Oregon Advance Times_1968-08-01
Page 8 The Oregon Advance/TIMES August 1, 1968 Self Help Important At Center Army Rec·ruiter Re-ups I ''Life stands for low in– come family emergency. At Life Center, families or in– dividuals may receive emer– gency supplies such as furni– ture, household articles, food, clothing, and bedding, Those receiving help must volunteer time and labor. This time and labor is to be used by sorting, cleaning, and · repairing items donated to the Life Center. The items will be given to others in need who in return will be asked to volunteer their services, There must also be an at– tempt and desire to help themselves out of the situa– tion which contributed to their inability to be self– sustaining. They are en– couraged to attend the many classes in the community, such as workshops in sew– ing techniques, educating, child-care, discussion clas– ses, upholstering, crafts, consumer education, legal redress and job techniques, Of course there is no guar– antee that the sources will help but we let people know that they are available. Staff Sergeant Hardie D, Dayis, newly assigned Port– land Army recruiter, re– peated the Army Oath of En– listment for his fourth time last Saturday (July 20), this time enlisting for a 6-year stay. A 12-year Army veteran, Sgt, Davis said he chose the 6-year enlistment because he · plans to complete his 20-year Army career. He came to Portland July 1, from Ft. Lewis, Washington, where he served as construction su– pervisor with Company C, 58th 1?ignal Battalion. His wife Mary and their three- year-old child will join him in Portland when arrange– ments for living quarters are made, Sergeant Davis said, He lists his p~rmanent home– town address as 3335 Ram– sey Avenue, Dallas, Texas. His mother, Mrs, Johnnie B. Davis, currently lives at 2423 Moonlight Avenue, Dallas, Sergeant Davis assumes duties in Portland as Special Low Income ·Area Army Re– cruiting Representative. His office is in room 105, Pioneer Post Office, S. W, Fifth Avenue and Morrison Street, Phone number there is 227-3020. Life Center is the brain– child of the employees of the Albina Neighborhood Service Center while working as Community Service Workers. One can see the real needs of the people when their homes are visited and you have free face-to-face talks with them. Recognizing these needs the workers began so– liciting food, furniture, cloth– ing, bedding and household articles from every available source until all garages and basements were overflowing, Program Expanding The first space occupied by Life Center was a small place on the corner of Beech and Williams. Next it was moved to Fremont and Union, The progress was slow and Life was then moved to Union and Monroe. Money used to pay for rent and utilities of Life came from benefits put on by Em– ployees Association and from the helpers of the Center, Word of the Life Center soon reached the 0, C, 0. and we were informed that be– ginning July 1, 1968, they were to receive a small grant to help get them established, This is to be a demonstration project for six months, The Center is still depend– ent upon donations of all articles to help to continue the program, The present address is 321 Things are moving at the C-CAP's summer project at Highland Church at 9th and Going, About a month ago (June 17) the project began when young people from all over Portland charged on the Highland Center with mops, buckets, dust cloths, and soap. By the end of the day the Church was cleaned and ready for service, In the following weeks the staff was able to procure a variety of supplies from businessmen around the city, which enabled them to extend their services and broaden N. E. Russell Street. The phone number is 284-6878, The people at Life Center will pick up all things if you wish to give. Th~y are a real necessity, With your help we can continue this program and at the end of the trial period some bene– factor may realize the help that our community is pro– viding for the city of Port– land. BERNICE'S COUNTRY KITCHEN Resturant Now Open " New Owner See Bernice For Good Home Cooked Meals Country Style 3310 N. Williams Ave. the scope of their project to the community. Some of the supplies included volleyball, ping-pong tables, badminton equipment for the recreation department; several type– writers and instruction books for the typing class, and books for the reading class. The recreation activities have included swimming at Peninsula Park, and archery at Washington Park, The high point for the rec– reation department was last weekend, when a group of about 40 young people ranging in age from 5 to 19 .went to Camp MacGruder. Insurance "For the great mass of people with dependents," says Soloman Huebner, Pro– fessor of Insurance at the University of Pennsylvania, "Life insurance should be the first type of security to be purchased. Where a depend– ent family is at stake, it is the height of folly to urge in– vestment in other directions, and it is quite beside the point to offer laborious ex– planations of the relative merits of various das!jeS of bonds and other types of in– vestments, "The first duty of every man is to protect his house– hold against want in case of premature death, and this can be don~ only through the pur– chase of an adequate amount of life insurance. As is well known, life insurance offers a convenient and safe method of accumulating a savings fund at a very fair rate of return, But the greatest pur– pose of life insurance is to protect. It takes time to save, and where dependents must be protected, life in– surance alone guarantees the accumulation of a competency against the contingency of the saving method being cut short by an untimely death, The great mass of people live only within the life in– surance stage and are re– moved by thousands of dol– lars from the point where they can judiciously become direct investors along other lines." Buy Now and Save at With 3.00 or More Food Purchase All Grinds Including Electric Pere. Folger's Coffee 4 9 /. With$3.00or 19' more food purchase All additional 1st lb. regular low price 1-lb. can Reg. 7 4( Banquet Frozen Dinner to 16oz. 1st 6 11 Varieties Reg. 36, 2 9 ~ all additional each Tender You11g Corn Fed Pork Center Cut Pork Chops Lean loin, and rib cuts. FM table trimmed for extra savings. 79~.. FAMILY PACK Lean sirloin and marbled rib cuts ........ . ... . 5 qt. Top Frost Frozen Orange Juice Rich in Natural "The Real Vitamin "C" 61 $ 100 Thing From Reg. 21, Florida" 17' each large Sweet Thompson Seedless Grapes One of the finest table grapes grown . For delicious low calorie snacks or fruit salads. Save 75e Plastic Pail Assorted Colors Reg. 29, Raid House and Garden Insect Spray · Coronet Paper Napkins 60count 7~ Reg. 15, pkg. 1st pkg. all additional 12' Boys' White Stretch Crew Socks Striped tops in sizes 6 to 811:z and 9 to 11. All purpose and great for school needs. ~as~ 14.75 oz. Reg. $1.24 It Works! 9l~ Arvin Solid State Table Radio ~2:~~~J~I:::~: 7:~. ss 99 Voice speaker. Reg. $ 12 · 88 "Charge It" Girls' Summer Weight Capri In 50% cotton 50% $ 2 ~rs polyester. Galey and Lord plaids. Regular waist band with side zipper. Size 7 to 14. "Charge It" 19 Convenient locations There are 19 conveniently located Fred Meyer stores in the Portland-Van– couver area. You're within five minutes of a nearby Fred Meyer Shopping Center, Open 9 am to 10 pm daily, including Sun– day. Always plenty of free and easy
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