Oregon Advance Times_1968-08-15
Page 4 The Oregon Advance/TIMES August 15, 1968 Dear Nowie- Dear Novie: I am a boy of 16 years of age and will be 17 very shortly. I am writing you to tell you that my father and I have a problem that can lead to serious complications. He feels because l play sports he should be the one to accept the glory. He only wants me to play so he can brag .•• about how he raised his son to be good in sports. O. K., 1 can slightly tolerate that, however, I can't tolerate the fact that he wants me in every night at 9:00 o'clock including weekends. I am not a problem child, I have a very good job making over $2.00 an hour, and I have always had pretty good grades. How can I explain to him that we're not back in the old days without him telling me to pack up and ship out. Fed Up Dear Fed Up: I think parents should be more understanding nowadays and the only way to get them to understand is for you to be understanding. Try having a man-to-man talk with him which I am sure you are capable of • , . tell him how you feel. Sometimes parents aren't aware of the fact that their children are growing up. Try to explain to him that you need to be allowed a longer curfew and try to make him un– derstand that you want to be allowed to be yourself, man. You sound like a wonderful son. COFFEE HOSTS NEEDED Augie Roland is looking for The Clutches last for BP- homes that will host coffee proximately two hours, resi– Clutches. The reason for the dents in the block are asked coffee Clutches is to acquaint the Albina residents with the present activities of the Neighborhood Service Center, and find out their wants and needs. to be present. If you would like to serve as host please call Augie at the Albina Neighborhood Service Center. 287-2603 or visit 59 N. E, Stanton. • • • • • • • • • • Dear Novie: What can a guy do at 16 years of age when there are no decent girls left where he lives. There is really nothing you can say to help me. I just thought I would write to tell you how sickening girls are nowadays with their cursing and tipping , , , Please print this and maybe some girls will wake up. Sick of indecent girls The Dolls, Barbara and Rosemary Lewis and their sister Tina Harty, are · three love Iles from Oakland, California, singing at the Cotton Club, The group first entertained at Long Island in San Francisco, The sisters have been singing together for the past two and one half years, and have appeared with such notables as Little Jimmy Walker, O Johnny Taylor, the Attractions and Duke Ellington, First National lends money for vacations, payment of bills. bargain purchases, taxes - Just about any reason under the sun! Next time nothing but money will do for you . find out ;ibout a low·cost personal loan from your convenient First National branch. i\sk one of your friends at the bank. Dear Sick: YMCA Has Day Trips FIRST NATIONAL Not all girls are indecent and vulgar, .. If you are a de– cent guy you can find a decent girl. Are you forgetting that guys tip too? Don't get me wrong •.• Sure there are a lot of vulgar girls, but I assure you that there are just as many vulgar guys. I always say if you treat a girl decent she will treat you decent. • • • • • • • • • • De.tr No,·l.a: Wh<1t do you think of a girl that keeps calling a boy who has made it more than clear that he doesn't like her. The girl happens to be a very good friend of mine and she is always asking me for advice. I told her to stop calling him • , , but she is so persistent that she has me dialing his num– ber for her, Don't like dialing guys Dear Dialing: Well, you sound like you are the on the right road, but if you keep dialing for your friend, pretty soon you will be dialing for yourself. Put your foot down and quit dialing , , , try to explain to her how it lowers her when she con– tinuously calls a guy that isn't calling her. (Have a problem, write Dear Novie, C/0 Oregon Ad– vance/TIMES, 714-1/2 N, E, A!berta.) Summer trips leave the "Y" each Wednesday between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. bound for parks and other educational and enjoyable sites. Mature leaders staff all trips and all registered trip members are insured. For further information about any or all of these programs contact the North Branch YMCA, 5430 N• An optimist is a person who can see the bright side of any calamity as long as it didn't happen to him, The pessimist shouldn't waste time worrying. He knows everything will turn out wrong anyway. SHERIDAN FRUIT Co. S.E. Union & Oak• 235-935 3 Canning And Freezing Times For These Local Grown Favorites Luscious Sweet and Full of Juice PEACHES Hale 251b.box Red Haven 251b.box 2•• 3•• Fresh Daily PICKLING CUCUMBERS And All Canning & Freezing Supples Dill, Red Peppers, Spices, Vinegar "Swifts" Vienna SAUSAGE or All Sweet MARGARINE LARGE FRANKS S & J Brand lb. 48C LAMB RIB CHOPS Meaty & Tender 69C U.S. Choice lb. Full of Flavor From the Dalles TOMATOES Approx. 20 ~:~ 149 SPEAR MELONS Thick Meatedlb. .~ Borden's American Sliced CHEESE COFFEE MJB 3 lbs. 3 lb. can 1•• 1•• LAMB ROAST U.S. Choice Shoulder 4 9 C Real Taste Treat lb. RIB ROAST Large End lb. 79c Tender Steer Portland's Produce Center o - - - - , _ - -~ r - - Moore, 282- 5517. The busi- ness office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p,m. Monday through Friday and 10:30 a,m, to 6:30 p.m. on Satur. day. MEET THE BANK or OREGON Gibson popular-new refrigerator design in a compact new size and price Gibson Refrigerator-Freezer with 74 lb. freezing compart– ment. 12 cu. ft. refrigerator. Multi-magnet door seal. avail– able in avacado, coppertone. white. Auto cycle defrosting, porcelain crisper. customer parking at our store Phone 288-5308 $ w. T.
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