Oregon Advance Times_1968-05-23

May 23, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page7 Junior War On Poverty to Meet----- PARKS SUMMER EMPLOYMENT The Bureau of Parks has announced openings for sum– mer employment for high school students. ness to work with all people and children, A meeting will be held Fri– day May 24 at Knott Street Community Center to elect the officers for the Junior War on Poverty Board. The purpose of the Junior board will be to bridge the communication gap between the young people and the adults. The board will be set up to parallel the sen– ior board. Members at pres– ent on the Junior Albina Citizens War on Poverty Com– mittee consists of Julia Stoll, Riley O'Ferrall, Terry Clin- ton, Dan Brewster, Roy Wash– ington, Diana Wagner, Cecil Hatchett, and Billy Anfield. Assisting from the senior board will be Frederick Bel– cher, Norman Bruce, Mary Jane Brewster and Helen Stoll. Publicity will be handled by Blake Byrnes and Richard Montgomery, jr., also of the senior board. Further information may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Rosemary Pierson at 287- 2603. There must be a willing- Those interested should call 228-6141 or visit 1107 S. W, 4th and ask for Dorthea Lensch or Charles Walker. THOMAS Betty Roberts BROS. Authorized Agent Dyna Vision · • Latest Auto Test Equipment AUTO SALES & SERVICE for • Parts Distribution • Home Calls 288-5589 433-434 N.E. ALBERTA PORTLAND, ORE. 97211 State Senate Positioa No. 5 CHUCK'S lnb..---1 1 CAR STEREO Elect Van Hoomissen Secretary (D <D <tu; 630 N.E. UNION AVENUE PORTLAND ORE. of State SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION WE SERVICE All MAKES CAR• HOME• BOAT 236-0082 HOURS: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. George Van Hoomissen Democratic Candidate John Leahy, State Chairman elect PAT DOOLEY for Van Hoomissen, today urged vott'rs to support Mult– nomah County Distrcct Attor– ney George Van Hoomissen for Secretary of State. Leahy says. "Don't take our word for it. Read what others have been saying about this outstanding- administrator." OREGON LABOR PRESS "The most attractin• of th•· 11otentlal t'andidatt's in either party is young and able Georg<' \'an Hoomlss<'n ... and his work at Salem earned him the rt'– spect of his fellow lawmakers.'' WINNER Judicial Preference Poll! PAT DOOLEY is the overwhelming choice of lawyers and judges (by 3-to-1 vote in official Multnomah County Bar Poll) for election to the new Circuit Judge Position # 17 CIRCUIT JUDGE PAT DOOLEY HAS the experience, ability and dedi– cation needed in our Circuit Court. He has more than 17 years' trial law experience in Oregon Courts . . . served six years in Oregon legislature, as Speaker of the House in 1957-58 ... is a member of the Board of Governors of the Oregon State Bar ... is a Portland native, war veteran, family man, with under– standing of local people and problems. " ... Intelligent, serious-mind– ed, high principled, and with a good record as DA and a lt'gis– lator, Van Hoomlssen has all the earmarks of a young man with a bright political des– tiny." (Dct'. 10, 1965) LA GRANDE OBSERVER "... the real blockbuster for the Democrats announced his decision to run for office ... th<' 37-year-old, two-term District Attorney of Multnomah Coun– ty, George Van Hoomissen." "He's artienlat~ and a man who is not satisfied with th<' status quo. Ask any delegate ... Republi<'an or D<'mocrat ... and he.'11 tt'll yon to watch that young man." (Jan. 12, 1968) OREGON JOURNAL " ... Gf'orgt' Yan lloomissen is the obvious C'hOi<'C'." (May 1, 1968) Leahy concludt'd, "Join us in t' lecti ng- Van Hoomiss<'n the first D<'mocratic SPcretary of Stak since 1878!"' The Committee to ELECT PAT DOOLEY CIRCUIT JUDGE, Van Hoomissen for Secretary of State Com· mittee. John B. Leahy, Chmn. 2320 N. W. Westover Rd . Portland, Ore . Herbert M. Schwab. E.G. Chuinard, M.D., Co-Chairmen, 525 Corbett Bldg ., Portland, Ore. Let's get the country united again ... Let's send a man to Washington who will seek honor– able and sensible ways to peace instead of shoutin~ reckless statements vilifying our leaders and our coun– try in the eyes of the world. BOB DUNCAN is truthful. He "s already made his mark as a " no-nonsense ," consistent legislator in the Cap– itol. He wants the best for Oregon and the best for America. And he will help get it. Bob Duncan: the man named by A.P. as "... one of the hardest working Congressmen on Capitol Hill. " Look at his record: 1956-Elected State Representative 1958- Re-elected State Rep. 1959-Elected Speaker of House 1960- Re elected State Rep. 1961 - Re-elected Speaker of House 1962 --Elected ll S Conq,essman 1964-Re-elected U.S. Congressmail 1966--Nom,nated for United States Senate by a whopp,n~ 3 to 2 ma,gin, and received over :no 000 votes 1n the general P.lect101J RETAIN "BILL" BOWES CITY COMMISSIONER * HE SAVES TAXES Art Riedel, Chrm.. Bowes for Commiss,oner Ct,"- m 1031 S W. :>th /'\venue Portland. Oregon YOUR FIGHT IS HER FIGHT she works to assure the use of model school money for YOUR schools Battled for adequate enforcement of fair housing law. Will continue to fight for your rights VOTE IYi Betty Roberts *************** There's new life in America .. .- One man made all this Thousands of citizens are eagerly taking part in de– termining their country's future. Three major candidates are seeking the Demo– cratic Party's nomination. There is active debate among members of both parties. ossible. One man took the issues to the people. That man continues to be the only candidate who speaks to all Americans-not as members of a particular group, but as citizens of one great nation. For his courage and integrity, his experience and intelligence, one man has the ability to reunite all Americans. That man is Eugene MCCARTHY Think what he could do for America Authorircd and Paid for by Oregonians !or McCarlhy, 614 S.W. 11th Avenue. Portland. Or~. Joe Allman. Chairman.