Oregon Advance Times_1968-03-28
( > March 28, 1968 Oregon Advance/TIMES Page 5 I Ghetto Pie Wins Award Park Aide Named (Continued from Page 1) for an answer to his pre– vious questions and for a com– mitment. Ivancie told him that he "doesn't want to spoon– feed the kids.'' step in obtaining better parks for citizens would be visiting the parks, one by one with Walker. In this way, the group will be able to assess the · existing programs and make suggestions for new ones. This is a scene at an Early Childhood Education Class - known as Headstart. The class is meeting in a trailer at 3611 N. E. 10th Ave. There are eight of these trailers In the Model School Program, locafed close to a Model School. Miss Sue Tscharner shows children a plaster cow and they seem fascinated. Model Schools Program: What It Is -staff writer Maceo Pettis interviewed Dr. Harold Kleiner, head of the Portland School District' s Model School Program. Here is a tran– script of the conversation. Q. What is the purpose of the model school? A. This program is an ef– fort to provide any additional programs, aid or teaching materials and methods neces– sary to assist children in learning they have not re– ceived in their homes. This quote from the Education Act of 1965 should tell who these children are and what their condition must be to come under the Model Schools Pro– gram: "For schoolsthathave concentrations of children from low-income families who are not achieving at an aver– age level." Q. What schools are in the Model School Program? A. Woodlawn, Highland, Humboldt, Sabin, Irvington, Boise, Elliot, Holladay and Buckman plus six Headstart Centers. Q. What methods are be– ing used to bring these kids up to the average level? A. Lower class size. (The average school class size is 31 pupils.) We have managed to lower it to between 22 and 28 per class. Teacher aids assist the teacher with the real problem child. Hir– ing people professionally trained in social work who know how to relate to the problem child and more sum– mer school programs (at no cost) for further assisting the children also would help. Q. ls Operation Headstart part of the program? A. Headstart is a preschool program for youngsters 4 years old, much the same as a kindergarten. Its purpose is to bring these children up to a level so they can com– pete with the average child entering grade school. Q. What kind of prepara– tion or special training do the teachers get? A, We encourage teachers to get involved in the com– munity. Most people par– ticipate in activities in their own neighborhoods. The same is true of teachers. However, many of the teachers do not live in the community where they teach; this is particularly true of the Model School area. Q. Where does money for the Model Schools come from? A. Two-thirds of the funds are from the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965. The remainder comes from city and state school boards. Q. How is the Model School Program doing? A. From all indications, we feel the youngsters in the pro– gram are making gains. NOW YOU CAN GET'THEM HERE! SCHORN'S FULL LINE OF QUALITY PAINTS "Your Painter Knows ..." SCHORN® certainly makes fine PAINTS Your Painter Knows and We Know, Too Schorn makes paints with that old– fashioned quality that's so hard to find - but in the most modern formulations available anywhere . We ' re proud to offer a complete line of these famous paints for both inside and outside painting , DEMME BROS. Are proud to be the local_represent– at ives of famous Schorn paints & varnishes. DEMME BROS. Has served Portlanders for over 50 years with the finest name brands. 33 N. RUSSELL 4 blocks north of the Coliseum Let us recommend a qualified Painter for you. FREE PARKING OFF VANCOUVER AVE. ••Albina: Portland's Ghetto of the Mind," an hour long documentary prepared by KGW-1V, has been selected a regional winner of the Sixth Annual Station Award of the National Academy of Tele– vision Arts and Sciences. The Station Award is pre– sented to a television station for that single program or series of programs which best deals with a significant issue in the station's community. The Albina television show explored the status of the Negro in Portland, with special emphasis on educa– tion, employment and housing conditions. The Model School program was considered and evaluated. A look was taken at the actual ownership of the buildings in Albina and the urgent need for a massive urban renewal was stated. The special offered some accurate facts on Negro un– employment in the city of Portland. Overall, itwas less a story of the physical neigh– borhood of Albina than a story of its people and the "ghetto of the mind" created and maintained by white pre– judices and thoughtlessness. The show was produced by Richard C. Ross, news di– rector of KGW-1V, Channel 8. At the close of the meeting, Ivancie told the group to get their suggestions together and take them to the Park Bureau. Knott Street Community Center will probably be the first park building to be Visited. Nelson said that the next Ben Leonard Ask The Man from Equitable about Living Insurance -Family Style BENJAMIN M. LEONARD 2040 S.W. FffiST AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 , BUS. PHONE: 222- 9471_ The EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society of the United St.ites NEW YORK, N. Y. 1 2-DAY SALE! Sears Friday, Saturday Only NO MONEY DOWN Ori Sears Easy Payment Plan ----- ------ ~~--==---- Portable TV I 0-ln. Diagonally Measured Picture Here is a truly compact portable that offers . exceptional picture clarity. 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