Oregon Advance Times_1968-10-29

August 29, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page 5 r······················~ : PLA .SHION @): Employment Service Contest Offers Prizes • 'miOR- ·110· 4-, ST ~ • ,r I .~ ~ ' -, ,'.,.,' ~ .:_- ~ . ~ • By Paraphernalia ~ ~ ...................... ~ Do you flip out with the Whether you're taking in a classic antics of Charlie Chaplin flick or blowing your Chaplin? mind at a Cream gig, Para– Is it your ambition to have phernalia has the sleek and a private film room stocked sassy threads to keep you with old silent groovies? setting the fashion pace. At the same time, do you frequently let the mind out at light shows, discotheques and acid- r ock concerts ? If so, you're ready for Paraphernalia, the breathtak– ing new boutique. Our top young designers are off in a zany, super-charged fash– ion world of their own - and we've got the only key , to get in. They' re trend– setting their talented little hearts out with things like fluorescent fabrics, patent leather hip huggers and tar– get belts. Do you Iike to stay home with "a good book" on Fri– day nights? Do you have an aversion to unconventional ideas? Beware of PARA– pH ERNA LI A! Our fast– moving fashions aren' t for the stay-at-home book reader. Visit PARAPHERNALIA-for the young and totally turned on. 732 S. W. Washington. 224-5248. Open 9:30 to 5:30 daily; Mon. & Fri. 'til 9:30. WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR "FASHION BEY0/1.,'D THE ORDINARY." William Long, Jr., newly appointed Director, will assume his new duties September 3 at the Albina Child Care Center. Long came to Portland in 1951. He worked for the Multno– mah County Welfare Agency. He accepted the position as Staff Development .Assistant with the State Welfare Com– mission in 1964. Long's education includes under-graduate work at Seattle University. He received his master's de– gree from the University of Hawaii. That (NOTE: This column is written weekly and published by this newspaper as a pub– lic and educational service. If you have questions with regard to the Oregon State Employment Service, Unem– ployment Insurance, and/or referral to the Job Corps, Neighborhood Youth Corps or training under the Manpower Development and Training Act, please address your queries to the Department of Employment, a tm. Informa– tional Representative, 402 Labor and Industries Build– ing, Salem, Oregon 97310). QUESTION: What is "suit– able" work in reference to obtaining unemployment in– surance benefits? ANSWER: The Department of Employment law says that in order to be qualified for unempl oy men t insurance benefits you must be able to work, available for suitable work and actively seeking work. Suitable work in this reference, generally means work in his regular occupa– tion or related occupations for which the skills of the worker are required. The law states that the Comis– sioner of the Department of Employment shall con– sider, among other factors, the degree of risk involved to the claimant's health, safety and morals, his physi– cal fimess and prior training, his experience and prior earnings, his length of unem– ployment and prospects for securing local work in his customary occupation and the distance of the available work from his residence. How– ever, the law says that no work is deemed suitable and benefits shall not be denied to any otherwise eligible in– dividual for refusing to ac– cept new work under any of the following conditions: (a) if the position offered is va– cant due directly to a strike, lockout or other labor dis– pute; (b} If the remuneration, hours or other conditions of the work offered are sub– stantially less favorable to "Money in the Banlc" feeling With a U. S. Bank Savings Account you can enjoy that comfortable feeling of security. Your money is absolutely safe, yet immedi– ately available whenever you need it. And your savings at U. S. Bank earn high bank interest. Ask Preston ':lolt, manager of our Interstate & Going Branch, about SURE-SAVE-U. S. Bank's exclusive plan that help savings grow systematically. INTERSTATE & GOING BRANCH 4550 N. Interstate Ave. Phone: 228-6111 United States National Bank of Oregon • Member FDIC the individual than those pre– vailing for similar work in the locality; (c) If as a con– dition of being employed, the individual would be required to join a company union or to resign from or refrain from joining any bona fide labor organization. Appointed Kid Rogers, a 20-year vet– eran of the Portland area labor movement, was elected Monday to the executive board of the Multnomah County Labor Council. Rogers, 74, a member of Laborers Local No. 296, is the second black person ever to serve on the council board. The Oregon AdvancemMES is sponsoring an essay con– test. Three-hundred words or more will be appropriate for entry. There are two divisions in this contest - under two age groups. First group is limited to 20 years and under. Second group is Attention: Contest 714-1/2 N. E. Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 TOPIC TITLES 1. Why I am Proud of My Race. 2. Why I am Proud to be be an American. What Needs to be Done in the Albina Community. 4. Do You Feel You Have 21 years and over. Each 3 essay must be an original · of your own composition, and may be chosen from any of the titles below. The dead- Received an Adequate Ed- line for this contest will be ucation So Far? effective the 31st of August, 5. What it Means to be a at 12:00 midnight. Teen-ager. The prizes consist of: 6. Why I Like Portland. 1st prize •..•. . .. $10.00 7. What 1 Think of Inter- (Two First Prizes) Racial Marriage. 2nd prize . . . . . . . $ 5.00 .".' · ·: ·::: ··::,:-:-:•:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:•:•:•:~ ........ .: (Two Second Prizes) 3rd prize .. • . an interview OTI-IER ENTRIES WILL RE– CEIVE A BIG TI-IANK YOU FROM TI-IE TIMES STAFF II In order to enter you must live within the Albina area. Mail entry to: - The Oregon Advance/TIMES Remember non - profit Goodwill Industries when d0- ing end-of-summer house cleaning. Things no longer needed aid Goodwill in help– ing the handicapped to help themselves. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2 Newest, Most Experienced Locksmith in Portland KEYS MADE FOR ALL LOCKS Outboard Ignition Keys and Marine Locks - Locksmith .Supplies KEYS LUGGAGE & TRUNKS REPAIRED Complete Line of Luggage Keys Made or Fitted ·• Walnut Park Lock & Key Co. AND SUPPLIES Bonded Locksmith Member A.L.O.A . 533 N.E. Killingsworth Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. to _Noon MEET THE Gibson popular-new refrigerator design in a compact new size and price HHHI 11111 11111 lfl HI IIHtH1H+H#H Gibson Refrigerator-Freezer with 74 lb. freezing compart– ment. 12 cu. ft. refrigerator. Multi-magnet door seal . avail– able in avacado. coppertone , white. Auto cycle defrosting. porcelain crisper. customer parking at our store Phone 288-5308 $ w. T.