Oregon Advance Times_1968-05-23

~-=•«-::·:· '!/:eat &aate Main Office: 4950 N.E. Union PORTLAND , ouooN ,1211 New Eastside Location: 19043 S.E. Stark St. Board and Room! 5 Bedrooms, 2 Kitchens, 2 Baths Plenty of room to operate. Double Garage, New furnace. $13,000. 2 Clean Bedrooms, neat grounds, garage. 3947 N. E. 8th. Priced right for cash. Commercial - 7,500 sq. ft. lot, with building. To close estate. 302 N. E. Russell. 12,175 sq. ft. lot and 2 small houses - rented. 6805 and 6823 S•. E. 65th. Fine building lots. $14,500. Commercial bldg. Union Avenue. 4 tenants. Off– street parking. $34,000. Mr. Scott. 4 Bedrooms - 50 x 100 Lot. 2816 N.E. 12th - Hard wood floors - Oil heat - 2 fire places, one in master bedroom. Pr iced to se 11 - Make offer. See me, Scott. Mr. Investor - See - Buy - 3226 N. E. Rodney - 5 Bedrooms. Basem•mt. Close in. Priced Right. See Mr. Scott, mornings & evenings, 288-3853. Listings wanted! LISTINGS V, ANTED Call Mr. Scott, 288-3853, eves. J.J. WALKER-REALTORS 4950 N.E. UNION AVE. 288-5045 "Invest in the West" I Remember By Law You Have To Keep Records .. . . Harvey L. Rice 1 A full-time trained Area Director 2 Simple, complete pre-printed records J Peace of mind and no 't'Orry on tax 4 A monthly bulletin service 5 Preparation of your annual income tax Call 227-1818 or 287-2212 We will gladly explain this unique plan without obligation. A SPECIALIZED BUSINESS CONSULTING SERVICE FOR SMALL BUSINESS CLASSIFIED FOR SALE ---- ·--- --~ 2-pc. Sofa, used, $29. Call 234-7286. Shleifer Furniture Gas Ranges - No Reasonable Offer Refused. 234-7286. 1961 Chrysler New Yorker. Call Don M ii Iiron, 284-4973, Friday or Saturday. 5/15 4- Bedroom House - by owner. Full basement, double garage, w/w carpet, 1-2/3 baths. 3525 281-5407. 5/15 3- Bedroom House. Basement, garage & covered patio. 1014 NE Going. 281-5407. 5/15 TOM PETERSON Good used stereo Muntz • • • • • • • $ 99.00 Frigidaire refer, used •••••••• $ 99.00 - Kenmore 30'' deluxe range, used ••••• $149.00 Wizard washer ••• $ 99.00 Daveno & chair ••• $199.00 Good used Admiral color TV w/23" screen, fully guar. $299.00 288-5153 - MID-CITY AT UNION AT BROADWAY New 4-pc. Bedroom Section, gun stock walnut finish. Dealer. 234-7286 4/25 Whirlpool built-in oven, used. See-thru door. Completely automatic. Like new. $55.00. Cal I 285-9671. . 5/2 Used lamps (2), modern de– sign, good condition. $7.00 each. Cal I 285-9671. 5/2 '56 Ford Sedan, customized. Less than 40 hours on com– pletely rebuilt Lincoln en– gine & transmission. Stick shift. Needs paint. Engine alone worth asking price of $350. Call 254-3946. 5/2 HELP WANTED DEPUTY SHERI FF A RE YOU A YOUNG MAN WITH A COLLEGE DE– GREE? ARE YOU SATIS– FIED WITH YOUR PRES– ENT CAREER GOALS? IF NOT, HAVE YOU CON– SIDERED A PROFES– SIONAL CAREER WITH THE NATION'S LEADING LOCAL POLICE AGENCY? Multnomah County is cur– rently recrniting top cali– ber men to fill eligible list for future vacancies. Vision, 20-100, Corrected to 20-20. MULTNOMAH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COM– MISSION, Room 140, Mult– nomah County Courthouse, or call 227-8411, Ext. 387. May 23, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page 11 Ekman Auto Parts and MACHINE SHOP * 1803 N.E. Union Cylinder Head Specialist -– Crank shaft and Engine boring * FASHION HOUSE HOLD Distributors • Furnace Oil • Stove Oil • Gasoline Discount m ,,HARBOR 282-2S11 10 N.E. Broadway M. McKinney & Co. Real Estate - Insurance Where one . stop will fill most all of your insurance needs. From Home-owners, Auto, Marine to Bonds etc; Financing available on all Insurance Plans. --------------------- Stenographer wanted - Legal · experience preferred, but not 4944 N. Williams 288-6359 Authorized Agents "· _ 2326 N.E. 11th Whitney Real Estate Samuel G. Whitney - Realtor Fine Homes & Income Property Listings Wanted 288-3784 FRIBERG ELECTRIC co. 288-5161 4636 N. Williams Avenue PORTLAND, OREGON 97217 necessary. Competent typist of 50 wpm. Hours: 9-5. Salary: $325 - $400. Call Legal Aid, 288-6746. 5/1 Strawberry and Raspberry Pickers wanted - adults pre– ferred. 281-7355. 1829 NE 1~. 5~2 LOST & FOUND Reward Offered for return of pictures from billfold lost on Union bet. Knott & Graham Sunday afternoon. No ques– tions asked. Marjorie Provost 284-0907 or 253-8845. 5~ - $25 Reward - lost Dog - Chihuahua Terria mix, 10" high, brown and white, long ears, curly tail, slipped back disc needs net. Owner Rick needs dog. Call 288-1363 or 284-8989. 5/22 WANTED Hearing Aid Needed - Contact Mary L. Carson. 287-2603. 4/25 COAST JANITORIAL SERVICE .. Complete Building Maintenance Employment Info: 282-0261 Rep. Hartford Insurance Co. ~ and many others EASTSIDE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE * STATE-FEDERAL INCOME TAX Data Processed All Other Bus: 288-5138 Phohe 281-7252 COAST JANITORIAL SERVICE INC. Democrat DONALD E. CLARK . .. For County Commissioner, Multnomah County, Position 4 EURA HUDSON ANDREW GAY VERDA JEAN GAY RETURN A PROVEN LEADER . c.e set;,," DISTINCTION AND BOLDNESS Of the late 1960's Don Clark says: "Government is not in the court house, nor city hall, nor in Salem or Washington, D.C. It is in the streets, in the alleys, and in the homes and hearts of the citizens. The people and the environment they create are not only changing but radically changing. It's my hope we can bring government up to the standards of the late 1960's demand and thus meet the demands of the -future." DON CLARK CARES ABOUT THE WHOLE COUNTY On May 28th vote Donald E. Clark Position 4 Clark Campaign, George M. Joseph, Chairman, 6812 North Lombard, Portland, Oregon 97203 JOHNNIE MAE BELL JOHNNY L. BELL K.B. CAIRNS MR . AND MRS. S.R. LOEB MRS. PETER HURST MEL PETERS MR . AND MRS . RUFUS BUTLER MR . AND MRS . CHARLES D. FOSTER LING