Oregon Advance Times_1968-08-01

August 1, 1968 The Oreaon Advance/TIMES Page 4 Albina Road Runners Win Summer Meet At Gladstone Did you know that there exists in the N. E. section of Portland, a Track and Field Club that has been in exist– ence since the spring of I 965 called the Roadrunners? They have attended various track and field meets throughout the Northwest. still having their turn at suc– cess at the various track meets that are held at Gresham High School, Frank- lin High School, Centennial ,r . ,. ~. n The Roadrunners have had a great deal of success and still managed to have fun all the way from Seattle in the north to Eugene in the south. Some of the older lumi– naries have gone on to have continued success in college and in high school circles. Among these that have been heard from and will continue to be heard from include the likes of: Weldon Vance, John Mays, Don McPherson, Pat Walden, Ron Brown, Stan Wheeler, Jimmy Johnson, and Gary Bowles. The younger generation are High School and at Rex Put- nam High School. They are running at least three meets a week and are turning in some very outstanding per– formances. The Roadrunners are transported to the various meets by bus. The various bus stops are located: Mar– tin Luther King Elementary Center, Ruben Boise Ele– mentary Center, Buckman Elementary Center, and Jef– ferson High School. The bus leaves around S p.m. and the athletes arrive at the various meets within an hour. They perform in their various events and return at 8:30 p.m. The average Roadrunner is usually heavily laden with .;ee the Convention in Beautiful Zenith LIVING COLOR Why notget the best... COLOR TV'S LARGEST PICTURE, SLIMMED INTO BEAUTIFULLY COMPACT CABINETRY... NEW 1968 ® COLOR TV GIANT 23" RECTANGULAR DIAG. 295 sq. in. piclure The WEST • Y4519W Beautiful Contemporary.styled compact console in genuine oil finished Walnut veneers and select hardwood sol ids S" x 3" Twin-cone speaker. New Zenith VHF and UHF Concentric Tuning Conlrols. HANDCRAFTED $20 00 for unrivaled dependability pay only per mo. THE MOST EXCITING NEW FEATURE IN COLOR TV AFC Zenith Automatic Fine-tuning Control Zen11h ·s AF ( lune, color television p1 cture-pe rft•c1 JI lhe ili, k of a finger. Just flip the switch once and forget ,t--because it not only luncs the color picture- but keeps II tuned _as you change from channel to channel. And it even perfecls your fine-tuning on UHF channels-automatically. • Zenith High Performance Handcrafted Color TV Chassis • Exclusive Zenith Super Gold Video Guard Tuning System • Zenith Sunshine® Color TV Picture Tube ~ The quality goes in before the name goes on® WHITE-MANN co. 5001 N.E. UNION at ALBERTA Phone 288-5303 , f first-place ribbons indicating his placing and has had a heartily gratifying experience of competing against some of the best competition that ex– ists in this area. They have made many friends through the years and many keep these friendships for many years. Some of the results of the track and field meets held at Rex Pumam High School is as follows. In this meet several Road– runners would be classified as outstanding as they brought home three blue rib– bons indicating first place finishes, also lowering the record standards just set the previous week, These win– ners include Oscar Casey, Vincent Woods, Beverly Gay, Robert Shaw, and Ernestine Owens. 11-12 years - Oscar Casey, 1st, 100 yd, dash, 11.B 13-14 Vincent Woods, 1st, 100 yd. dash, 11.3 13-14 Robert Shaw, 1st, shot put, 34' 8" 10 & under - Ernestine Owens, 1st, SO yd. dasl), 7.2 10 & under - Bev Gay, 1st, 100 yd. dash, 13.4 Oscar Casey - 1st, 220 yd. dash, 25,3 Vincent Woods - 1st, 220 yd, dash, 27.8 Bev Gay - 1st, 220 yd, dash, 31.S Robert Shaw - 1st, high jump, 4' 8" Ernestine Owens - 1st, 100 yd dash, 14,l Other First Place Winners: 11-12 - Daryl Burnett, high jump, 3' 11" 11-12 - Mike Willie, high jump, 3' 11" 11-12 - Rudy Pierson, soft– ball throw, 128' 6" 10 & under - Billy Maxey, 100 yd. dash, 13.1 13-14 - Preston Owens, soft– ball throw, 223' 8" Other Roadrunners that did quite well as they are 8-9- year-olds runnin~ in the 10 and under class were: Craig Woods and Athron Wilson. Craig finished with seconds in the 100 yd. dash and long jump, plus a third in the high jump. Athron fied for second in the 100 yd. dash and third in the SO yd. dash. Some of the current mem– bers of the Roadrunners in– clude Oscar Casey, Alvon and Rudy Pierson, Kevin Scott, Mike and Edward Willis, Lee and Ernie Warren, Lamont Craig, Vincent Woods, Q. T. Beverly, Jutosha, Marina Gay, Robert Ester, David Shaw, James Whittlow, John, Stanley, \'elma, Alice and Al– bert Mays, Roy and Billy Maxey, Ath– ern Wilson, Kenny, Forrest, Roy, Larry, Anthony and El– roy Bell, LeRoy Hudson, Brenda Boatwright, Jeffery, Lamont and Debbie Walker, Jesse, Preston, Cheryl, Er– nestine and Ernest Owens, Daryl Burnette, Andre, Vic– tor and Bobby Barber, Ricky Eatmon, LaRoy, Toyannia, Debekk, Allen and Mike Horsley, Eric, Ricky and An– thony Branch, Keith and Lori Rice, Linda, Beverly, Debbie, Teresa and Howard Horn– buckle. ....---~- ., Ronnie Fair, Robert, Jodel and Ora Bailey, Brian Thomas, Wanda and Sandra Sloan, Joanne Simms, Dante Maddox, Larry Crawford, Jerry Hawkins, Burma Thomas, Roger and Tommy Batiste, Lewis Franklin, Lester Parkev, Weldon Vance, Howard and Bary Bowles, Clark Owens, Leon McKenzie, Joe Smith, Reba– curtis Reece, Andre and Lloyd Allen, Donnie McPherson, Ron Brown, Jim Johnson, Onia and Robert Bates, Marlin Lincoln, Willie Jean Craw– ford, Romona and Ruthie Eatmon, Pat Bates, Phillip Carter, Ronnie Davis, Wel– don Jordan, Stanley Wheeler, Robert Mosley, Gloria, An– thony and David Jackson. George Christian leaves Paper The Oregon Advance Times regrets to announce George Christian's termina– tion as salesman for the paper, We wish Mr. Christian success as he begins his new venture. <~l SHERIDAN FRUIT Co. \)·1- _ ~i' S.E. Union & Oak• 23S-93S 3 ~\, ii., : Delicious Golden Ears i CcO'R'N· 6•ars39~i ·--- ~---------------------------. : I' Mixed Melons'' Delicious Full of Flavor 1 s~ 5 • Crenshaws Honeydews Nectarines • •• Persians or I O ~ • •• Apples New Crop :i::~ Radishes 3 S • Transparent lb. 1 ~ • Gr. Onions bun : ;Hershey's 69c.,__Bo-rde-n's-------: : Instant 2 ~!. Mayonnaise qt. 49c : • "Al· L : : ice ove" Jams sNoM1sT • • Strawberry-Raspberry 12-oz. 39c TUNA 4 95~ . • - Blueberry jar 1st 4 FOR • • • 5 ~.!!."s~:LAMB 11. 67 ~ -~~.~~~~ !~~on 49 1 5 • • E~!!s,!TEAK u.98~ ~:MB "(HOP~\.67~5 Portland's Produce Center . ........ -... . . Ii The Secret of Saving If you find it difficult to put money aside, take heart. It's a problem for a lot of us. Most successful savers save regularly. The amount is not so important - regularity is what counts. Here at U.S. Bank we have an exclusive plan called SURE-SAVE that makes saving easy and systematic. You decide how much you want to put aside regu– larly each month and we do the rest. Manager Bob Brunmeier and his staff at our Lloyd Center Branch will be happy to show how SURE-SAVE can soon give you that comfortable, money-in-the-bank feeling. LLOYD CENTER BRANCH on the Multnomah level Phone: 228-6111 United States National Bank cf Oregan • Member FDIC