Oregon Advance Times_1968-03-21

Page 4 The Oregon Advance/TIMES March 21, 1968 New Park on Schedule The new park being built on the four square blocks north of Failing Street and west of Haight Street is beginning to take shape. The baseball area has been leveled and the backstop put in place. This, along with grassed areas that will ex– tend out from the ball dia– mond, covers nearly the eastern half of the park. The western half will be made up of a great variety of things for children. Leo Dimmitt, foreman for the contractor, L. S. Upping– house Co., said work was on schedule. It started Jan. 15 and will be completed some time in the summer. The area is muddy now but already some of the outlines are apparent. A maze built of planks is nearly completed. Children will enter and try to find their way to the center despite some dead-end cor– ridors. One hill that will be topped by a fortress-like structure has been graded and car– penters are building the fort. There will be slides from it that will whisk the children to the ground level. Another hill will have steps to the top. Another will be covered by trees. Well over 100 trees have been planted at the park and mo,e are to come. Reinforced iron is in place around which concrete col– umns will be pour~d. The columns will support a roof for a play area and shelter. Dimmitt said there would be swings, and climbing ropes, balancing rails and other things that children like. Much of the western part will be blacktopped and this cannot be done until dry summer weather, he said. Some 8 to IO men have been employed the past two months Protect Your Clothes in \ Satin Smooth v Stainless Steel ~.~ although the number has varied. Dimmitt said the work force includes one Negro carpenter and one Negro carpenter's apprentice as well as Negro laborers from the community. 'Termites' Common Now Fake termite "experts" frequently victimize timid homeowners. Pesky termites probably gnaw away at wood– work on a year around basis, but the equally destructive fake ''termite control spe– cialists" usually step uptheir activity of putting the bite on homeowners as spring approaches. One of the favorite methods employed by these transient termite crews is what is called the "scare technique." They make what is supposed to be an "inspection" of the pros– pect' s home and without fail they will produce evidence of termites. This is simple enough • , . because they carry as "props" jars filled with termites and worm eaten boards. Armed with this "evi– dence," they tell the home– owner of the great damage that will be caused to his property if something isn't done immediately. This "something" is that the faker be paid a big fee for spray– ing the infected area with sup– posedly special chemicals. Alarmed by this presumed threat to their homes, many have paid huge sums to these fakers. If you have any reason to be concerned about termites, be sure you are dealing with an established, reliable pest control spe– cialist. • 3 Wash Water ----· Temperature Selections • 2 Rinse Water Temperature Selections • 2 Agitation Speeds • 2 Spin Speeds • 2 Cvcle Timer • Plus Famous Dependable Arc-Cuate® Transmission with Machine-Cut Gears LBERTA customer parking at our store Phone 288-5308 Blaclc Arts Revere Scheduled at ACCS "Modus Quan," a Black arts revue, will be sponsored by the Albina Art Center. Young performers from art fields in Seattle will fea– ture poetry, jazz, rhythm and blues, drama, rock and roll and art displays. Ballet and modern dance also will be performed. The show will be Friday, March 29, at 7 p.m'. in the Al– bina Child Care Center Aud– itorium at 58 N.E. Morris St. 'There is no Doubt When you call Vann' Wearln' of the green and smiles helped the Beaver Social Club of OES Enterprise Chapter 1 celebrate St. Patrick's Day at a tea March 17 at the Vernon C. Butler home, 127 N. E. Knott st. From the left are Mrs. Allee Butler, the hostess; Mrs. Robert Canada, past matron; Mrs. Annie Holland, associate matron and tea chairman; Mrs. Mar– garet Isaacs, matron; Mrs. Ruby Cannon, Mrs. Frances VANN'S MORTUARY 5211 NORTH WILLIAMS AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON PHONE -281-2836 Adair. · Grant High PTA Sets Dance Sponsored Rummage Sale By Ambassadors The Grant High School P. T. A. will hold its first rummage sale Frid11y. April 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, April 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1937 N. E. 42nd in the for– mer Sanford's store in the Hollywood area. There will be ample park– ing space and good bus serv– ice. Refreshments will be sold. Money raised will be used to help with graduation ex– penses, buy band uniforms and help the American Field Service. Co-chairmen of the rum– mage sale will be Mrs. Har– old Donin and Mrs. Harold Butts. School Board to Meet The Portland School Board will hold its next meeting in the Grant High School audi– torium Monday, March 25, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. Model A59DF The Ambassadors, a social club for teen-agers, gave a dance March 12 at the Knott Street Community Center to provide teens with some so– cial activity during spring vacation from school. The Soul Segments and the Soul Tans provided music and entertainment. Keith Edwards is president of the Ambassadors Club. • for EFFICIENCY for CARE for COURTESY At Vann's No Service Ever Costs More Than The Family Wishes To Pay HEATING SPECIAL Replace your old furnace with aNew Carrier Forced Air Furnace Gas, Oil & Electric Completely installed with • New Ductwork • N~w Heating Pipes • All necessary wiring • All necessary gas piping • New Thermostat Remember... with Natural Gas, All service calls are FREE For Free Estimates, Call 287-7211 1714 N.E. Alberta Heating and Air Conditio~ir~g , Inc.