Oregon Advance Times_1968-08-01
Youngsters Enioy Pool At Lake Oswego Officer for Civil Air Patrol Young people from the Al– bina Youth Action Center have been living it up in Lake Oswego, This is made pos– sible by the Caffel family who ·offered their swimming pool to Albina youth. Jim Murry, group work supervisor at the Youth Ac– tion Center, located at 535 N, Skidmore, takes a group of young people to Lake Os– wego every week, There they have an Olympic Pool which can be used. Mrs, Caffel stated that the pool was built for commer– cial use, however, they must wait until city officials will give them the legal okay, Because of the fact they were not able to use the pool im– mediately for commercial purposes, she called and of– fered it to the Y. A. C, free of charge. Merv Griffin (Continued from Page 1) Thousands turned out to see Merv and his special guests: MISS JOYCE THOMPSON Mayor Lindsay, James Brown, Burt Lancaster, Mu– hammed Ali, Joe Tex, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Spanky and Our Gang, and Willie Tyler and Lester. This spe– cial MERV GRIFFIN SHOW will be seen Wednesday, Au– gust 7 at 9:30 p.m. in color on KPTV Channel 12. Miss Joyce Thompson, who resides at 828 N. E. Pres– cott, is one of the new officers of the Albina Civil Air Patrol Unit, The unit is presently in its Officers 0 r i en tat ion phase. The group meets every Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. Officer f-----------– ~~~~---i GOSSIP COLUMN got the word through the grapevine that they need a supervisor at Knott Street who can cooperate better with the younger gen– eration ... while I am on the subject, word is out that parents of children who attend Knott Street draft classes aren't really in– terested in their children's work; drop in, parents, and catch a glimpse of your chi Id's work; you may also find out that there aren't enough materials such as mosaic, felt and etcs. Knott Street says they can't afford them; who are they kidding? ... While we're on Knott, let's discuss the "7 of Diamonds": for one thing, respectable citizens would like to know who's responsible for the location. It is known that unsavory characters roam in that particular area, Some youngsters have also complained about the quality of entertainment ... you're probably wonder– ing what about the entertainment; our young teens have summed it up in three words: "NOT TOO SPLAB." .•. While thinking of success ruining people, a young man at the ''Teen Center" popped into my mind; there are a lot of youngsters who wish he would pop out of the "Teen Center,·" too ... The word is out that the "CAVEL IE RS," which is a new band in the area, is going to be what's happening in '68; as you know, there's not too much of '68 left, but then again there is '69 . . . You know, we really should do something about Williams and Russell and the young ladies who roam the streets; also, · those gentlemen that drive those General Motors cars that have Spanish names, such as "ELDORADOS." In my opinion, I bet the auto dealers would like to catch them for one or two monthly payments ... While on the subject of the world's oldest profes– sion, is it nice to see that they are utilizing Dawson Park; we hope it's not for business purposes ... There are lots of people who think "Williams ave" is a parking lot, Well, you know me; I think there should be some– thing done about it ... Well, I must go now, but if there is anything you think I should know, drop me <? line some time. My address is THE OREGON ADVANCE/TIMES,ATTEN: ALBINA GOSSIP COLUMN, 714-l/2 N. E. Alberta Street, Portland, Oregon 97212. (Miss) Tbompson is an added delight to the unit and should contribute not only to the work but also the scenery, If you want to help young · people in Albina understand more about the Space Age, then join us at the Neighbor– hood Service Center. Bean Harvest (Continued from Page 1) evergreen blackberries. There is adequate labor in the cucumber harvest in all areas and also in the potato harvest which has started in both Ontario and Pendleton areas. The pear harvest is to start August 5 in Medford and there is an expected shortage of 100 pickers there by September 10. Adequate labor is anticipated in the Hood River pear harvest to begin about August 15. To can fresh pineapple, twist off the top, cut the pine– apple in quarters, scrape downward with a tablespoon. The pulp will be like crushed pineapple. CLASSIFIED Unfurnished apartments. New N. E. duplex near Killings– worth. 2 bedroom, all elec– tric, paneled living room, range &, refrigerator, patio utility area, carpets, drapes. Garbage &water paid. $119.50 per mo. 5335 N. E. 24th. 284-5204. 8/1 MALIES GROCERY 4601 N. Williams Phone 284-9523 SPORTSMAN CAFE 3213 N. E. Union A variety of foods Breakfast anytime Slim & Ruth BRANOALLS GROCERY MARKET 2909 N. E. Prescott Phone 281-9873 Opi,n Sundays 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. PARKWAY GROCERY 3016 N. Willinms Phonr. 284-9576 AUTOMOTIVE UNION AVE "Drive-In" CLEANERS 2861 N. E. Union 281-7417 Complete Laundry Service tf CARLOS Body & Fender * Bring us your dents * Guaranteed Work 2609 N. Vancouver Ave. 287-8529 tf EKMAN AUTO PARTS Specialist Machine Shop 1803 N. E. UNION AVE AT 4-2155 Open 6 days a week, 8-5 HARVEY'S AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Motor rebuilding - crankshaft grinding - automatic transmission repair - tune up & brake service 45 years at 2016 N. E. Alberta PH. 281-4820 MOR-MILE TIRES 3368 N. E. Union 284-9758 BOOKKEEPING Allan Z. Bowens Res. 284-1 354 Doris V. Duncan Res. 281-5776 EASTSIDE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE DATA PROCESSING COMPUTERIZED INCOME TAX 714 N. E. Alberta St. P.O.Box11225 Tel. 281-7252 ELECTICAL Industrial - Commercial ·~ R:~:~~;:C • \ CORP. / Electrical Contractors / 431 s\ E. 6th Ave. l!:===·=B~E5-6977 Portland, Oregon tf Larry Tapanen Home Phone CH 4-1887 1 2/12 .August 1, 1968 The Oregon AdvancefTIMES Page7 FOOD WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Finest in Meats & Groceries 2709 N. E. 7th 7 - 10 Except Sun. & Holidays 4/11 FLORISTS Erv Lind- Nick's Flower Home Erv Lind Flowers, Inc. "Your Thot in Flowers" ATiantic 1-1181 ATiantic 1-1201 4040 N. E. Union Ave. Portland 12, Oregon City Wide Delivery INSURANCE The man to see for your living protection tf Th<' EQUITABLE lift• A,,ur.u1<e Soc iel\ of !he Unired Sl•I~, BENJAMIN M. LEONARD 2040 S.W. FIRST AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 BUS. PHONE: 222-9471 HEATING UNIVERSAL HEATING & AIR COND. INC. 1714 N. E. Alberta 287-7211 Residential and Commercial Gas, oil, electric installation and repair on all makes. 24-hour service LOCKS Walnut Park Lock & Key Co. & Supplies 533 N. Killingsworth Hours: M-F - 9-4 Sat. 9-12 Experienced Locksmith Keys For All Locks 7 /11 LUMBER PARR LUMBER COMPANY 6250 N. E. Union Telephone 287-1136 tf CITY CENTER LUMBER CO. 2612 N.E. ALBERTA ST. Phone: 281-1167 Complete Lumber Needs For The Professional Or The Do It Your Seifer Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Week Days Sat. 8 a.m. to 4 p,m. MUSIC PHAI~MACY PAIGE'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Prescriptions Mailed or Delivered Phone 284-4656 2701 N. E. 7th Portland, Oregon 97212 S & H Green Stamps 9/12 PLUMBING D. & F. PLUMBING REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS 4636 N. Albina Ave., Portland, Ore. 97217 Morrie Minor - Res. 282-3890 MARTIN T. MORLAN Plumbing Co., Inc. ATiantic 4- 1109 4829 N. E. Union Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Denny Morlan, Mgr. tf RESTAURANTS FRANCES CORNER COFFEE SHOP FEATURING: * BBQ RIBS & BEEF * CHITTLIN'S ---– SAT. ONLY SPECIAL ALWAYS: Good Home Cooked Meals & Courteous Service 3622 No. Vancouver 282-3060 SHEET METAL ATLAS SHEET METAL STAIN LESS STEEL *** ATLAS HOTEL SUPPLY RESTAURA~T EQUIPMENT 4215 N. Williams Ave. Phone 288-6081 tf TELEVISION COLOR TV REPAIR ALSO RECONDITIONED SETS SOLD CROWN MART TV & APPLIANCES Sales - Service - Rental Presented by 30 29 S.E. DIVISION E. Side 235-1602 W. Side 223-6942 Training For Welding· Mach. Shop Auto Tune-up & Repair Diesel Mechanics & Operators Radio, TV & Electronics GI APPROVED TECHNICAL TRAINING SERV!C!: 1401 N. E. Alberta St. 284-1181 tf
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