina area will be guests of the Portland Zoo on September 4, 1968. Free rides, food and en– tertainment. Time leaving: 9:00 a.m. Time returning: 3:00 p.m. Pick-up place: Albina Neighborhood Service Center, 59 N, E, Stanton Street. ............... projecting enrollment trends and school building needs. Nellor urged persons who are visited by individuals alleging to be school census takers prior to September 9 to call his office or the office of the Special Investigators at the Administration Building, 234-3392. BARGAIN . 5309-27 MOl\fTGOMERY N.E. UNION ' WARD AYE. CENTER ADDING MACHINE Signature heavy-duty professional model * List to 10 columns * Totals and sub-totals up to 11 columns * Gives credit balance Regular $149.50 School special ~ Wallace Appeal To County Voters No Surprise 99 9 ?~ .. ~ Full sized, full-featured, does the really big jobs faster, better, easier. Extra rugged, all-metal parts. About 6 x 7 x 13 in. Easy to carry in case. Totals up to 999,999,999,99. Adds, subtracts, multiplies and provides credit balances. Prints to– tals and sub-totals at the touch of a key. Handy correction and repeat key. Easy drop-in tape loading. Standard key– board. Swedish made. by EMILE SUMMERS To those who listened to the Wallace Convention last Friday, I hope it didn't come as a surprise that there were that many people, and largely from Multnomah County, who feel as George does, because if they will look back four years and remember the sup– port the Goldwater backers had and who made up their majority, they will get over their shock fast. While I didn't attend the convention, I listened to the late news report, and when the motion to make him the unanimous choice was called by voice vote. If a pooling of the ayes vs. the nayes had been called, for it is hard to tell who was in the majority, of course, those opposed were merely sitting in on the action, but it helped a little to know how many of the people present were there out of curiosity and didn't like what they saw. One issue I feel necessary to take up concerning Mr. Wallace's speech is when he spoke of his state having a tradition of everyone's going to a school of his choice: if this is the case, why then did he personally block the way to one of his educational institutes to prevent the en– trance of Negro students? Me thinks Mr. W. talks out of both sides of his mouth and still says less than nothing. While I am at it, I would also like to comment on a statement made by the Re– publican nominee in his ac– ceptance speech, when he was berating the present adminis– tration, Mr. Nixon spoke of the shame on the country that its president could not travel abroad without danger of be– ing assaulted. 1 wonder if the gentleman remembers when he was traveling in South American countries and had tomatoes and eggs thrown at him, Maybe that was too long back for him to remem– ber. Then there was the remark along the same line SHERIDAN FRUIT Co. S.E. Union & Oak• 235-9353 0 CANTALOUPE 5 For CAULIFLOWER Local Grown, all white heads each 19~ s~ Local Grown RADISHES or GR. ONIONS bunch DANISH SQUASH Local Grown lb. s~ CABBAGE lb. J;JS CANNING AND FREEZING SUPPLIES Dill, Red Peppers, Spices, Vinegar, Etc. Peter Pan 2 SHRIMP cans 89~ NSESTEA: 9 9~ Starkist 4 $1 Libby's Vienna $1 TUNA First SAUSAGE s Four for cans MIRACLE WHIP by KRAFT.............. qt. jar 49~ LAMB Shoulder sliced free lb. 49~ GR. ROUND Fresh , Lea~b. 7 9~ LAMB CHOPSG;i~l:P. lb. 69~ Del Monte Sweetheart FRANKS. lb. 53~ - Portland_'s _Produc_e Cent.er_ _; . - about a nation "that for cen– turies has been known for its equality of opportunity be– ing threatened with riots and other disorders. What is Mr, Nixon's definition of equality of opportunity? I will partly agree with him if he will limit his statement to Caucasians only and the nation as a whole: in fact, it hasn't been a century ago that the Irish were subjected to the same humiliating situ– ations that the Negro is to– day, and how about the Jews? Mr. Nixon should remember that a century is a long time. He has probably forgotten that when he hved in Caiifornia his own home was purchased under a covenant that he would not sell it to a Negro. What puzzles me is that he and Georgie didn't team up. They would have made a very good team, and could have covered much more territory talking out of both sides of their mouths as they do. Den Mothers Meet At Knott Street Center A training class for Den Mothers is being held every evening at the Knott Street Center. The classes are from 7:00 until 9:00. Mrs. Liz Sheppard stated that many mothers are needed to take this training; al so Den Dads are needed. The training date will be September 16, 1968, at 7:00 p,m. "If you do not have money to get uniforms, we can help you, Don't worry about what you do not have. We can work all the problems out. Just come and take the train– ing," Mrs. Sheppard said. ~frs. Sheppard can be reached at the Neighborhood Service Center at 59 N, E, Stanton Street, 287-2603. Goodwill Needs .... Non-profit Goodwill indus– tries badly needs furniture, Please send them some? Search the attics, basements and spare rooms and put aside the repairable bedroom, dining room and living room furnishings. Then phone Goodwill to send their truck. Give jobs to the handicapped CAR CARE NEEDS by RIVERSIDE IHtHt Chrome Protector Regular $1 .19 77c Now lnst11t Starting Fluid Regular 89¢ 47c 11 oz. can Now Foa11 Wax aad Clea1er 14 oz. can 6]c SPECIAL Tar Re 11 o,er makes tough jobs easy, l]c 8 fluid oz. SPECIAL 2-step Cooling Syste• Cleaner Reg 79¢ 37c Now Aluminum GUTTER GUARD Aluminum. No more stopped up gutters, keeps gutters free from leaves. 6 inch roll is 25 ft. long. ) 67 Reg. price $2.65 Universal TRhll VIEW MIRROR a safe view with any trailer. Regular $3.98 NOW ~ Signature Vibra-beat \\~~ VACU'U"M < ~ ~ -- "' _,, CLEANER Powerful 1% hp motor. Complete set of all purpose cleaning and adjusting tools included. Regular $69.95 NOW 59•• ----ALARM CLOCK----- Westclox Electric Regular s391 · h $4.98 N wit shatter proof crystal OW Westclox Key wind Alarm Clock with S697 Big Ben chime. Regular $9.98 NOW AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC TOASTER 2-slice, reheats cold toast. Bright chrome plated finish . Reg. $12.99 NOW 10 88 WARDS BARGAIN CENTER with your discarded furniture. ..,..__....__....__..111111_.,.11111111_.,.11111111_..._...__..._._..._._.._,.,.....,.,,..
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