Oregon Advance Times_1968-06-18

little league Tourney Set "Sportsman's Little League Goes to Tournament." The Sportsman's Little League AU-Star tournament team will play its first game at Riverside Little League Park on Monday, July 22, at LIVES & y'~ LEGENDS by Angelo Lampus 6:00 p.m. Their opponents JAMES BLAND that evening will be the In- Do you know who wrote the terstate Little League team. official song for the proud The District #l tournament State of Virginia? And do starts July 19, with thecham·- · you know the name of that pionship game scheduled for song? July 27. Manager of this year's team is Duane Washington, and Ural Ollison is the coach. The fourteen players who comprise the team are: Terry Adams, Mark Bradwell, Au– gust Jenkins, Clarence Re– dew, Kenny Smith, Marcus Franklin, Bobby Hill, Gary Richter, Thomas Channel, Jeffrey Jackson,JamesClark, Leon Holiday, Daryl Warren and Tony Washington. Top-mounted speaker gives better tone. Molded high-impact plastic case in two colors. 13x10x4% in. Regular 18.95 The composer was James Bland, a Negro. And the song? "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia." How the barbershop quar– tets have thrilled audiences to that song! How the min– strel shows have depended upon it. At the age of 14, James Bland was hired to sing and Webbed Wards Heavy Duty LAWN CHAIRS AIR CONDITIONERS Multi-colored webbing, Reg. 5.99 20,000 BTU, fully automatic. Now Regular $299 s3 97 Now s239 97 15 cu. ft. UPRIGHT FREEZER Holds 540 lbs. of food at certified zero cold. 3 Freeze shelves. 5 door shelves. Chip proof interior. Special S16997 Limited quantity. STEEL SHELVING 72" high, 36" wide, 12" deep . 5 adjustable shelves. Reg. $11.99 Now S 47 COMBINATION Two (2) End tables and one (1) Coffee Table. Walnut finish hardwood. Regular $54.95 for all three. Now for all three Naugahyde 3-position RECLINER Colors: pecan, black and avocado. Regular $94.88 Now s791t1 METAL CHAIR Regular $2. Now Beautiful CREDENZA STEREO Reg. $259.00 Now solid state tuner amplifi~r. six speaker, sound system with cross over network . play the banjo. The place was a Washington, D. C., hotel. Later, in 1878, while work– ing with George Primrose, a great song was published - "Carry Me Back to Old Vir– ginia." His singing services brought him $1,000 weekly. Other songs followed, in– cluding "In the Evening by the Moonlight'' and "Oh, Dem Golden Slippers." James Bland enriched the world with songs never to be forgotten. How everybody loves a real toe-tapping song! And wheth– er you want to sing-along, strum-along or just lean back and Iisten, come to LAMPUS! Bonus discounts every day on toP-selling rec– ords, radios, stereos, hi fi components, amplifiers, tape decks. All the famous labels! All the famous brands! All at LAMPUS discounts! LAM– PUS CO., 2600 N. E. Union and in Raleigh Hills. Angelos Lampus will see you at one or the other! CRISIS TODAY Our country is in crisis today. An unpopular and di– sastrous war takes its toll in lives and resources. A deprived and frustrated fifth of our people - their membership largely pre– determined by accident of birth - live below minimal conditions of work and op– portunity. In a succession of pri– maries from coast to coast, eighty percent of the Demo– cratic voters joined by Inde– pendents and Republicans have made clear their support for candidates committed to new policies and leadership. Yet we are told by every authority that nothing can be done by the ballot to change these disastrous policies and the leadership responsible for them. We are told that the conventions are•' sewed up" - that the results are pre– ordained. We are told that the causes for which Martin Luther King and Robert Fran– cis Kennedy lived and died are also dead - that we must accept politics as usual. Bur, we say that the peo– ple must be heard and we call out: to all Americans dedicated to the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. to those who believe in the goals of Robert F. Kennedy to those who are for Eu– gene J. McCarthy to the vote rs who have dem _ onstrated their demand for peace and fresh leadership within the Democratic party to Independent and Repub– licans who agree that this demand should be met We ask them to join in a Coalition for Open Conven– tions - a coalition of black and white, blue collar and white collar, poor and rich, young and old - who cry out for peace in Vietnam, for an end to militarism and an end to poverty. Join us onSunday,July21, at the Portland State Col– lege Center to talk together· and work out ways to make more visible and vocal the demand of the American peo– ple for a change. There will be two workshops, one at 10:00 a.m., "Race Poverty and Order" and "Peace and War," and at2:30p.m., "What is an Open Convention? - Ways of Achieving a Conven– tion." AUTOMOTIVE UNION AVE "Drive-In" CLEANERS 2861 N. E. Union 281-7417 Complete Laundry Service tf CARLOS Body & Fender * Bring us your dents * Guaranteed Work 2609 N. Vancouver Ave. 287-8529 tf EKMAN AUTO PARTS Specialist Machine Shop 1803 N. E. UNION AVE AT 4-2155 Open 6 days a week, 8-5 HARVEY'S AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Motor rebuilding - crankshaft grinding - automatic transmission repair - tune up & brake service 45 years at 2016 N. E. Alberta PH . 281-4820 MOR-MILE TIRES 3368 N. E. Union 284 -9758 BOOKKEEPING Allan Z. Bowens Res. 284-1 354 Doris V. Duncan Res. 281-5776 EASTSIDE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE DATA PROCESSING COMPUTERIZED INCOME TAX 714 N. E. Alberta St. P. 0 . Box 11225 Tel. 281-7252 ELECTICAL Industrial - Commercial ~ R;~:~n;~:c • \ CORP. / Electrical Contractors / 431 s\E. 6th Ave. r===· =B~E5-6977 Portland, Oregon tf Larry Tapanen Home Phone CH 4-1887 12/1 2 July 18, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page7 FOOD WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Finest in Meats & Groceries 2709 N. E. 7th 7 - 10 Except Sun. & Holidays 4/11 FLORISTS Erv Lind- Nick's Flower Home Erv Lind Flowers, Inc. "Your Thot in Flowers" ATiantic 1-1181 ATiantic 1-1201 4040 N. E. Union Ave. Portland 12, Oregon City Wide Delivery INSURANCE The man to see for your living protection tf Th~ EQUITABLE Li((' A,,urcil1<.e Socit"h of lhc– Unitt>d St.1tt>, BENJAMIN M. LEONARD 2040 S .W. FIRST AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 BUS . PHONE : 222-9471 HEATING UNIVERSAL HEATING & AIR COND. INC. 1714 N. E. Alberta 287-7211 Residential and Commercial Gas, oil, electric installation and repair on all makes. 24-hour service LOCKS Walnut Park Lock & Key Co. & Supplies 533 N. Killingsworth Hours: M-F - 9-4 Sat. 9-12 Experienced Locksmith Keys For All Locks 7/11 LUMBER PARR LUMBER COMPANY 6250 N. E. Union Telephone 287-1136 tf CITY CENTER LUMBER CO. 2612 N.E. ALBERTA ST. Phone: 281-1167 Complete Lumber Needs For The Professional Or The Do It Your Seifer Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Week Days Sat. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. MUSIC PHA1™ACY PAIGE'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Prescriptions Mailed or Delivered Phone 284-4656 2701 N. E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 S & H Green Stamps 9/12 PLUMBING D. & F. PLUMBING REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS 4636 N. Albina Ave., Portland, Ore. 97217 Morrie Minor - Res. 282-3890 MARTIN T. MORLAN Plumbing Co., Inc. ATiantic 4 - 1109 4829 N. E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Denny Morlan, Mgr. tf RESTAURANTS FRANCES CORNER COFFEE SHOP FEATURING: * BBQ RIBS & BEEF * CHITTLIN'S ---– SAT. ONLY SPECIAL ALWAYS: Good Home Cooked Meals & Courteous Service 3622 No. Vancouver · 282-3060 SHEET METAL ATLAS SHEET METAL STAIN LESS STEEL *** ATLAS HOTEL SUPPLY RESTAURA~T EQUIPMENT 4215 N. Williams Ave. Phone 288-6081 tf TELEVISION COLOR TV REPAIR ALSO RECONDITIONED SETS SOLD CROWN MART TV & APPLIANCES Sales - Service - Rental Presented by 30 29 S.E . DIVISION E. Side 235-1602 W. Side 223-6942 Training For Welding - Mach. Shop Auto Tune-up & Repair Diesel Meehan ics & Operators Radio, TV & Electronics GI APPROVED TECHNICAL TRAINING SERV!CE 1401 N. E. Alberta St. 284-1181 tf