Oregon Advance Times_1968-08-15
OREGON DEPARTMENT of EMPLOYMENT NEWS NOTE: This column is written weekly and published by this newspaper as a pub– lic and educational service. If you have questions with regard to the Oregon State Employment Service, Unem– ployment Insurance, and/or referral to the Job Corps, Neighborhood Youth Corps or training under the Manpower Parents Protest Bussing by Liz Sheppard A group of parents and in– terested citizens met Friday August 9, at the NAACP building with Dr. Harold Kliener to discuss their prob– lems at Sabin School. The parents were very unhappy their school wouldn't have a first grade this fall. The mothers didn't know where to turn until one of the mothers, Mrs. Lizzie Sheppard, of their plight. Mrs. Sheppard im– mediately spoke to Dr. Klie– ner and set up an appointment with him to meet with the parents, Dr. Kliener agreed to meet with the parents and dis– cuss the problems and to ex– piain the program. Many of the parents that couldn't attend the meeting sent letters and signatures stating their objections to bus– sing of their children to El– liot and cutting the first grade out of their school. Many reasons were stated as to why they didn't want their kindergartens and first grad– ers bussed to another school. Dr. Kliener promised to con– sider the problems pre– sented to him and see what changes could be made before school starts and he will be meeting with the parents again this month. During this meet– ing it was pointed out that the cutting out of the first grade and bussing the chil– dren was done without the consent of the parents. There were several groups reP– resented, NAACP, Human Relations of Milwaukie, Al– bina Neighborhood Service Center, Highland Recreation Center and the Urban League. After the meeting was over some of the parents gave statements to the news media of their problems and talked of getting petitions started, making their objections to bussing known. Development and Training Act, please address your queries to the Department of Employment, attn. Informa– tion Representative, 402 Labor and Industries Build– ing, Salem, Oregon 97310. QUESTION: How is fraud investigated in the filing of claims for unemployment in– surance? ANSWER: The commis– sioner of the Department of Employment has a staff of in– vestigators engaged in the prevention and detection of fraud, misrepresentation or withholding of material facts, failure to file reports, etc. Also many times irregulari– ties are ferreted out by local office claims deputies, by field auditors of the tax divi– sion and by representatives of other divisions of the De– partment of Employment, Both in the matter of obtain– ing benefits, as well as violations of the law, the various district attorneys of the state may prosecute and severe penalties may be as– sessed. Employers are asked to assist investigators by furnishing requested in– formation about earnings and other information. The De– partment of Employment may also bring civil actions to re– cover benefits wrongfully ob– tained. QUESTION: What are the so-called Federal programs of unemployment insurance? ANSWER: The Department of Employment, through an arrangement with the Federal Government, is the Oregon agent for two programs of Federal Unemployment Com– pensation, namely: l. Unemployment Compen– sation for Federal Employees (UCFE). 2. Unemployment Compen– sation for Ex-Servicemen (UCX). Claims under these pro- • grams may be filed at any - local office of the Department of Employment. In general, the claimant must meet the same eligibility requirement for these two programs as for regular state unemploy– ment insurance: That is, the claimant must be unem– ployed, able to work, avail– able for and actively seeking work and comply with provi– sions of the state law in re– gard to filing the claim for unemployment i n s u r a n c e benefits, The c I aim ant should notify his claims– taker if he worked for a Federal agency or performed Federal military service in his base year. NAACP Picnic At Viclcer's Home Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vickers' lovely home was the setting for the annual NAACP's pic– nic on Sunday, August 11, 1968. There was something for everyone to enjoy. The small children had loads of fun just across the street from the Vickers' home on the school ground. Games were played in the beautiful base– ment and on the spacious back lawn, while the scrumptious chickens were being barbe– cued. The attendance was great. This was an occasion for the entire family. Young and old alike had a marvelous time. The food was deli– ciously prepared and served buffet style. If you missed this picnic, you really missed a treat; but, next year be sure you're there by joining the NAACP now. Albina Children Attend Derby by RON WEBB Approximately 40 under– privileged children from the Albina area were guests Fri– day for the destructioR derby at the Jantzen Arena. The children from the Albina Youth Action Center and the Albina Neighborhood Improvement Center were chaperoned by Mrs. Fred Flowers of ANIC. Pilot Jlouse 9auern 727 E . BURNSIDE August 15, 1968 The Oregon Advance/TIMES Page? ' IIDus1NEss IBERv1ci:s 8 IRECTORY ' AUTOMOTIVE UNION AVE "Drive-In" CLEANERS 2861 N. E. Union 281-7417 Complete Laundry Service tf CARLOS Body & Fender * Bring us your dents * Guaranteed Work 2609 N. Vancouver Ave. 287-8529 tf CUSTOM AUTO UPHOLSTERY 55 S. E. 11th Ave. Portland 14, Oregon 8/15 Phone 288-6409 to place your classified a<l in the Advance/Tl MES HARVEY'S AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE · Motor rebuilding - crankshaft grinding - automatic transmission repair - tune up & brake service 45 yearsat 2016 N. E. Alberta PH. 281 -4820 MOR-MILE TIRES 3368 N. E. Union 284-9758 Ron Hays TOP SHOP AUTO UPHOLSTERY Complete Line of Auto Upholstery tf Phone 287-8284 400 N. E. Garfield Portland, Oregon 97212 8/29 BARBERS SANDERS BARBER SHOP Men & Women Hair Cuts .... . .... . .... $2.25 Children under 12 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $2.00 2721 7th Portland, Oregon 8/2 9 for information on listing your company in the Ad– vance/Tl 1\1 ES directory. j ust call 288-6409 - our staff will be glau to assist yo u. or o ur advertising men will call on you to help with your listing: BOOKKEEPING Allan Z. Bowens Res. 284-1354 Doris V. Duncan Res. 281 -5776 EASTSIDE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE DATA PROCESSING COMPUTERIZED INCOME TAX 714 N. E. Alberta St. P. 0 . Box 11225 Tel. 281-7252 ELECTICAL Industrial - Commercial · Residential Portland, Oregon Larry T apanen Home Phone CH 4-1887 12/12 FURNITURE UNION FURNITURE CO. 3639 N.E.UNION -PORTLAND.Ore. CUSTOM WORK UNFINISHED FURNITURE HI - Fl BARS STOOLS Donald Ryan Robert Ryan 8/29 GROCERY BRANDALLS GROCERY MARKET 2909 N. E. Prescott Phone 281 -9873 Open Sundays 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. PARKWAY GROCERY 3016 N. Williams Phone 284-9576 MALIES GROCERY 4601 N. Williams Phone 284-9523 CALL Oregon Advance/TIMES phone 288-6409 to list your services in the Directory. INSURANCE The man to see for your living protection !h~ EQUITABLE lif" A,,urJr1(e ~ocit't, of th~ Unilt>d Sl.1le, BENJAMIN M. LEONARD 2040 S.W. FIRST AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 BUS . PHONE: 222-9471 HEATING UNIVERSAL HEATING & AIR COND. INC. 1714 N. E. Alberta 287-7211 Residential and Commercial Gas, oil , electric insta llatio n and repair on all makes. 24-hour service LUMBER PARR LUMBER COMPANY 6250 N. E. Union Telephone 287-1136 PHARMACY tf PAIGE'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Prescriptions Mailed or Delivered Phone 284-4656 2701 N. E. 7th Portland, Oregon 9721.1 S & H Green Stamps 9/12 PLUMBING MARTIN T. MORLAN Plumbing Co., Inc. ATiantic 4-1109 4829 N. E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Denny Morlan, Mgr. tf D. & F. PLUMBING REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS 4636 N. Albina Ave., Portland, Ore. 97217 Morrie Minor - Res. 282-3890 RESTAURANTS FRANCES CORNER COFFEE SHOP FEATURING : * BBQ RI BS & BEEF * CHITTLIN'S ---– SAT. ONLY SPECIAL ALWAYS: Good Home Cooked Meals & Courteous Service 3622 No. Vancouver 282-3060 SPORTSMAN CAFE 3213 N. E. Union A variety of foods Breakfast anytime Slim & Ruth SHEET METAL ATLAS SHEET METAL STAINLESS STEEL *** ATLAS HOTEL SUPPLY RESTAURA~T EQUIPMENT 4215 N. Williams Ave. Phone 288-6081 tf TELEVISION TELEVISION METRO TV SERVICE Color, BW and Stereo All make s. Guaranteed Service and all new parts. 2932 S . E. Division Phone 234-6675 tf SCHOOLS Training For Welding - Mach. Shop Auto Tune-up & Repair Diesel Mechanics & Operators Radio, TV & Electronics GI APPROVED TECHNICAL TRAINING SERVICE 1401 N. E. Alberta St. 284-1181 CLASSIFIED tf Up to 15 words for $1.00. Cut out, fll I out and mall in with your $1.00. OREGON ADVANCE/TIMES Name________ ~ Address-------~ Telephone________ FOR RENT: Prestige office space, 900 sq. ft., 1625 N. KIiiingsworth. Call: 287- 1390. 8/15 FOR SALE: Washing ma– chine, late model, $60. Call 281-3208 after 5 p.m. 8/15 House for rent, 3 bdrms, full basement, small yard, 3322 N. Vancouver Ave., 282-7810. $75.00 mo. 8/15 SUBSCRIPTIONS WANTED Mail in your check today for your yearly subscription of the Oregon AdvancejTIMES. Only $4.50. WANTED: Paper boys to fill route. Good pay for your work. Cal I 28~6409 and leave your name and address. Rev. Wallace Welcomed Home The Marantha Church of God, situated on 1222 N. E. Skidmore, welcomed home their Pastor, Rev. Wendell Wallace, who held a two– week evangelistic crusade in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Pastor Wallace reports that the crusade was a great success, and made history. It was the first time in the history of Fort Wayne that such a crusade was held. "It was a positive effort to bring Fort Wayne's blacks and whites together on the com- mon ground of Christian faith," says one of the news– papers of that city. The cru– sade was sponsored by the Fort Wayne who expressed appreciation for the crusade, Pastor Wallace also re– ported that despite obstacles such as rain, etc., the serv– ices were well attended for the two weeks. He saw young men and women with _serious mental, physical and spiritual problems, delivered at an al– tar of prayer. Pastor Wallace's words were verified by a five– member team who went with him for the crusade. The Marantha Church of God has a membership of over 300 .---C-O_L_O_R_T_V_R_E_P_A_I_R__ people, 55% Afro-Americans, ALSO 45% white. The congregation RECONDITIONED SETS SOLD reaches it hand in fellowship CROWN MART to every born-again Chris– tian. Pastor Wallace has TV & APPLIANCES many dreams for the con- Sales - Service - Rental gregation that the writer Presented by feels will come true because 30 29 S.E. DI VISION of the Pastor's enthusiasm. One cannot help but catch the E. Side 235- 1602 w. Side 223 _6942 glow when in the presence of -----------~~s=n~G~ ' -
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