Oregon Advance Times_1968-08-15
Page 6 The Oregon AdvancefTIMES August 15, 1968 r······················~ ~ •A~""Mlo• 1 ~ • Harrell Heads Morse Campaign : rt,',_ ,~ ,~~ [, = 1/W ~ : POJRECAST ~ ~ . ~ By Paraphernalia • ~ ...................... ~ Are you a young lady who bell bottoms with a target likes to fly kites in the rain? buclcle is a wild start. San– It's a bit unusual but so are dals and a vinyl blazer or you. cossack shirt complete the You're m.>t conventional. outfit rather unconvention– You're young, inventive and ally. full of spirit. Some people Whatever the now-wear can't understand why your you're looking for, you'll find kite has a psychedelic pie- it at Paraphernalia. It's the ture of Lawrence Welk on it. breath-taking boutique where No matter. You communi- America's best young fashion cate with life and loves of designers have set up shop. life. Check it out and see what Soggy kite flying is really we mean. quite an experience. Of course, you've got to have the right threads for it. Something like fluorescent WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR "WHAT ABOlIT LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE?" NNEA Sponsors Classes The National Negro Evan– gelical A s so c i at i o n will sponsor a Child Evangelism Institute August 19, 1968, through August 30, 1968, each evening at 7:30. The Institute will be conducted by Mrs. Dessie L. Webster of San Francisco, California. Mrs. Webster is the Bay Area Director of Child Evan– gelism, and is a member of Third Baptist Church. She has had wide experience in the field of Christian Educa– tion, and comes to us well qualified. Mrs. Webster will speak at the 8:00 a.m. NNEA Prayer Fellowship August 17, 1968, at which , time she will out– line her program. The In– stitute will be open to the public, and everyone is in– vited to attend. Mr. Pat Excel who is the Director of Campus Cru– sade's Lay Evangelism pro– gram in the Portland area will speak also at this Satur– day NNEA Prayer Fellow– ship concerning plans for the forthcoming September Lay Institute of Evangelism that will project jointly. All meetings will be held in the NNEA Chapel at the head– quarters. The address is 3905 N, Vancouver Avenue. The National Negro Evan- Claims Drop (Continued from Page 5) stick bird houses, painting, weaving, and a model air– plane building and exhibition contest. gelical Association is vitally concerned with programs of outreach that will benefit the community, and encourage your participation in our programs. For further in– formation you may call the Director, Rev. Charles Wil– liams, 281-0418. NYC Program As the summer months come to a close and the young people who received a job through NYC get ready to re– turn to school, this reporter thought it good to take a look-see to determine if the program has really helped the youth. The headquarters for the summer NYC program is at Jefferson High school. The staff have hired some 498 young people, and sent them to various non-profit agencies throughout Portland, In the Albina area alone NYC youth are working in approximately 15 agencies and institutions. Some typical examples of the work being done by these youth are cleaning the alleys and streets in Albina. Work– ing at the Neighborhood Serv– ice Center, Knott Street and the many schools, doing vari– ous types of jobs. Herbie Smith happens to be extra lucky in his assign– ment. He works for the Ore- gon Advance/Times. The NYC program pays youth $1.25 an hour, They get increases at intervals. George Harrell, 27, has been appointed as an organiz– er of volunteers in Mult– nomah County, including the Albina District, for the re– election campaign of Oregon Democratic Senator Wayne Morse. Harrell worked for the Robert Kennedy campaign in Eugene during the 1968 pri– mary election. He has moved to Portland from Eugene to join the Morse staff. He said a campaign head– quarters for Morse would be opened in the Albina District GEORGE HARRELL for the November general election. Morse, who is seeking re-election to his fifth term in the United States Senate. was the first candi– date to have a headquarters in Albina during the 1968 primary election. Harrell has been working as a ticket agent for South– ern Pacific while attending school in Eugene. A native of Chicago, he spent four years as a radar mainten– ance man in the U, S, Air Force and was stationed in Guam and Canada. Harrell said he sees his job with the Morse campaign as a chance to further the cause of civil rights. "Because of the urgency most of us now feel regard– ing civil rights," Harrell said, "I feel it is necessary Back-to-school Sale At Goodwill Industries Back to school sale days are announced by Goodwill Industries. Goodwill stores w1ll have a special sale of boys and girls clothing and school articles on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 15, 16, 17. All Goodwill stores in the Portland area, including the Vancouver store, will serve cold drinks to refresh warm and worried mothers and kids during the kickoff sale day - Thursday, August 15th. \ The gym class includes ca 1i st hen i cs, gymnastics, trampoline, tumbling, and weight lifting instruction. These activities are open to all members free of charge except judo. Judo classes are taught for boys and girls by a well-qualified instruc– tor, Each morning at 9:00 new students have a lesson while more advanced students have their lessons at 10:00 a,m, A $2.00 extra fee is charged for this skill in– struction. BERNICE'S COUNTRY KITCHEN RESTAURANT See Bernice For Good Home Cooked Meals · Country Style. 3310 N. WILLIAMS AVENUE Monday thru Thursday 6 a.m. to 12 midnight OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY OPEN 24 HOURS FRIDAY & SATURDAY r-c~@ITtr@~····@[®lt··1 : SOUL p( : t?J FOOD! WALL TO "WALL SOUL" Dancing • Entertainment Jam Session Sun. 6 · 9 p.m. FLOOR SHOW TUES. t hru SUN . 2125 N. VANCOUVER AVE. • Miss Exotic Sherry Strong Tina and the Dolls ~···~********************************* to do something to further our cause in whatever way 1 can. Working for the Wayne Morse Committee gave me that opportunity." If re-elected, Morse will automatically become chair– man next January of the Sen– ate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, which has jurisdiction in the Senate over virtually all legislation involving poverty, education, health care, and other im– portant laws that must be passed to help solve the problems of America's cities. Main Office: 4950 N. E. Union, Portland, Oregon 97211 .w Eastside Location: 19043 S.E. Stark St. Morse has long been recognized as one of the Sen– ate's strongest advocates of a program to guarantee civil rights to all Americans. Morse received a large majority of the vote in the Albina District in the Demo– cratic primary election. LISTINGS WANTED Call Mr. Scott, 288-3853, eves • 846 N. E. EMERSON - 4 bedrooms, 1 floor, fcb., range, fruit trees on 50 x 135 lot, $9500. Mr. Scott. • 3 PLEX - $215 income, 80 x 100 corner, $9000. Fully rented. • • $6500 for this _2 bedroom newly decorated, fcb, older home. 524 N. E. Fremont. SEE 3621 N. ALBINA, 2 bedrooms, $6000. 75 x 100 lot. CLEAN - 2 bedroom, near north side. make offer. Mr. Scott. fcb,oil heat, ~~UNCONVENTIONAL!" THAT'S FRANK REYNOLDS and the News On 2 Professionals KATU PORTLAN'.l 6=00-7=30 p.m.-week nights-in color ''Working for Pacific Northwest Bell is a gOod deal." (Jim Boozer, Area Personnel Assistant for PNB, tells why.) "Herc at PNB your chances of getting a job, taking home good pay and doing interesting work . . . de– pend on one thing. And that's YOU. If you do need training, you'll get it .. . with pay." "Right now, the job I have here in Portland is to talk with people about PNB job op e nings all over Oregon. Why don't you come in so that we can meet? We may have an opening for you." T o sec Jim, please come to .509 S.\V. Oak Street 8:.'.30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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