Oregon Advance Times_1968-06-18
July 18, 1968 The Oregon ,Advance/TIMES Page3 Union Avenue Boosters Active Upward Bound Program ~t Salem The Union Avenue Booster Club is now a reality, Just three months ago it was a dream of one man. That dream was that this com– munity could bring together a group of businessmen with a single-minded effort to help wipe away the blight, decay and urban problems that con- front all of the residents of this area. The businessmen arose to the occasion and grouped their forces behind the lead– ership of Lynn Kirby, an out– spoken and tireless automo– bile dealer in the area who, despite the exodus of other dealers to 122nd Avenue and WELCOME YOU TO MARTTl'S G·ARDENS WE NEVER CLOSE • SERVING HOT LUNCHES • FRIED CHICKEN OPEN ALL NIGHT - 7 DAYS A WEEK Top Mushball League each SUN . 12 p.m. JO IN THE FUN ANO GAME. S AT MARTT l'S GARUENS • POOL ANU rDOSl:lAL L FR l[NOL y PEOP LE ANO FINE rooo TOO i MARTTl'S GARDENS Gome to Ghevron World ofGoefort 'E,!foy sun,v,island climate with modem oiljired.famaces. Gall your Ghevron-Standard 1/ousewarmer today. likt' sou1h 11ft island m.tgiC', modem ('hc,ron 1rrank1.menh "'°"'· loO 1·our Chc,ron-Standard oil-fired heiuinl(equipmc:nt ""'P5 \OU in n:uunl Hou~"umt'rnn %hcd~lc insull.uion whim it'i romfon. l(Jcliea.n U)Cc:ndc trade "inds b«au~ moM u•mt-mC"m for )OU \'ou'll \lart sa,,n!l up nothinit cn1er,; )OUt hrnm: bu1 •nrm1h 10 J l on he:aul'lg fuel bills .. -iih 1hc first crisp 5tt )OYr Chc,·1<m-S1a .nd.ud Houk',.auner fnt auiumn d.t) t.he ri,:h1 n1odel from hi, ro mpltrc line of 011- Call your Cht'1·ron-S11nd:ud lloun,,,.armer (ired furna<u, botleu. and burnus. Malle tOO,) (om., 10 C~ron 'Xbrld ('Ir Comfort. ART PRIESTLEY OIL CO. 2429 N. Bor BORTHWICK AVE. 288-5297 other parts west, remained to do business in the area as has Frank Chevrolet and Garyworth Plymouth and many, many used car deal– ers and other merchants. Most of these owners or managers have joined the Boosters, They have de– veloped an employment com– mittee which is headed by Harvey Rice. This commit– tee is planning to work with agencies and others to help put anyone in the area to work that wants to work re– gardless of race or religion. · There are five other committees. So as you can see the Boosters are not a social club but a working club, men who have faith in Union Avenue and Albina, de– spite the rumors of fire and bricks or the efforts of others to get them to move, The Boosters realize that things are not as they should be, but they also realize that men must stand somewhere. The Boosters plan for trees along Union Avenue and also hope for trash cans along the avenue. All work that.is done for the Boosters will be ~iven first to res idents of the area. The group holds meetings every second and fourth Tuesday of every month at Eve's Wa lnut P a rk Restau– r ant in the Fred Meyer Buildi ng, All people of the area are welcome to any meeting and can speak out and ask ques tions or con– tribute to the meeting as they wis h. Unemployment Hits New low SALEM - (Special) - ln– .,l.red unemployment in Ore– gon continued to decline last week, reaching ~he lowest level thus far this year as strawberry harvesting and processing reached a peak, J, N, Peet, commissioner, Department of Employment, reported here. The rate of insured em– ployment last week at 2.2 percent of workers covered The only Upward Bound program which takes a uni– versity into a penitentiary is under way at the Oregon State Parry Center Notes Benefit Fashion Show The Parry Center for Chil– dren, 3415 S, E. Powell Blvd,, is holding an annual Parry Center BENEFIT Luncheon– Fashion Show. The fashions will be presented by I. MAG– NIN. This benefit will be held on Thursday, September 5, 1968, at p.m. It will take place at the Portland Hilton Hotel, The tickets will be $7,50, they are avail– able at the Parry Center for Children, 234-9591. Parry Center Staff: Mrs. Raymond F, Graap, General Chairman; Mrs, John Craw– ford, Vice Chairman; Mrs, Norman Cramer, Secretary; Mrs. Marcus Nesher, Treas– urer, Committee Chairmen: Mrs. Henry Cohen, Patrons; Mrs. Bill White, General Invita– tions; Mrs, Gordon L. Caudle and Mrs. James Dewart, Publicity; Mrs, Ed 'Murphy, Jr., Hostess; Mrs. John Crawford and Mrs. Richard Mayer, Music and Menu; Mrs. Thomas R. Johnson, Reservations; Mrs. Robert Bergner, Decorations. Special Advisors: Mrs. Frederic W, Young, Mrs. Sage Taylor, Mrs. Richard Mayer. The Luncheon-Fashion Show is an all-auxiliary proj– ect, A new procedure will be followed this year in pro– curin~ patrons. In the past, patron letters were sent to a selected few, accidentally leaving out many interested Parry Center supporters. When the invitations are mailed on July 1, everyone receiving an invitation will also be invited to be a patron. Patron checks are requested to be in by August 5, in or– der to meet the printer's deadline. Penitentiary at Salem in co- · operation with the University of Portland, Thomas Gaddis is director for the unique program, which may give ac– creditation to qualified stu– dents. The prison Upward Bound program, part of the OEO War on Poverty, is a pre– college program which at– tempts to stimulate interest and provide special counsel- ing for prison inmates to continue their schooling. A full-time summer staff in the prison program is made up of teachers from a number of schools and uni– versities in the area, includ– ing Portland and Salem schools and the University of Oregon. The University of Portland is the government– financed program's inter– mediary institution. THE Li 'I Rooster Drive-in • Orders To Go IS * Quick Service • Good Food OPEN Delicious Hamburger Golden French Fries Chicken to Ah - Go - Go Vancouver & Russel I St. Thet're Bigger and Better at the 1111.. '1-Burger Delicious Hamburgers 25' Sizzling Fries - Cool Malts 230 North Killingsworth Rummage Sale JULY 21 9 a.m. · tiH 7 p.m. 3625 N. Vancouver ~ti~~tt.~~i~i i @@Ytrtr® tlr·· ·e: :~;: 3 :L::;~ and 4.0 percent in 1961. 1 , • There were 10,891 w~k, : ~ f(~Y1, ~ • :~§;~:;"~~~;;;; : ~~ nn r~J ·~~~~ 11 ~) \~. ~ the first week in July and iC ~ , j ,.,_ ) -~ ' "'h 19\. then begin a slight rise for iC • a few weeks as early proc- • sou L FOOD.• The essing activity is completed, iC SOUL SISTERS • the Department of Employ- • it ment said, • Jam s ,~sion Sun. 6 '.J ,'-'" · • The rate of insured un- iC * * * * * • employment for the week • 2125 N . VANCOUVER AVE. FORMERLY • ending June 8 in the LJ, S, ii it was 1.9 percent and for Ore- iC FLOOR SHOW TU [S~-~hru SU N . The Three Little Souls • gon, 2.8 percent. il. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *it; ,. .---------------------· Thursday Nights - LADIES ADMITTED FREE COAST EASTSIDE (Out U. S. 30 East– ·Only 20 minutes from downtown Port la nd) ACTION PACl<ED! POST TIME 7:30 p.m. Mon. thru S at .-Rain or Clear Third Floor: Tabl e Sea ts $1 • Club Fairview Adm. 75¢ Second Floor: - Stadium Seat s 50c • 4 ,000 Free Seats Genera l Adm. 25c • 40 Acres of Free Parking (Sorry, Oregon State Rac ing Commission Prohibits Admission of Children Under 12) - RESERVATIONS: 665-2191 l='lJNTAST\C NeKaRmi JANITORIAL BOOKKEEPING SERVICE SERVICE * STATE-FEDERAL * Complete INCOME Building TAX Maintenance Data Processed All Other Bus: 288-S138 Phone 281-7252 COAST JANITORIAL SERVICE INC.
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