Oregon Advance Times_1968-06-18

Minister Talks About Creative Voice Of Civil Rights July 18, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page5 MULLEN'S MOBILE N.E. UNION AND KNOTT Rev. August Van Bosche, "some of the real creative executive director of Florida voices of the Civil Rights Council on Human Relations, Movement." The violence advises, ''Pay heed to the that has occurred in the Na– voices advocating black tional Civil Rights fight did power. They are," he :said, not develop out of a vacuum. SELLS FOR LESS! PROTECTS WITH SERVICE CUSTOMERS GET THE BEST OF KIRBY CONTINUALLY LINN KIRBY FORD 2005 N. E. UNION PHONE 288-5211 5430 N. LOMBARD PHONE 288-5216 INTERESTED RESIDENTS OF ALBINA WHO OWN LOTS & ARE INTERESTED IN INCOME PROPERTIES CALL: Garrett Const. & Inv. 659-2225 292-8889 It came in response to violence, including the kind reflected in the fact that the infant mortality rate in city ghettos is 44% per thousand. That is a kind of violence, and there has to be some sort of response. Mr. Van Bosche, a native of Brownsville, Pa., said violence should come as no surprise because the Ameri– can system has been a violent system from its very origin. To say that we don't understand this is to say we don't understand the very na– ture of our society. He said the fight for racial equality was far from won and that the mountain that must be climbed by Civil Rights ad– vocates is becoming steeper with ·more obstacles thrown in the way. There is an obvious view of the ''haves" and the "have nots" that is as predictab_le as it is sad and evidence of it could be seen in the response of Congress to President Johnson's State of the Union message when it cheered the President's re– marks about eradicating crime in the streets and re– sponded only mildly to his brief reference to Civil Rights. At no time during his speech did he refer to the Great Society. The response to the crime reference gives an indication that Congress is on the other side of where it should be. The governmental program to eradicate poverty had in fact tended to make the pov– erty problem even more difficult to solve, because the substantial salaries paid by the program have im– mobolized the leaders, and prevented them from "telling it like it is." This is pre– cisely what the establishment planned and all the while the rotting slums get worse than ever. Urban renewal often becomes "Negro" removal FOR ON l Y ----------~ · $ 239 95 w.t. \~~·-:--:!r~J- ~-~:: Protect - y .: · -- Your ~ · Clothes in '.\\ Satin Smooth ·, Stainless Steel \:-----'= • 3 Wash Water Temperature Selections • 2 Rinse Water Temperature Selections • 2 Agitation Speeds • 2 Spin Speeds • 2 Cvcle Timer • Plus Famous Dependable Arc-Cuate " Transmission with Machine-Cut Gears customer parking at our store Phone 288-5308 Model A59DF and highway developments are planned to remove more Negroes or let the subur– banite drive to his office in the city without seeing too much poverty. Building codes often become the way for slum landlords to utilize their influence at City Hall to delay for years the im– provements they should make to the tenements they own. America is so deeply in– volved in racism that it is still very much the Ameri– can way 'of life. 1._;ouncils on human re– lations and all other groups working together for racial equality need to keep the broad view that "it is the total human being that is be– ing dehumanized, and that all persons should have quality education, decent and open housing, wholesome com– munities and neighborhoods, equal justice, fair law en– forcement, adequate health and welfare facilities, legal services for the poor, full implementation of job train– ing, recruitment and appren– ticeship of Negroes in Labor Unions.'' The poor should give notice that they are not simply going to participate in the "power structured wrapped programs for the poor," but demand a voice in the policy-making and planning themselves. DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE LARGE SLICES LARGE 1-1/ 4 TINS 5FO~,~ - Service & Q·uality Products We Treat You Right! PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL "Has Positions With a Future" JOBS AVAILABLE NOW in the Portland area for INSTALLER-REPAIRMEN LINEMAN * 5 day, 40 hr. week * Good starting salary * Regular increases * Liberal benefits and * Pension plan For personal interview drop in at our employment office. 509 S.W. Oak Monday thr~ Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Northwest Bell Part of the Natio.nwide Bell System Equal opportunity for all qualified applicants. ..... Hr.C AND DRINKS BEANS eORANGE • GRAPE • PUNCH WITH • CHERRY TOMATO SAUCE 5.. ,,00 446$100 oz. 27' TINS TINS each FULL 49( POUND • PACKAGE - -------......._ Big Hi-Colored Sweet Seedless Cold Juicy .:,~ U.S._D.A. .s.r," Choice "' SPRING . ,,.. OVEN ~. READY POUND FRESH Pure GROUND BEEF Fl:~E~~~~I\Y 49" FOi y JUICY U#IIU"HS 01 TempliR9Me.tlNf POUND