Oregon Advance Times_1968-06-18

Page 4 The Oregon Advance/TIMES July 18, 1968 7Of Diamonds Club Benefits From Public Support Because many people of the Greater Portland area cared, and because the youth of Al– bina were willing to put in long hours of work to create their own "thing;'' the 7 OF DIAMONDS TEEN CLUB came into being. There was a generous response of money and materials. The 7 OF DIAMONDS was the answer to the youth of Albina to the old problem of "no place· to go - nothing to do." On some weekends now, as many as 400 teen– agers have a "place to go - something to do.'' Perhaps even more im– portant, these young people have created their "stake in society," They have some– thing that is "theirs." Peo– ple with somethingworthwhile to do become responsible cit– izens. It is those with "noth– ing to lose" that threaten a community. A project such as the 7 OF DIAMONDS TEEN CLUB cannot become self-support– ing immediately and requires the same kind of long-range enthusiastic support that made it possible in the first place. We can't stop now and risk failure of the venture. This would indeed be a blow to the youth who desperately need this pride of ownership. The Youth Activities Co– ordinating Committee, Inc., is the adult group set up to sponsor and advise youth ac– tivity. Contributions are tax deductible. We suggest that those who are interested in the success of the 7 OF DIAMONDS and the develop– ment of other such activities make a comminnent to them– selves to either support YACC, INC., on a regular monthly basis or send a sub– stantial one-time amount. There is an immediate need to complete payment on ma– terials and equipment. In addition to being "a place to go - something to do," the 7 OF DIAMONDS posed of Sam Redditt, Jr., has acted as a clearing house President; Vollie Manning, for jobs. A large number Vice President; Lizzie Shep– of Albina youth, over 50, have pard, Secretary-Treasurer; found jobs because employers Robert E, Nelson, Assistant know that here is a ready- Secretary-Treasurer, and made place for recruianent Nathan Proby, James Mitchel of youth who might not "go and Paut-Knauls. the rounds" of job seeking that so often has been a frustration to them, The boy who got a wrist- The 7 OF DIAMONDS is watch when he graduated from going! Help keep it going! high school now has a son The Youth Activities Co- who wears one to kinder– ordinating Committee is com - garten. Tom Peterson's CROWN 500 AUTOMATIC Regular 5 299 s147 with trade Every New Unit Guaranteed 500 DAYS! Starts Noon Today Sunday! ~ CROWN SOO Complete Home Theater. Big color TV-Radio-Stereo. CLOSE OUT PRICE s399 CROWN 500 COLOR COMB. Reconditioned· COLOR TV Fully guaranteed and fully reconditioned. 5 99 with trade Every New Unit Guaranteed SOO DAVS! Southeast 82nd at Foster Road 777-3307 M,d C,ty N. E. Union at Broadway 288-5153 All parts, all tubes, everything! OPEN SUNDAY NOON to 9 P.M. OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M-. 8 2nd at Foster Road I 777-3307 N.E. Union at Broadway 288-5133