Oregon Advance Times_1968-03-07
Page 6 The Oregon Advance/TIMES February 8, 1968 Four Cagers From Area on All-City Team Investment Firm Honors Winters Jack Winters, a former Portland resident and star basketball player at Roose– velt High School and the Uni– versity of Portland, has been honored by Investors Di– versified Services, basketball play and then on to the Harlem Globetrotters, Charlie Stoudamire Four young men from the community were named by The Oregonian to the 1968 All-City high school basket– ball team. -~ f\'l 1-, ,,\\:~_ l\1f/f./G' Gary Ladd Two are from Jefferson's stylish team and two are real-life bro the rs from Washington. Gary Ladd, 5-10, and Bill --------------------· - -- Bill Drake Drake, 6-1, are those from Jefferson named to the team. Willie Stoudamire, 5-11, and Charlie Stoudamire, 6-3, are the Washington players. The fifth member of the All-City team was Steve Kebbe of Madison, Farris Willie Stoudamire Jefferson as city champion and Washington as runner– up will be in the state high school tournamen~ The tournament opens March 12 at Memorial Coli– seum, Winters has been named to the company's select Million– aires Club, an honor that is restricted to those who have more than $1 million in sales annually. Winters was one of the top salesmen in the company's 3,700-man nation-wide sales force in 1967. He has been with the firm since 1965 and now heads its Long Beach, Calif., branch. An outstanding performer on the basketball court, Win– ters set records at Roose– velt and University of Port– land before moving into AAU He, his wife and children make their home in Compton, Calif, Mrs. Winters is the former Marilyn Whaley, Her father, the Rev. Ennis Whaley is the former minister of Hughes Memorial Methodist Church in Portland, Jack's brother, Jim Win– ters, is varsity basketball coach at Franklin High School in Portland, Investors Divers if i e d Services are national dis– tributors of mutural funds shares, life insurance and investment certificates. FOR SALE: 1957 BUICK Century, p.b., p.s., radio, heater, good con– dition, good finish in black & yellow, $250. Call 292- 1451 eves. of Jefferson received honor- T.:=====~~~~~~~........................- ..........................................___________,. IfilUSINESS ~ ERVICES lli)1RECTORY Phone 288-6409 to place your classified ad in the Advance/TIMES FOR SALE or RENT Spacious upstairs duplex apartment. Newly decorated. 2 bedrooms, plenty storage, private entrance. Rent $80 per month. 3018 N. E. 9th. Prefer no small children. Call 284-8466 or 284-0988. One two-bedroom house in country, $60 per month. Rent lowered if renters willing to work on place. Write Rt. 1, Box 188, Aurora, Ore., or cal I 678-5635 after 7 p.m. Apartment Manager Wanted - Salary, Albina area, handy, reliable couple. Bondable. Alpha Development and In– vestment Corporation. P.O. Box 1490, Portland 97207. tf Fireproof Strong Box, $25. Call 287-1640 Unfurnished apartment in wooded retreat. Suitable for bachelor or couple. Huge paneled main room, kitchen, dressing room and garage. Located near zoo. 234-4784 HELP WANTED ---- ---- -~- ,~~ - Tutors wanted for GED clas– ses. To volunteer, call Mrs. Mary Louise Carson, Albina Neighborhood Service Center, 287- 2603 or 288-6409 C!erk-stenographer, 25-30 years of age. Neat in appear– ance & pleasing personality; must have knowledge of inter– com system; typing 50 wpm. Hours, 10:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Salary, $375 per month. Cal I Mis~ ErmaHepburn,287-2603 Soon hiring - no experience necessary. Men & women over 18 for positions as ap– pointment clerks and com– missioned sales work. Send name, address & phone to: Merchandise Unlimited Co., Box 11324, Portland, Oregon 97211. COAST FOR SALE Must sell at sacrifice! New professional Electric Stereo guitars, 6 and 12 string. Fast necks, beautiful superior makes. Fabulous discounts. Call 227-3481 days to see. Full-size hollywood frame and springs, $8. 287-3353 For Sale - TV's, Stereos. Purchase includes free serv– ice for 90 days. Call Charles o. Daniels,234-3311,ext.572. SPECIAL NOTICES Don't just think about it. Volunteer to help Eugene Mc– Carthy for president cam– paign. Call Portland head– quarters, 304 SW Washington, 224-1918 able mention. DEPUTY SHERIFF ARE YOU A YOUNG MAN WITH A COLLE(;E DE – GREE? ARE YOU SATIS– FIED WITH YOUR PRES– ENT CAREER GOALS? IF NOT, HAVE YOU CON– SIDERED A PROFES– SIONAL CAREER WITH THE NATION'S LEADING LOCAL POLICE AGENCY? Multnomah County is cur– rently recruiting top cali– ber men to fill eligible list for future vacancies. Vision, 20- 100, Corrected to 20 . 20. MULTNOMAH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COM– MISSIOJ\, Room 140, Mult– nomah County Courthouse, or call 227 -8411, Ext. 387. Main Office: 4950 N.E. Union PORTLAND, OREGON ,1211 New Eastslde Location: 19043 S.E. Stark St. COMMERCIAL ESTATE near UNION AVE. 302 & 304 N.E. Russell. 50 x145 lot 33 x 70 building Garage - $8500, or offer; Mr. Scott. WANT A 5 - BRM? Dbbl. garage, fcb, 2 bath, new furnace. See - Make offer. Mr. Stahl or Mr. Scott. 3- RE NTALS -7305 N. CURT IS 108 x 115 lot, fcb, contract $13,500. Mr. Milliron - 285-2372. ---------------- JUST MARRIED? BUY THIS 1-Bedroom house. 1600 N.E. Alberta. 50 x 100 cor– ner lot. $5,750, or offer. Mr. Scott - 288-3853 Morn., eves. 3- LOTS - SMALL HOUSE 7003 N.E. 9th. fcb. Cherry Grove. $6,900, or offer Mr. Scott. Ca 11 Mr. Scott, 288-3853, eves. J.J. WALKER-REALTORS 49SO N.E. UNION AVE. 288-S04S "Invest in the West" EASTSIDE JANITORIAL BOOKKEEPING SERVICE SERVICE * STATE-FEDERAL * Complete INCOME Building TAX Maintenance Data Processed Employment Info: 282-0261 All Other Bus: 282-0700 Phone 281-72S2 COAST JANITORIAL SERVICE INC. AUTOMOTIVE EKMAN AUTO PARTS Specialist Machine Shop 1803 N, E, UNION AVE Open 6 days a week, 8-5 AT 4-2155 BARBER SHOPS WILLIE HARRIS SPORTSMAN'S BARBERSHOP 3638 N. Williams BOOKKEEPING Allan Z. Bowens Res, 284-1354 Doris V_Duncan Res. 281 -5776 EASTSIDE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE DATA PROCESSING COMPUTERIZED INCOME TAX 714 N, E_ Alberta St_ INSURANCE The man to see for your living protection BENJAMIN M. LEONARD 2040 S ,W, FIRST AVE_ PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 BUS_ PHONE : 222-9471 rh«· EQUITABLE lif,, A'"""""' ~o< i~I\ of lh£' United ~lc11t•, JEWELRY i JEIUHIY ~ WRTCHESiD1Amono , wrno1nG•G~ROURTIOl1 Glf!Sf H. GLEN JEWELRY, INC. WATCH REPAIRING & JEWELRY REPAIRING PH. 284-1650 5266 N_ E. Union Portland, Oregon 97211 OPTICAL P_O,Box11225 TeL281 -7252 ...,.__ c_o_F_F_E_E_s_H_o_P_s__________. ~~o,,,c\ v,~;~;::ii~;;~~~:~"~' FRANCES CORNER COFFEE SHOP Phone: 287-9117 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE FEATURING: SPECIAL ALWAYS: * BBQ RI BS & BEEF Good Home Cooked * CHITTLIN'S ---- Meals & SAT, ONLY 282-3060 Courteous Service 3622 No, Vancouver CLOTHING LEW'S MAN'S SHOP " HOUSE OF STYLE" 113 N. Russell SL, Portland 12, Oregon Lew Gress ELECTRONICS Phone 281-1207 Paul H_ Wirth, Prop. PAUL'S ELECTRONICS Electronic Repairing, Service & Installation 4905 N, E, Union Avenue Near Alberta SL, Portland, Ore, HEATING SCARBOUROUGH FUEL SERVICE KEY SERVICE • Furnace Repair • Heating Oil 102 N,E , Russell - 282-4920 ATLAS SHEET METAL STAINLESS STEEL ATLAS HOTEL SUPPLY RESTAURA'.H EQUIPMENT 4215 N. Williams Ave. Phone 288-6081 INSURANCE fiP LIFE & CASUALTY FORREST A. JENKINS SALES REPRESENTATIVE 2000 S, W, First Avenue Portl and , Oregon 97201 224-3300 Res, 288-1686 Or_ LR , West Optometrist PEST CONTROL Gil Marty Dispensing Optician ARDEE PEST CONTROL INC. COMPLETE EXTERMINATION SERVICE FOR PEST OF ALL KINDS Estimates W/0 Obligation Specilizing in Roach, Rat, Mice, etc, 4548 N, Albina - 288-6341 PLUMBING HARDER PLUMBING & HEATING 2148 N_ E. UNION AVE, Portland, Ore,, 97212 D. & F. PLUMBING REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS 4636 N. Albina Ave,, Portland, Ore, 97217 Morrie Minor - Fles. 282-3890 SHOE REPAIR PORTLAND MAGAZINE EXCHANGE SHOE REPAIR and NOTIONS Morgan B. Jones, 33 years on Jefferson St, Now at 5416 N, Vancouver at Killingsworth TELEVISION Color T,V. can cost you less with service, too, To insure the best call . CHARLES 0. DANIELS 234-3311, ext. 572
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