Oregon Advance Times_1968-06-18

Page 6 The Oregon Advance/TIMES July 18, 1968 WONDERBREAD In the newSta~Fresh wrapper stays fresher to taste fresher! You simply can't serve a fresher tast– ing bread than Wonder Enriched Bread, now packed in Wonder's Sta– Fresh plastic bag! This special bag helps hold moisture in, and is actu– ally airtight, too. Wonder's wrapper has a plastic fastener that you simply twist to open, twist to close. No inner band makes it easy to take slices out, put them in again. When you see Wonder in this new wrapper you 'II notice the Good House– keeping Seal. Yes, Wonder has earned this famous seal ... your added assur– ance that Wonder Enriched Bread is baked with the finest ingredients for a most flavorful and nutritious loaf. The Seal is another good ·reason why mothers will want Wonder Bread day after day for sandwiches, toast, and with meals. Remember, during the "Wonder Years"-the formative years from one through twelve-your children devel– op in many ways. They actually grow to 90% of their adult height! To help make the most of their "Wonder Years" be sure to serve nutritious Wonder Enriched Bread ... now in the Sta-Fresh plastic wrapper. Helps build strong bodies 12 ways!® ~······················~ : PA ,sH ·1:0• 1 ~ : ~ ~ ,,.. - ~ I - .IJ~ ~ : :po:RBCA.&T : ~ ~ ~ By Paraphernalia ~ ~ ................... ~ .. ~ What about lrma Schlatt- around her_waist. water? Unfortunately, Irma never Irma Who? became popular. Even our Poor ole Irma thought she sleek and sassy threads didn't had it made. She had the do the trick. She just had no body of Twiggy and the brains personality, of Einstein, She bought her To wear our stylishly clothes at Paraphernalia. We unconventional Paraphernalia must admit the wardrobe clothes you have to be a cer– didn't do her any harm. tain type of young woman, Irma would wear a vinyl You must be uninhibited, dar– blazer, hiphuggers, a target ing and extraordinary. belt and sandals. She looked Par a p her n a Ii a clothes like a stylishly dressed pair aren't designed for everyone. of scissors with a big eye Irma Schlattwater found that out. The pressure of dull beings and non-happenings grows within your head. You try to think of a way to dis– solve the mounting drudgery. Flash! - "I'll visit PA RA– PHERNALIA!" If the ordi– nary life is blowing your trip, we have the answer. Mod, exuberant fashions for excit– ing, young women. PARA– PHERNALIA, 732 S. W, Wash- ' ington, 224-5248. Open 9:30- 5:30 daily, Monday and Fri– day 'ti! 9:30. WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR "WE LIKE LAUREL AND HARDY." OFFICE 228-1105 RES. 775-9840 MATTHEW CHAVIS FIELD UNOERWR 1TE..R M©NY MUTUA L O F NEW Y O RI< Would you be interested in an Investment Plan which is a cross section of the highest grade bonds, mortgages, and stocks which are obtainable? Your savings are diversified in thousands of separate items, in practically every major industry and in nearly every state of the Union, Not only are you buying an interest in the prosperity of the whole country, but your investment has the follow– ing features: 1. SECURITY, Offers the highest type of investment. 2, NO FLUCTUATION. Values in the contract are absolutely guaranteed and do not fluctuate, The amounts available in time of need are not dependent on market or business conditions. 3. EASY TO FINANCE. Can be purchased outright or on installment plan in any convenient amounts. 710 s .w. SECONn A ~ r·. P OPTL/\ND . Ont, 9720-1 No further premiums arc due, and the proceeds of tht~ policy are paid to your fam– ily. 8. SPEED ANO ECONO– MY OF TRANSFER AT DEATH. Not subject to pro– bate fees and expenses. Funds paid to family without legal delay. 9. TAXATION EXEMP- TIONS. Not subject to in– come taxes during accumula– tion period. Savings in taxes at your death. 10. VALUES IF PLAN IS DISCONTINUED. Libera I provisions if necessary to drop plan. 11. LIBERAL CHOICE OF OPTIONAL SETTLEMENTS. You may choose a variety of ways in which to have the insurance paid, 12. COMPULSION IN SAV– INGS. Unique features of plan help keep future dollars out of today's pocketbook. IntegrationI A proposal to transport Negro school children from Portland to classes in su– burban school districts was made Tuesday by Robert Ridgley, chairman of the Portland Board of Education, in a speech before the Down– town Rotary Club at the Ben– son Hotel. "One of the most success– ful aspects of our Model School program has been the administrative transfers, by which Negro children are bused out of schools segre– gated by residential patterns and into other neighborhood schools around the district," Ridgley said. •'The results have been heartening, both for the black' children who study in an in– tegrated environment and the white children in the receiv– ing schools," he stated. ''Today I announce the first step toward what we hope will be an expansion of the administrative transfer pro– gram to the suburbs," the School Board chairman said. "The board members of the Beaverton, David Douglas, Lake Oswego, Parkrose and Reynolds school districts have been invited, with their re– spective superintendents, to meet with their Portland counterparts on July 17 to explore the mutual benefits to be derived from enrollment of black Portland children, on a tuition basis, in suburban schools." Ridgley said, "The time has come for all citizens of the metropolitan area to work together to minimize the in– vidious effects of racial seg– regation on the Negro child.'' Ridgley also pointed out other problems facing the Portland District and out– lined several other programs he expects to be undertaken during his six-month tenure as ch airman of the Portland School Board. Join CAP Civil Air Patrol needs you. Please join us at the Albina Neighborhood Service Center located at 59 N. E. Stanton every Monday night at 7:30 in the Conference Room and let' s all learn together. There will be certified in– structors to teach you. CAP isn't something new, but in Albina it will be the first squadron ever organized. Let's all come out and make it a great success. Young– sters 13 years and up and adults will be welcomed. For more information, con– tact Mr. Rozell Gilmore or Lizzie Sheppard at 287-2603. 4. FREEDOM FROM CLAIMS OF CREDITORS. Contract can be written so your savings cannot be at– tached during accumulation or after your death, (if pay– able to a person, and up to a considerable face amount.) First down... 5. NO REINVESTMENT WORRIES. Earns compound interest. Advantage of having a definite goal in mind and then building towards this goal. 6. RETIREMENT IN– COME FEATURE. Only in– vestment plan providing for non-fluctuating monthly in– come for life at retirement age. Time for income to be– gin is flexible. 7. SELF-COMPLETING IN EVENT OF DEATH. Little league The season ended with the following results: U-Haul took championship honors in the Major League under Manager Duane Wash– ington. Bun N'Burger took cham– pionship honors in the Minor League under Manager Sam Jackson, Sr., and Coach James Lambert. ten to go! ~ Get extra yardage on your savings! Save the automatic way -with Save·O·Matic, First National Bank of Oregon's easy way to steady gains. You're the signa:·caller. With just one authorization, your savings deposits are transferred every month from your checking account, where they earn big bank interest with full bank safety. IT'S EASY ask FIRST FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON