Oregon Advance Times_1968-05-23

Seelcs Office Shag Thomas, a veteran of World War II, father of six children, is running for the office of Mul01omah County Commissioner. Shag spent one year major– ing in Engineering at Wilber– force University, and four years majoring in Physical Education and minoring in So– cial Studies at Ohio State Uni– versity. He spent two sessions as a Page Boy in the Ohio State Senate. He, aside from this, belongs to Kappa Alpha Psi Fratern– ity, Billy Webb Elks #1050, the Mason's Gloria Lodge, Columbus, Ohio and the Vet– erans of Foreign Wars, Post 3452, Tualatin, Oregon. Also coaching the Pony League Baseball Team, he is on the Board of Directors of Green Finger and the Com– mittee for Effective Com– munity Government. While in Ohio High School, he was an All Star, All Big Ten and All American in col– lege, and played for the Green Bay Packers in 1950 at the Rose Bowl. Working now as sales mana– ger for Albina Real Estate, he still has time to be a May 23, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page5 ---Afro-American Day at Portlan~ Community College-- (Continued from Page 1)-- the fashion show all black candidates and local spokes– men have been invited to speak as to their position on certain subjects. Following the speakers a Black Dance Demonstration is scheduled. This will show the change in dance the average black young person has gone through in the last two years. At 3:30 a Soul Dance will start. There will be a 25¢ donation. Live music will be provided by B. L. and the Soul Tans. The Black Srudents Union at PCC bumbers approxi– mately 40 members. All of the arrangements and pro– gram has been planned to expose black people to parts of their culture and to also let others know that black people are capable of or– ganizing and doing something on their own. It parallels the Jefferson Soul Assembly in that it merely acts out the daily life of the average black youth. The difference lies in the fact that this pro– gram will start with the present and speculate about the future. It takes a .big man to fill Senator Wayne Morse's shoes. IT TAKES WAYNE MORSE. Think about it a minute. AUNITED STATES SENATOR IS THE VOICE OF. • • professional wrestler ref- blue-collar workers ... city people ... white-collar workers ... country people ... eree. Cleric Explains Scandin'avia A recent visitor to Sweden, Denmark, and Copenhagen, the Rev. Wendell H. Wallace of the Marantha Church, said "the tour had a two-fold pur– pose, goodwill tour in behalf of race relations, and spir– itual crusades." The trip was sponsored by businessmen from all over the US. The Rev. Mr. Wall– ace held meetings with the young people in Scandinavia. The older people in the coun– tries, he said, "feel that there's no hope for the world unless its through the youth." He said there is a spir– itual revival, especially in the schools, prisons, and the Parliament of Stockholm in which he spoke. Of the attitude of the peo– ple toward Negroes he said "they are in sympathy with the racial problems in America.'' He said that he saw very few Negroes while there. The ones that are there are most– ly entertainers. The Rev. Mr. Wallace, aside from his Scandinavian tour, has been to Vietnam twice, visiting hospitals and base camps and was received well. Other trips he has made include Hawaii, London, Hong Kong, Korea, and other eastern countries. He is now working on a book called WHAT ISTI-IE ANSWER TO AMERICAS RACIAL PROBLEMS? - which is the result of a series of sermons that he made before the death of Martin Luther King Jr. '' Anyone wishing a copy should contact me at 1222 N. E. Skidmore," the Rev. Wallace said. AMERICANS OF EVERY COLOR AND EVERY CREED A United States Senator represents every man, woman, and child in his state. It is a big job. It demands a big man. Oregon has one. Wayne Morse. On the job leading Oregon to greatness for 23 years·now. We all need Wayne Morse in Washington. He talks the language they understand. UNITED STATES SENATOR WAYNE MORSE-OREGON'S LEADING DEMOCRAT Pa,d for by 1968 Re-Elect Wayne Morse Committee. Dan Dimick. Chai rman 936 SW Washington St .. Portland . Oregon