Oregon Advance Times_1968-02-15

Page 6 The Oregon Advance TIMES February 15, 1968 ~ " Yij~RE YMANN Jack and Jills of Portland Host Tri City Conference Mrs. Susie Cage Taken by Death Funeral Services for Mrs. Susie Cage were held at 10 Musicians Can Enter Contest Musicians, take notice. Ever Dreamed of a recording contract with a major record company? It' s within your reach. The Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation is sponsoring a contest for the Sound of Youth, Inc. a national program. to the national awards pre– sentation in the latter part of June with a chance for 'a re– cording contract, cash prizes and a 20-city performing tour around the United States. Say, I'm back after a couple weeks' slack. There has been a few new grooves on the record charts that every soul brother and sis– ter should check out, Sam and Dave's "I Thank You" can't help but be one of their biggest sellers of the year. It's a soul growin', finger poppin', house rockin' winner. J am e s Brown and Bobby Byrd team up on a solid blues rock bal– lad, "You've Got To Change Your Mind," another James Brown must. "Soulville's" by Aretha Franklin is a sound that should be heard by all of Lady Soul's fans: how– ever, it's not as hard movin' as some of her earlier discs but this shouldn't keep this pulsating sound from earning top b1lling on the charts. Yoore Mann says, look for another one of Lady Soul' s sounds to be on the scene in the next couple of weeks. Joe Tex tells it like it is when he sings "Men Are · Gettin' Scarce," the perfect follow up on "Skinny Legs." This will be in the number one slot soon. Local air play hasn't hurt the possibilities of Otis Redding' s release of "Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay.'' Also released after the Redding tragedy is Otis and Carla's version of "Lovey Dovey'' which should bring back memories. To top off the new list of exciting entries, we have Gladys Knight and the Pips. If you can dig "I Heard It Through The Grapevine'' you will make "End Of The Road" by this talented Motown group a spotlight hit. ''Later,'' YOORE MANN Meeting Slated A meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Albina Art Center will be held Monday, Feb. 19 at 7:45 p.rn . Mrs. Walter Reynolds, president of the Portland Chapter of the Jack and Jills of America, Inc., has an– nounced that her organization will host 50 members of Jack· and Jill mothers from Seattle, Wash., and Denver, Col., on Feb. 17. Mrs. Clem Galler– son will represent the mothers from Seattle and Mrs. Ander– son Pryor will represent the Dozen Attend Jobs Meeting Prospective policemen and firemen have now held two of three orientation meetings. Speakers at the opening meeting were Patrick Lawless of the administrative staff of Portland State College; Joseph Bowman, a former 14-year veteran of the local Police Department, and Ron Usher, 22-year employee of the Port– land Fire Bureau. Also pres– ent were Mr. Koontz and Clark N. Stephens, who along with Usher, represented Fire– Ffghters' Local No. 43, Chalmers L. Jones, as– sisted by Calvin Toran, pre– sided, Applicants present were Frank Jones, Frank P. Lolich, DeNorvel Mathews, Johnny R. Mayes, Leroy Robinson, Ben– jamin W. Watson, Ronald O. Webb Jesse R. Morris, Len– nard E. Trigg, Joe L. Towns, Ephraim White, DeLewis Moore, James Casom and Ron Lolich. The final orientation sesion will be held Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 7 p.m. in the con– ference room of the public library, 3630 N. Vancouver Ave. All interested and qual– ified young men are asked to be present. Further information may be obtained by corning to the North Portland office of the State Employment Depart– ment, 3620 N. Vancouver Ave. in the More for Less shopping complex. SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR READERS FREE Classified Ad To acquaint our readers with the drawing power and readership of this brand new weekly newspaper, The Oregon Advance/TIMES, we are offering to each reader a FREE CLASSIFIED AD. The offer is limited to "reader classified ads" for readers only, and commercial enterprises are not el lg Ible. Sell that unwanted item now. Sell, Buy, Trade, Jobs Wanted. Bring the coupon to the Oregon Advance/TIMES office at 714-1/2 N. Alberta, our ADT.AKER will help you with your ad. One coupon per family, please! No phone calls on this offer. coupon Good for one AD Offer good thru February 1968 mothers from Denver. The purpose of this tri– city meeting is to confer with the newly elected regional director, Mrs. Vernon Spen– cer, of Los Angeles. She will discuss ideas and meth– ods of operation with the chapters. She will also ex– plain the national project, "The Negro Male Under– achiever at the Junior High School Level." A coffee hour, presided over by Mrs. George V. Guy, will be held from 10 to 11 :30 a.rn. This will be followed by a luncheon meeting to be held in the Oak Room at the Barbary Coast Restaurant at the Hoyt Hotel. Included on the agenda is a tour of the city and a party with Jack and Jill fathers. Mrs. Wil– liam McC!endon will be hostess for the party. Mrs. McClendon is general chairman of the meeting. She will be assisted by Mrs. Os– car Haynes, Mrs. Warren Robinson, Mrs. Wilbur Ham– mond and Mrs. Ulysses Lev- erett, 1 a.m. Feb. 10 at the Vancouver Avenue Baptist Church. Mrs. Cage died Feb. 5 in a local hospital. Mrs. Cage was born June 20, 1921 fu Hampton, Ark. and had been a resident of Port– land for 24 years. She was a member of the Vancouver Avenue Baptist Church, the Dahlia Temple Elks Lodge, and the High Hatters Social Club. She was the wife of Stanley Cage who survives. She also leaves her sons, Lawrence and Jim Wilson: and a step-son, Stanley Cage Jr. Other sur– vivers include her sisters, Irene Hammond of Portland, and Catherine York of San Francisco and brothers E. D. Ford, L. C. Ellison of Port– land, the Rev. M. B. Ellison of Paris, Texas, William El– lison of Akron, Ohio, Woodrow Ellison of San Francisco and Ellis Ellison of Philadelphia. There are five grandchildren. Interment will be in Rose City cemetery, with arrange– ments by Vann' s Mortuary. Boys and girls between the ages of 16 and 19 areeligible. Entry blanks are available un– til Feb. 29 to all young peo– ple in Portland in this age group at the Park Bureau office, 1107 S.W. 4th Ave. The contest will be held in the Lincoln High School au– ditorium March 22. There will be three talent categories: Male vocalist, female vocalist and groups of five members or less. Music may be vocal or a combination of vocal and instrumental. Entries will be judged on creativity of ma– terial, showmanship and quality of sound. All entry blanks must be filled out and in the mail by midnight, March 3. The winners of the Port- 1 and contest will enter a state– wide competition later this spring. The finalists will go Leonard Named To Sales Post Recently appointed as a sales representative for the Equitable Life Assurance So– ciety of the United States was Benjamin M. Leonard. This energetic, aggressive young man has been with the com– pany only since November. He recently placed second in a sales campaign held by the company for new appointees and recently scored 93 out of a possible 100 in a rigid life insurance exam with 85 considered exceptional. A native of Wilmington, N. C., Leonard attended Port– land Community College be– fore his appointment. Ben– jamin, his wife Carolyn and two daughters, Cherice and Chandra, live at 2910 S, E, 29th Ave. in Portland, APPLICATION for CANDIDATES for Election to CITIZENS' PLANNING BOARD for Model Cities Program --------FILING PROCESS--------, Filing Applications are to be submitted to the Temporary Citizens' Committee in care of the Model Cities office beginning February 14, 1968. Filing Application deadline is February 23, 1968. Applications must reach the Model Cities office or be post marked by that date. A Receipt election. of Confirmation will be given to each candidate who files for ~------------------------------------- .------- • Filing Application As Candidate For Election To The Citizens' Planning Board For Model Cities Program I hereby file as a Candidate forMarch2, election for membership on the Citizens' Planning Board for Model Cities in Portland, Oregon. Address---------:,------------------------ School Area----------------------:-------- Telephone Number----------------- Age_________ • I am a resident of the Model Neighborhood and If elected, I intend to serve in the best interests of my community. I pledge to fairly represent those who may elect me from my district. • I understand that this will be a time consuming position. I will serve voluntarily and I understand this is not a salaried position and I will not receive financial payment for my service. Signature________________________________ • Applications may be hand carried to the new office at 5329 N.E. Union Avenue, Room 21 O, above the Montgomery & Ward Store, or they may be mailed to Mrs. Jackie McClain, Secretary, Box 11211, Portland, Oregon. • Application blanks also available at above address