Oregon Advance Times_1968-10-29
Page 4 The Oregon Advance/TIMES August 29, 1968 BACK-TO-SCHOOL RULES FOR MOMS Back-to-school time can spell supplies helps your child get a fun-or frenzy-for y.our family. happy outlook about school's It depends on you. st.art. whether hP's going for A little advance planning can the first timP or just going back. encourage y.our youngster's Tension is often relieved hy the pleasant anticipation while re- acquisition of a new school bag, ducing his natural nervousness. pencil case, shiny notebooks or Getting ready in easy st.ages his own dictionary. will avoid that deadline des- 4. Game.• Gil'e Confidenre. peration so many parents sue- Still another suggestion to cumb to at summer's !'nd. hrPak the hack-to-school ice: buy Here are some tips from the thP child a new game. One that child psychologists to help you entertains while stimulating the turn that hack-to-school storm power of concentration is par- into smooth sailing. ti!'ularl.v helpful during thP I. Wardrobe Wisdom. transition from vacation to Make a list of vour l'hild's S!'hool. An ideal PXample is clothing needs weli in advam·p Milton Bradley C'o.'s new "Re– of his school's opPning da.v. call". It providt>s a challenging Shop _in eas.v stages to avoid !Psi of visual memory in which fatigue. Don't owr-hu~· as ,Jun- childrPn oftpn outscore parents. ior or Jane may well outgrow You g-et just a few seconds to present sizes hy winlPr. Anet hf, stu<ly a crazy picture pattern sure to allot enough time for before it rotates out of your careful fitting of those all-im- fiel<l of vision. Then you have port.ant new shoes. to <luplicate that p~tern with 2. J\,f edical 1\1ust.s .vour own set of picture cards. Even though your youngster The Pxcitt>ment mounts. and receives a routine examination the min<l works. Since most at school. in the weeks preced- sehool-supply stores also sell ing his return check any special games..vou can pick one up on physical problem with his doc- a sch..ctuled shopping trip. tor. And try to schedule his Heed th..se helpful hints semi-annual visit to the dentist from lhP e,qierts and your child now to avoid cutting into school shoul<l llf' off to school with a or play time later. health.v head start. And you'll 3. Tools of the Trade. get the gold star for parental Advance buying of school preparedness. CHURCH DIRECTORY Albina Church of Christ, 3908 N. E. Mallory ......... 288-1092 All Notions Community Church, 2902 N, E. Rodney ..... . Allen Temple CME Church, 4236 N, E. 8th Avenue , ... . Augustona Lutheran Church, 2710 N. E. 14th ........ . Berean Conservative Baptist Church, 109 N. Wygant ... . Bethany Chapel, 3905 N. Vancouver ............. . 287-0261 288-6174 282-0241 Bethel AME Church, 5828 N. E. 8th Avenue .......... 282-1445 Church of Christ, 931 N. Skidmore .............. . Church of the Living God, 4415 N. Williams .......... 288-3729 Church of the Living God, 717 N, Russell Street ...... . Community Church of God, 202 N. E. Skidmore ...... . Congregation Tifereth Israel, 4744 N. E. 15th Avenue .... 284-9105 Congregotionol Evangelical Brethren Church, 238 N. E. Mason ...................................... 281-8281 Evangelical Free Church, 1032 N. Sumner .......... . 282-3911 Feith Tabernacle, 4716 N. Williams ............. . First AME Zion Church, 2007 N. Williams ......... . Fourth Church of Christ Scientist, 109 N. Emerson ..... 281-1557 Friendship Community Church, 1237 N. E. Failing ..... . Full Gospel Pentecostal, 36 N. E. Russell Street ..... . Gethsemane Church of God in Christ, 237 N. Russell .... 284-8480 Good Hope Evangel Deliverance Temple, 3331 N. Wi IIiams. Good Samaritan Church of God in Christ, 3204 N. Commercial ..................................... 287-0165 Highland Baptist Church, 607 N. E. Alberta ........ . Highland Park Church, 1234 N. E. Killingsworth ..... . Highland Park Nazarene Church, 5321 N. E. 13th Avenue .. Highland United Church of Christ, 4635 N. E. 9th Avenue. Hope Lutheran Church (Deof), 75 N. E. Wygant ... , .. Hughes Memorial Methodist Church, 111 N. E. Failing ... Immaculate Heart Catholic Church, 2926 N. Williams . Immanuel Free Methodist Church, N. Ivy and Gantenbein Irving Pork Church of God, 1222 N, E. Skidmore ..... Mallory Avenue Christian Church, i26 N. E. AJberta St. . Messiah Lutheran Church, 4735 N. Commercial ..... . Metropolitan Church of God, 3700 N. Borthwick ...... . Morning Star Baptist Church, 106 N. E. Ivy ......... . 2125 N. VANCOUVER AVE. tsouL FOOD] DANCING, Entertainment BIG NEW SHOW! Jam Session Sunday 6 to 9 p.m. 288-1115 287-0145 287-0145 282-2776 287-6244 288-4959 287-3724 287-9427 288-5173 287-9493 284-8915 281-4925 Authenic Full Size Viking Ship Coming To Portland An authentic replica of a Viking ship, slated to be a highlighted feature of a two– week Salute to Scandinavia, arrived quietly in Portland last Monday aboard the Swed– ish Johnson Line vessel, the Santos. The attractive sail– ing craft will be on public display after a two-day voyage up the Columbia River to Portland in late September. According to officials of Meter & Frank, who arranged for the ship, it will be dis– played at a Junior Chamber of Commerce "Tivoli Gar– dens" fun. food and enter– tainment center at Portland Towers between September 23 and 28 and at OMS! until October 5. Plans call for a volunteer crew of 12 persons, dressed in authentic Viking costume, to sail the boat from Astoria to Portland. leaving the down– river port on the morning of Saturday, September 21. An overnight stop wiU be made at Longview that day. On Sunday, the boat will travel to Vancouver, where it will remain overnight. It will arrive in Portland about 10:30 Monday morning, September 23. The costumed crew will be greeted at the seawall by Mayor Terry D. Schrunk, Scandinavian dignitaries in town for the festivities, and by Portland's Scandinavian consuls, The boat will be captained by Goran Kvarnstrom, Swed– ish Trade Commissioner, Vancouver, B. c.. who as– sisted in obtaining loan of the craft. Pilot will be Capt. Dennis Brown, President of the Columbia River Pilots Assn. Other crew members will be drawn from the World Affairs Council, co-sponsors with the City of Portland and the State of Oregon of the Salute to Scandinavia, and the Junior Chamber of Com– merce. Although the craft carries a sail and oars, motive power will be an auxiliary engine, the only non-authentic touch. The boat was built in Sweden in 1912 by Oskar Plym, famed Swedish boat builder, and was first exhibited that year in connection with the Olympic Games at Stockholm. It has been on display in the United States several times, most recently about two years ago when it sailed from Chicago to St. Louis during a Scan– dinavian festival in the mid– west. The unnamed boat is an exact half-scale replica of the famed Norwegian Viking "Gokstad" ship, which is 75 feet long. Her builder took ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: off all measurements and faithfully followed design de– tails of the original, including intricate carvings along the gunwale, the figurehead, mast and steering mechanism. The little craft is 37-l/2feetlong, with a nine-foot beam. The crew will wear authen– tic Viking costumes. com– plete with horned headdress, swords, shields. spears and drinking horns. Appropriate ceremonies are planned at Astoria, Longview and Van– couver, with toasts in mead, the original Viking drink. which will be carried in casks on board. Local yacht clubs will escort the boat up the river and she will be saluted on her Portland arrival by a round from a cannon raised Subscribe NOW one full year Mail your subscription to '.- from the Swedish warship, Wasa, which sank in Stock– holm harbor in 1939 on her maiden voyage. The Wasa recently was raised and restored. When helping non-profit Goodwill Industries, handi– capped people are helped in many ways. You help provide services such as evaluation, work adjustment, counseling, recreation, medical and psy– chological care. Job training and experience prepare the handicapped for normal em– ployment. Support your Good– will Industries. $4so by Mail. Sgt. Kenneth L. Thomas of Portland, a holder of the Air Medal and Oak Leaf Cluster, died Sunday, August 18, in Vietnam of liver and intes– tinal ailments and malaria. Sgt, Thomas attended Grant High School and Colorado Junior College In Colorado Springs. He was a member of Bethel AME Church. P.O. Box 11274, Portland, Oregon GRAND OPENING AUG. 30 J ~• 1 ''N1TE ~.ti, TAVERN .,2________________ 3626 N. E. Union PHONE 284-9984 'The Friendly Inn" THE PLACE WHERE FRIENDS _ MEET AGAIN AND AGAIN POOL • FOOSBALL • BOWLER COLD BEER • SANDWICHES GOOD SOUL MUSIC Olde English "800" is the Big Daddy of malt liquors. Try the bold brew in the gold can -charcoal filtered for extra smoothness. Ask the man for ''800" Malt. Blltz-Wc1nh,1r,l Co Portl.in ,1 OrL l"l ,n Arthur Potts Owner MALT LIQUOR Ernest and the McGee Sisters
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