Oregon Advance Times_1968-03-21

Page 10 The Oregon Advance/TIMES March 21, 1968 Navy Has Jobs In Bremerton Applications and informa– Following the fourth year, tion is available at any De- the trainee is assigned to a partment of Employment specific job at the prevailing office in Oregon or Washing- wage in the specific craft at ton or at any post office for No ex- journeyman level. 100 openings for !Vlachine Trades trainee for appren- perience is required but ap- ticeship in 18 trades at the plicants must be U.S. citi– Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, zens. Target date for the job Bremerton, Wash. beginning is July 1, 1968. I ~.::;1.;;·:11 ~eat &4tate ~c,,,ee L~ Main Office: 4950 N.E. Union PORTLAND, ouooN New Eastslde Location: 19043 S.E. Stark St. Want $150. Month Income? 9 7 211 See this: 3 Apts. Dbbl. grage. 50 x 100. 3828 N.E. 13th. $8,200. $500. down, $75. mo. A Good Deal! 4805 N. Gantenbe in. 5 B. Rooms. Clean. 90% C.B. 1"'-block to Humbolt School. Oil heat, fireplace. A good house. $7,500. Mr. Scott - 288-3853. 3947 N.E. 8th. 2 Bedrooms, Range, Clean. $6,000. Mr. Investor! 7,250 sq. ft. lot &. Bldg. zoned. M-3. Must sell. Make offer. Make money! 7,500 sq. ft. adjacent available. Mr. Scott - 288-3853 - mornings&. evenings. To Close Estate 5104-6 N. WIiiiams. Dplx - s x s. Rented garage. Bsmts - seperate utlls., oil heat. Ask for Ward. Duplex 429 N.E. Webster. 2 Br. down, 1Br. up, oil heat. $7,500. 5-Bed Rooms Garbage, Rats, Still Problem Progress in control of rats and collection of garbage in the area were discussed last week by officials from City Hall, the city Health Bureau, the Urban League and the Citizens Improvement As– sociation. The group heard sugges– tions by individuals who are trying to solve the existing problem of rat control in the city. One point was a,;?.reed on: Rats and heaps of refuse and garbage go together; re– move the refuse from vacant lots and backyards and the rats will leave the premises. One suggestion made at the meeting was that welfare recipients be given a card which would entitle them have free garbage pick-up. This was turned down because there are no funds available from welfare for this. Neigh– borhood Service Centerwork– ers expressed their deter– mination to continue working on the problem until it is solved. Complaints of abandoned cars and lack of street clean– ing in this area were also voiced. City officials told the group that the police are to be notified if a car is found --Letters to the Editor Continued-- (Continued from Page 2) most criticized at this time; it is real estate which means the buildings and the land in the area. There have been some wild statements made that the peoples' property is very valuable and they should hold on to it. Don't let any– body (meaning the federal and state agencies) take it away from you. .There is no doubt that most homes in the area show signs of deterioration and need a face lifting to bring them up to reasonable standards. Some will need only minor improvements with attractive loans at a very low rate of interest. On the other hand, there are some buildings that have long ago reached the stage of ''obsolescence.•• The question in the minds of most property owners is, "Will I get a fair price for my property?" I can answer you, yes. Before your property would be purchased, it would first be appraised by two independent appraisers who have nothing to gain by lowerin" the appraisal value of your property. You would be offered the price of the highest appraised value~ Then it would be further checked by the federal government. Your property would be appraised at its highest mar– ket value, that is the price it would sell for on the mar- to loan money for buildings in the area. I learned the hard way. During the past three years I have contacted large local lending agencies and some from out of town from Los Angeles and other cities. I met them at the airport, had lunch with them and toured the area and only to be turned down later after ber on public welfare. !Vlodel Cities is doing just the opposite. lt is attracting large lending agencies to in– vest in the area and this will bring other cultural, economic and employment opportuni– ties. Please believe me when I say, "It is a Godsend to the area." Let's all' back Model finding the low rate of income Cities One Hundred percent. of the residents and the num- by Samuel G. Whitney Remember By Law You Have To Keep Records . .. . So Why Not The Best System For Your Business . . . Harvey L. Rice Because General Business Services operates nationwide, you can have the following, starting now, for only a few pennies per day. 2 3 4 5 A full-time trained Area Director in your locality is always available to help you. Simple, complete pre-printed records for your business, designed to save you time and money. Peace of mind and no worry on tax questions-epecialists are provided to research and answer them. A, monthly bulletin service with tax-saving idl')as and information that really help the s.mall businessman. Preparation of your annual income tax returns by experienced professionals with guaranteed accuracy. .Call 227-1818 or 287-2212 We will gladly explain this unique plan without obligation. A SPECIALIZED BUSINESS CONSULTING SERVICE FOR SMALL BUSINESS Built for comfort. 2 fireplaces, aluminum siding. $11,500. 2816 N.E. 12th. Mr. Scott - mornings&. eves. 288-3853. abandoned on a public street. The car can then be ticketed ket at the time of appraisal. You would have every chance WHITNEY Call Mr. Scott, 288-3853~ eves, J.J. WALKER-REALTORS 49SO N.E. UNION AVE. 288-S04S "Invest in the West" EVERS & Sons GENERAL CONTRACTORS • • • • • NEW BUILDING REMODELING CONCRETE ASPHALT ~XCAVATING PHONE 282-6188 PORTL-AND, OREGON COAST JANITORIAL SERVICE * Complete Building Maintenance Employment Info: 282-0261 All Other Bus: 282-0700 and if not removed within 48 hours, the car will be towed away. This cannot be done if the car is on private property. Household Hints lf you have household hints of your own, write to !Vlrs, !Vlary L. !Vlenefee in care of the Oregon Advance Times. IVIRS. IVIARY L. IVIENEFEE When chores make you weary, try some new HOUSE– HOLD HINTS, To quick-thaw frozen foods, place them in a plas– tic bag, seal it with a rubber band, and plunge into a pan of hot water (easy). To make an attractive dec– oration on a "special oc– casion" cake, cut regular– sized marshmallows into flower petals, and dip each cut edge into colored sugar or coconut. Arrange petals on frosted cake in flower shapes (artistic and inex– pensive), lf the recipe calls for cake flour and you are without it, follow the stipulated meas– urement, using reg u l a r flour, but exchange 2 tsps. of flour for 2 tsps. of corn starch per cup. lf you find fruits and nuts sinking to the bottom of cakes and puddings, try heat– ing the raisins, nuts, etc, in oven before adding to the batter, (Better luck next time.) EASTSIDE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE * STATE-FEDERAL INCOME TAX Data Processed Phone 281-72S2 COAST JANITORIAL SERVICE INC. to win and very little to lose. This is of special interest to all citizens in the area and especially those on the !Vlodel Cities Citizens' Plan– ning Board; one of the most important agencies to deal with is the Portland Planning Commission. Not a single building can be erected in the city of Portland without first having the approval of the Planning Commission. All zoning and all types of structures will have to be aP– proved by them. I believe that we have one of the best planning boards in the nation. They have been studying, dreaming and planning for our model city long before the !Vlodel Cities program,became a reality. They deserve your cooperation. Now. so much for the teclmical aspects: what is good about Portland having the honor of being one of the few cities in the nation getting a !Vlodel Cities program? It is absolutely necessary and urgent for Portland to be so honored. Portland is one of the most improved cities in the nation as far as race relations go. It always has had and still has a few bigots and racists, but deep under, most Port– landers are broadminded and liberal. Most of those sent to represent us in Washington are broad minded and liberal. Look back a few years into the past and see what deter– mines one of the important reasons for the necessity of the Model Cities program. For the last several years, it has been almost impossible to get large lending agencies Psychic Reader Gives complete life reading had devoted her life to help human– ity. She has God given Power to lift all problems, she wlll tell you why you have failed In life, marriage or business and help you overcome it. She can tell you of changes you should or should not make. In fact she has suc– cessfully helped others where many others have falled. Bring your problems to me, I will help you solve them. Satisfaction Assured Mrs. Aldridge 7182 Martin Way * Olympia, Wash. * 357-8771 REAL ESTATE 2326 N.E. 11th Ave. Portland SAMUEL. G WHITNEY --(FOR SALE)--- 1006 N.E. Thompson St. Near Lloyd Center. Lovely 3 br. home. Lv. Rm. Din. Rm., Kit., Nook. Oil heat, fire place, Only $9950.00. 4424 N. Kerby. Immediate posession. 2 B. Rm., down 2 B. Rm. up, Lg. Lv. Rm., Din. Rm., Kit., Eth., Full cement basement. Oil heat., Party rm. A well built home. Only $9750.00 5624 N.E. 24th Ave. 2 B. Rm. home One floor. Selling below F.H.A. ap– praisal. Lv. Rm., Din. Rm., Kit., Eth., Fire place, Electric range, Fae. Oil Heat, Cement basement. Only $12,500.00. 3103 N.E. 12th Ave. Something really nice. In excellent condition. Clean as a pin. Just move in. Spacious •Lv. Rm., Din. Rm., Lovely kit., and bth., Bk. Nook, 2 B. rm. down, 1 Lg. up. Full cement basement, Garage, Oil heat. Automatic sprinkler system. Beautiful lawn. Only $17 ,500,00. Must be seen to be appreciated. --(FOR RENT)--- 2214 N.E. 10th Ave. Near Lloyd Center. $60.00 per month. Spacious downstairs Apt. 1 B. Rm., Lg. Lv. Rm., Din. Rm., Kit., Eth., Oil heat Garage. 2247 N.E. Ave. Apt. Lv. Rm., Range, Ref., $65,00. Spacious 2 B.Rm. Kit., E. Space., Elec. Oil heat. Upstairs. -INCOME TAX- Federat-state Get it done right. Experienced, Efficient and reliable.