Oregon Advance Times_1968-07-25
I Page 8 The Oregon Advance/TIMES July 25, 1968 CONTINENTAL The candidate pictured is Claudette La Vert, an Albina product. Claudette resides at 4323 N. Borthwick Avenue, Portland. She wi II graduate July 25 from Continental' s Hostess Training Center at Los Angeles International Air– port. Pictured with Claudette is Hostess Doris Collett. Calling all young ladies who have ambitions and dreams of becoming an airline hostess! You should contact Mr. Calvin Zoran at the North Portland Branch of the Oregon state Employment Bureau, located at 3620 N. Vancouver Avenue in the More 4 Less Shopping Center, Basic re– quirements can be obtained by calling in person at the above named office, Party Honors Mary Morton Mrs, Mary Morton was hos– tess Tuesday, July 16, for fifteen guests at the Cosmo- YMCA Program International Get-Togeth– ers, on the patio of the Port– land YWCA, 1111 S, W, 10th, are scheduled for young people to meet and become familiar with national students repre– senting a variety of countries, politan Inn honoring Mrs. Myrtle Merrell of Dayton, Ohio, Seated at a long beautiful table were Mrs. Mable Dix– on, Mrs, Theresa Flowers, Mrs. Idella Wayner, Mrs, Irene Braggs, Mrs. Alice Rob– inson, Mrs. Ellen Dencey, Mrs, Roberta Blackburn, Mrs. Nelly Reed, Mrs. Hazel Mc– Gee of Om ah a, Nebraska, Mrs, Woodie Dancey, Mrs. Maud Young, and Mrs, C, L. lnglesoll. Pony Baseball District Meet Date Is Set Pony baseball districttour– nament set. The Oregon District Pony Baseball Tournament, boys 13 and 14 years of age, will be starting Wednesday, July 24th thru Sunday, July28thatWhit– aker School, 5135 N. E, CO– iumbia Blvd. This will be a 6-team double elimination tournament. There will be 5 teams from Portland and one from Albany, Oregon. Games are scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - 3: 30 and 6:00 p.m.: Saturday - 1:30, 3:30 and 6:00 p.m.; Championship game - Sun– day - 2:30 p.m. Winner to represent Oregon as host in the Pacific North– west Pony Regional Baseball Tournament which will be held in Portland August 8th thru August 11th. Oregon District Pony Base– ball Tournament 6-Team Dou– ble Elimination July 24th thru July 28th, Whitaker School - 5135 N,E. Columbia Blvd. Portland, Oregon. TEAMS - Appaloosa, Ara– bian, Palamino, Pinto and Whitaker from Portland. One team from Albany, Oregon. DATE - Wednesday, July 24th thru Sunday, July 28th. TIME - 2 games - Wed., Thurs., and Fri. - 3:30 and 6:00 p.m. 3 games Saturday- 1:30, 3:30 and 6:00 p.m. Championship game - Sunday - 2:30 p.m. - Second game to follow if necessary. PLACE - Whitaker School- 5135 N,E, Columbia Blvd. ADMISSION - Adults 50¢ - Students 25¢ - All others free. Winner to represent Oregon as host in the Pacific North– west Pony Regional Baseball Tournament - August 8th thru August 11th at this same field. Life is an everlasting strug– gle to keep money coming in and teeth and hair from com– ing out. • • • • • Perhaps the best way to live happily ever after is not to be after too much. • • • • • The program planned for three Sundays, July 28, Au– gust 25, and September 15 is open to all students from 2 to 5 p.m. and will include food, music, dancing and games of all sorts. Students are encouraged to bring your own musical instruments, records, games and imagina– tion, Conceit is a queer disease. A bachelor is a fellow who • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It makes everyone sick ex- never finds out how many cept the fellow who has it. faults he has. • • • • • About the time you learn to The connecting link between make the most of life, the the animal and vegetable king- most of it is gone. dom is stew. SHERIDAN FRUIT Co. S.E. Union & Oak e 235-9353 Home Grown Canning or Freezing- Tiltons Apricots 28 lb. box 429 Zucchini Squash Young 2 2s~ Tender lbs, CABBAGE Local Grown - All Green Heads Cucumbers Slicing LB. EA. Honeydew La.13e Melons Salad Bowl, Red Leaf, or Butter 2 19~ lettuce bun- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COFFEE TEA FLOUR : Occid;~~- bag 49 ~ : Nescafe Instant Nescafe Instant 10 oz. jar 109i 3 oz. jar TUNA FISH "Bumble Bee" 4 for 100 1st4 ,;;;;idet Beef ,LB, 77e I tEG:o:iAMB LB. 67~ Lb. 97 1 I fiMi""'CHOPs LB. 67 1 Genuine Spring - Small Loin Lamb Chops Portland's Produce Center • • • • • • • • • • • • • Don Bussey Determines To Excel (Continued from Page I) in the Basketball State Tourn– ament. Upon graduating from Jeff Bussey matriculated to Lower Columbia College primarily bacause of Don Porter the basketball coach. In commenting on the trans– ition to junior college basket– ball Bussey feels he was lucky to have a good fundamental coach in high school, The reason being that he learned that sixty percent of the prac– tices are spent on such fun– damentals as the cross-over step, fast break, and three– man weave. Other noted dif– ferences were that junior col– lege players had to rely more on the use of fundamentals in order to be effective be– cause the players are taller and smarter in diagnosing team offenses. Whereby the high school players relies on his offensive ability rather than trying to master the fun– damentals. The phrase which Bussey enjoys most is playing against players from various parts of the country with their varied style of play. Whereas in the state of Oregon a player only sees one style of offense. He feels he made the right decision in attending LCC be– cause it has developed his study habits. His present plans are to perform at LCC ..~ . _,. , e K another year than transfer to a four-year institiution. He still doesn't know where he'll attend, although Arizona State, Seattle University and Oregon University has expressed an interest in him. Don hopes to major in business admin– istration with a minor in coaching. Church Congress The churches of God in Christ are holding their State Annual Youth Congress. The Congress will run through Friday, July 26. The host church is Wil– liams Temple, 241 N, E, Han– cock. Rev. Samuel Johnson is president of the Congress. NORTHWEIT'I LARGIIT ~iCTION AND HIGNIIT T9'AN' 1 tMtf Pn'te Sff fora BIG SCREEN COLOR Console Beautiful wood cabinet in Dan– ish walnut finish. ·Brand new, fuUy guaranteed. 226 Sq. ' in. rectangular picture. l.owe1I Prite IVIR •••SIA/IT St/Ill/I tOMBO 295 Sq. in. rectangular color picture; deluxe ... speed changer, solid state stereo amplifier, six speakers. . .plus AM/FM and FM stereo radio . COLOR Portable Brand new, famous name; 90-day ports and service warranty plus 1 year on picture tube. NO TRADE NEEDED. Man, Other Models - All II ew - SAVE TODAY! • Prices with trade NOTHING DOWN MON. T, ... ; FRI. SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M . on approved credit; up to 36 MONTHS TO PAY 30t~ and S. E. DIVISION • 234-9351
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